Bite of the Black Rose

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Bite of the Black Rose


Will of the council - Starting with you, each player votes for sickness or psychosis. If sickness gets more votes, creatures your opponents control get -2/-2 until end of turn. If psychosis gets more votes or the vote is tied, each opponent discards two cards.

Rocketman988 on Defile Me Daddy Rakdos

1 year ago

Hey 77hi77! I love the angle you are going for with the deck, the "playing like a demon" role. I really like the token subtheme, and it feels like you could lean into that even more to give you more breathing room to swing with Rakdos. With more emphasis on a token subtheme, you wouldn't set your board back as much when you swing with Rakdos for "revenge" when your besties turn on you. Instead of resource denial, he'd play as incentive for others to leave you alone OR ELSE. Flavor wise, the legion of tokens would represent your minions that are sacrificed to get what you want.

Burn Down the House, Dance with Devils, and Devils' Playground would fill out the devil token subtheme you have going on, and Asmodeus the Archfiend, Fiendish Duo, Mayhem Devil, and Sin Prodder add even more devil synergy that aligns with the deck goals.

Army of the Damned, Carrion, Curse of Opulence, Dreadfeast Demon, Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder, Wand of Orcus, and Infernal Genesis are all great token cards that fit the infernal theme. Baeloth Barrityl, Entertainer plus pump effects means permanent goaded enemy creatures and treasures for you to ramp with or sac to Rakdos as long as he's on the field. Speaking of pump, Arterial Alchemy can increase the power of your creatures, makes 4 permanents to sacrifice, and gives the deck even more draw power. Bloodthirsty Blade is a great demonic artifact to gift to problematic creatures. Black Market Connections gives you ramp, card draw, or tokens depending on what you need at the moment. Bite of the Black Rose is a super fun "choose your doom' flavor card. Head Games is a terrific demonic deal- while searching their library, see what deals they're willing to give you in order to get what they want. If they don't make a deal with you, they pay the price.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Rakdos's abilities are not targeted abilities, so Wyll's Reversal cannot copy Rakdos's sacrifice triggers. Likewise, you can copy Rakdos's on attack ability, but it will just make YOU sacrifice half your permanents again. Since Rakdos's ability does not target, so new targets cannot be selected for it; copying his abilities just does it again to the same person it would already affect. Additionally, Rakdos's abilities have separate triggers- one that triggers on your attack and one that triggers on dealing damage to an opponent. So you do have to deal damage to an opponent to copy the opponent sacrifice ability with Strionic Resonator or Lithoform Engine. That being said, Maze of Ith is an ability that goes on the stack when activated, so it can be responded to with cards like Bolt Bend, Not of this World, Deflecting Swat, etc. Maze of Ith and instant speed interaction usually targets too, so Lightning Greaves/Swiftfoot Boots help a lot with that too.

Meachman on Deals With the Devil

4 years ago

It's like some kind of distorted Kenrith deck. I love it.

Stormfist Crusader and the new Allure of the Unknown feel like a good fit in here.

Head Games is so much fun! I run it in my Kenrith deck. You can give an opponent an answer for a big threat or a hand full of lands. Really versatile.

Multiplayer-specific cards like Infernal Offering or "will of the council" cards like Tyrant's Choice, Bite of the Black Rose, and Coercive Portal could also be fun.

Mortlocke on EDH Deck based on Voting

4 years ago

GhostChieftain, Let me get this straight - you think Queen Marchesa (long may she reign) is a flavor fail? I think Bite of the Black Rose , Ballot Broker , and Capital Punishment have something to say. The Queen's court offers a choice even though the decision has already been made. I disagree with your assessment of Queen Marchesa (long may she reign).

Mortlocke on EDH Deck based on Voting

4 years ago

Queen of Curses ala Queen Marchesa (Long May She Reign) is a awesome commander who brings the Monarch mechanic into the deck. To accompany your previously mentioned subthemes you could utilize Curses - which are a typical sub-theme of the Queen 's. Since she is mardu, you can also include the previously mentioned Ballot Broker for your voting/politics cards. Speaking of which, if you choose the queen you will have 15 of the previously mentioned cards to choose from - mentioned below:

For wincons, you have some very exciting options in the form of Captive Audience , Generous Gift + Demonic Pact , and Approach of the Second Sun . And, if you were to ever be in a 1v1 scenario Overwhelming Splendor outright cripples your opponent's combat damage based strategies. So, what do you think?

griffstick on Looking for cards to fit …

4 years ago

The offering cycle that cmdr 14 gave us, Volcanic Offering , and Infernal Offering .

There's voting from conspiracy like Capital Punishment and Bite of the Black Rose

There the chain cards. Like Chain of Smog and Chain Lightning

Ravenrose on Mathas Damage Control

5 years ago

You clearly love politics and I have a few politics cards you might like. Bite of the Black Rose can poison your foes against one another. Cruel Entertainment will suddenly make allies out of people who have threatened to kill you. Tyrant's Choice gives them a choice between torture and death. You may also have use for Marchesa's Decree. If you have some time, would you review my Game of Marchesa deck, please?

I hope these suggestions have been of some use to you.

Raven Rose

Ravenrose on Marchesa, Queen of Ashes

5 years ago

Bite of the Black Rose, Tyrant's Choice and Cruel Entertainment would be fun additions to this deck. Act of Treason and Press into Service may also be of use to you. I hope these suggestions have helped.

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