I only went 3-3 :(
However, my matchups were absolutely horrible. We had 6 rounds:
R1: Naya Humans vs "Oreo of Destruction"
He came out strong game 1, blew right through me. I sided in extra board wipe and took out the tributes. I came through, winning games 2 and 3.
2-1 Me.
1-0 Record.
R2: Mono R Goblins vs. "Oreo of Destruction"
G1 he was completely mana screwed. Games 2 and 3, he showed the power of his deck, winning both with flying colors.
1-2 Him.
1-1 Record.
R3: R/G Jank Combo vs. "Oreo of Destruction"
I won games 1 and 3. He was playing a super jank combo deck using Splinterfright, Kessig Cagebreakers, Molten-Tail Masticore and Faithless Looting. I lost game 2 due to getting stuck at 5 mana.
2-1 Me.
2-1 Record.
R4: Cruel Mono U Control vs. Oreo of Destruction
This was my friend. He plays a deck with 20 Islands, 4 Vapor Snag, 4 Delver of Secrets
Flip, 4 Snapcaster Mage, 4 Think Twice, 2 Runechanter's Pike, 1 Talrand, Sky Summoner and 21 counter spells. I was done as soon as I heard the matchup called.
0-2 Him
2-2 Record.
R5: B/U Zombies vs. "Oreo of Destruction"
This is a horrible matchup and it showed. I lost the first game due to bad spells like Liliana of the Veil, Tribute to Hunger, and Day of Judgment. The second game, I was mana screwed, and drew 3 land all game, with 2 Sorin, Lord of Innistrad in hand.
0-2 Him.
2-3 Record.
R6: Mono W Equipment vs. "Oreo of Destruction"
This guy was a collector, and had a pretty ineffective white equipment deck. It ran Mask of Avacyn, Mikaeus, the Lunarch, Hero of Bladehold, Mirran Crusader, and the white ring. This was his first tournament in 2 years.
2-0 Me.
3-3 Record
Well, my deck kinda sucked. If they run a deck not based on creatures, I'm done. Thinking about choices like Blood Artist, Vault Skirge, and other non creature removal and aggro spells. Any suggestions are welcome.