
Jeskai Stoneblade is my Jeskai control deck adapted for a brave new Modern!

So, a few notable things: I started this template off my Jeskai control deck. I took out most things CMC 4 or greater and just swapped them in for Stoneblade pieces. I won't go over the core Jeskai cards (Bolts, Paths, Helixes, Forces, Visions, etc.) so I want to keep my analysis on new additions to the deck.

First off, obvious 4x Stoneforge Mystic: Nothing much to say here, the namesake of the deck requires a 4-of to hit your artifacts reliably. I only have 2 in the 60 and 4 in the 75, so if you can't tutor for them reliably, the odds of drawing them are slim, and hard casting a Batterskull is terrible.

4x Spell Queller: I think that this card warrants attention once more, as it used to see MB play in Jeskai/UW control back in 2016/17 Modern. I am not sure if 4x is the correct call, but I wanted to be able to have counters ready. I may go -1 Queller for +1 T3feri, due to the unique synergy between the two (Opponents can't cast their spells off Queller when T3f is out, so -3 T3f to bounce your Queller back gives you a counterspell and permanently exiles their card).

2x Batterskull, 1 main 1 SB: An obvious choice, arguably the strongest equipment in Modern. I am playing 2 in the 75, with one spare in the SB. Strong stabilizer against aggressive strategies.

1x Sword of Fire and Ice, main: Definitely the strongest sword of them all with very relevant protection abilities. I think playing it mainboard is a no brainer.

1x Sword of Feast and Famine, side: I am on the fence between this card and Light and Shadow as my go-to SB card. I like that Feast and Famine allows you to play both proactively and reactively at the same time(cast something Main 1, then untap and leave counter mana open). Also lets your SFM remain as a perm-blocker against Goyf.

For sideboard choices, I chose to prioritize mirror hate: I am running 2x Abrade to that effect. Plus, Abrade is an overall great card that hits a lot of relevant targets in Modern. Why worry about a Chalice on 1 turning off 12 cards in your deck when your hate is CMC 2?

I've kept in 1x D Sphere as an answer-all card. Plus, if Esper Stoneblade starts becoming a thing, it's good against the Spirits from Lingering Souls.

I've kept in 2 Izzet Staticaster as it is a personal favorite card of mine, offering great defense and people rarely expect it to come in twos. Also, important to remember that it does not have defender, so in a pinch it can be played, equipped, and attack on the same turn.

Vendilion Clique and Geist of Saint Traft are both great offensive cards that do wonders with swords.

Cards I considered but did not add: 1-2x Narset, Parter of Veils: Narset's strength came primarily from being able to slow down decks like Phoenix and Storm, who draw a ton of cards on any given turn. With Phoenix severely neutered, and possibly killed off, plus with the addition of +8 creature cards to the deck, Narset seemed like a poor choice to keep in, but at CMC 3 she is very strong. Definitely on the fence.

1-2x Search for Azcanta: Search for Azcanta is the UWx powerhouse card of Modern. It had seen diminished play over the last year as Phoenix and Hogaak demanded stronger graveyard hate, and being a graveyard-themed card, got caught in the crossfire. With the inevitable reduction in GY hate, Azcanta stands to make itself known in Modern once again. My same concerns with this card as with Narset prevented me from adding it back in, given that I have 8 less noncreature spells to get with it. Plus, in addition to being more suited as a long-term control card than a tempo card, it made me hesitant on it.

Mainboard wraths: This seems like an unorthodox move when it comes to Jeskai decks, but given the fact I am running 12 creatures MB, plus Batterskull, plus another 2 creatures in the side, mb wraths seemed like a poor choice. I have opted to retain 1x Verdict and 1x Settle the Wreckage in the side.

JTMS: This is probably my most controversial choice, but I felt that 2x Cryptic was more useful to the game plan than 2x JTMS. This is probably heresy considering the old Cawblade deck capitalized on Jace and SFM, but I think he may be just a bit too slow to see play in the deck, though I could be wrong.

This is my reasoning and analysis on my card selection so far. Naturally the SB is tailored to the meta, and we have no idea what that meta will be. Questions, comments, feedback always appreciated.


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Revision 7 See all

(4 years ago)

+1 Arid Mesa main
-1 Ceremonious Rejection side
+1 Fiery Islet main
-1 Glacial Fortress main
-1 Lightning Bolt main
+1 Opt main
+1 Plains main
-1 Scalding Tarn main
-1 Sunbaked Canyon main
+1 Wear / Tear side
Date added 4 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 5 Mythic Rares

34 - 5 Rares

7 - 4 Uncommons

6 - 1 Commons

Cards 61
Avg. CMC 2.08
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Emblem Teferi, Hero of Dominaria, Phyrexian Germ 0/0 B
Folders Modern Ideas
Ignored suggestions
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