Ajani's Welcome

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ajani's Welcome


Whenever a creature enters the battlefield under your control, you gain 1 life.

legendofa on burn deck help to refurbish

1 year ago

9-lives Okay, that's a good starting point.

First thing I want to mention is that if you describe a deck as competitive, there's a very strong connotation that it is capable of succeeding in a tournament setting. Think of it as shorthand for tournament-competitive. That's why people have been questioning that point, and if you've only used it against a few people, that's not going to fit the community definition. Competitive-casual isn't binary; it's a wide spectrum, but the "competitive" end of that spectrum is well-defined. Just to get everyone on the same page.

For actual deck suggestions, Wear / Tear is a reasonable sideboard option in addition to, or in place of, Rip Apart. Lifegain is a pretty hard counter to burn if you let it get established. I see Skullcrack and Roiling Vortex, so the next response to lifegain is to address the sources. Are your opponents gaining life from creatures, enchantments, or spells? Are they gaining big chunks of life, or steady streams? Remove the Ajani's Welcomes and Soul's Attendants or whatever and stop the life gain at the source.

Since you're committing to 60+ cards, you need to get to your key cards ASAP. Card draw becomes highly important. Would you consider turning this into a more combo-centric deck instead of leaning on burn as much?

shock7123 on Queens of the damned (Vampire Tribal)

1 year ago

I'll make a few suggestions here, trying to keep in mind your budget considerations.

Suggestions for reanimator:

Palace Siege - either lifegain or reanimator, depending on what you need when you play it.

Ravos, Soultender

Debtors' Knell - high mana value, but returns a creature from ANY graveyard to the battlefield directly.

Suggestions for lifegain:

Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose - Highly recommend, as he goes infinite with Exquisite Blood.

Marauding Blight-Priest - Like Vito, also goes infinite with Exquisite Blood.

Tymna the Weaver - Lifegain and card draw.

Ajani's Welcome - cheap, consistent lifegain for playing creatures.

Ivory Tower - cheap, consistent lifegain each turn for having cards in hand.

Also, random one that you may want to consider: Pyre of Heroes. It'll let you sacrifice one of your creatures to find another with mana value equal to the sacrificed creature's plus 1.

shock7123 on Queens of the damned (Vampire Tribal)

1 year ago

I'll make a few suggestions here, trying to keep in mind your budget considerations.

Suggestions for reanimator:

Palace Siege - either lifegain or reanimator, depending on what you need when you play it.

Ravos, Soultender

Debtors' Knell - high mana value, but returns a creature from ANY graveyard to the battlefield directly.

Suggestions for lifegain:

Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose - Highly recommend, as he goes infinite with Exquisite Blood.

Marauding Blight-Priest - Like Vito, also goes infinite with Exquisite Blood.

Tymna the Weaver - Lifegain and card draw.

Ajani's Welcome - cheap, consistent lifegain for playing creatures.

Ivory Tower - cheap, consistent lifegain each turn for having cards in hand.

Also, random one that you may want to consider: Pyre of Heroes. It'll let you sacrifice one of your creatures to find another with mana value equal to the sacrificed creature's plus 1.

CrunchyDragon on Blinky Bunny

1 year ago

I like it. I run a very similar deck with Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines as my commander.

I'd recommend adding Soul Warden, Soul's Attendant, and Ajani's Welcome. One of those with Felidar Guardian or a clone of it and/or Restoration Angel will result in an infinite lifegain combo.

Anointed Procession and/or Mondrak, Glory Dominus can make your token generation with Preston get out of hand extremely quickly, as well as increase the above lifegain combos.

Filigree Vector will let you add +1/+1 counters to permanents you control when it enters, so you could combo that with the 2/2 Samurai with double strike from The Eternal Wanderer to continually make your double strike creature bigger and bigger. Cathars' Crusade will also aid in making your creatures bigger.

legendofa on Gajir, Nacatl Warlord

1 year ago

This might be too much value. Maybe drop power and/or toughness to 4, and/or add to mana cost. Kalastria Healer, Wayward Servant, and even Impact Tremors hit all opponents, and Ajani's Welcome triggers off any creature. Being able to trigger them multiple times each turn for free, though, would be very punishing. Add on some free combat stuff, and this might be too much pressure for a four mana 5/5.

legendofa on lifelink 1-1 chains

2 years ago

Ajani's Welcome would be a very good addition.

I'm less sure of Panharmonicon. At four mana, you want to start moving toward your win condition. Run a few games with one or two and see how often it makes a difference when it comes out--if the game would have played out mostly the same with or without PHicon, if it didn't affect whether you won or lost, then it's not really helping. Panharmonicon is a very good card in the right deck, but this might not be it.

Basshunter on elesharmonicon

2 years ago

Hi dude, nice to see another panharmommycon here - i will use some of your ideas for sure..

check out my elesh norn: https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/elesh-norn-mommy-of-soulsisters/. I would appreciate some suggestions for my deck!

On your side, i would go with Soul Warden instead of Ajani's Welcome

You should def consider a Suture Priest, Radiant Fountain, Touch the Spirit Realm ?

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