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Standard WUB (Esper)



There are a lot of really good control / removal / discard spells in standard at the moment but combining the best with solid beaters and utility cards is the focus of this build. Trying to find the balance between control/discard/removal spells is the biggest issue as well as balancing the mana.

This is a esper version of Standard Hand Destruction. that I keep messing around with, I feel this is the better version.

The deck


Anguished Unmaking - this might not be necessary due to Aetherworks Marvel banning, but great against all the gods in the meta.

Fatal Push - yeah its great but I hardly can pull off the revolt ability hence why only 2.

Collective Brutality - the -2 / -2 is okay but many T2 creature have 3 toughness so this option is not chosen often

Grasp of Darkness - only 1 because it is and this is really a 4 color deck.

Cast Out - another great removal for gods but again might be switched out due to Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger not really being a problem now.

Yahenni's Expertise - solid board wipe with a nice bonus, but limits it to 1

Remorseless Punishment - interesting card with all the upside, at worst its a 5 mana sac 2 creatures/walkers but people hardly choose to sac the creatures since we make it so hard for them to cast them.


Censor - greater counter spell to throw people off tempo or draw cards late game, all around good stuff.

Negate - solid 2 drop counter spell, this works as our artifact/enchantment removal.

Failure / Comply - another great card to throw people off tempo, even more so with the second half.

Disallow - probably the best counter spell in standard right now but the has limited to only 2 copies

Spell Queller - counter spell with a body, great for targeted spells or to throw of opponents tempo. Only 2 though due to mana constriction.


Harsh Scrutiny - the only standard T1 discard spell, great to pick a creature out of opponents hand but this is really to T1 look at opponents hand. This is something that you want in your opening hand, knowing what your playing against takes away any guess work, to optimize what counter spells should be played, when to cycle, or if should play a sorcery or hold of to counter a threat. Can't stress how great this card is, also scry 1, yes please?

Collective Brutality - this is where this card really shines, forcing opponent to discard draw spells, land ramp, or removal is far better than -2 / -2 something.

Pick the Brain - I like this card because you choose anything opposed to Mind Rot even though it is 1 card less, you get to see hand and choose a card. Hardly can get the delirium to fire off so only have 2.

Remorseless Punishment - for 1 of the choices most of the time people discard 2 cards first then sac a creature or takes 5 so I feel this is where this card really shines.


This was tough because several great creatures that fit into this theme so I choose 1 oriented in control, 1 oriented in hand disruption, and 1 in in both, (Torrential Gearhulk)

Spell Queller - solid blocker and has flying, but the real meat is the countering spells.

Torrential Gearhulk - this guy is a solid beater with the cracked out snapcaster bonus. is a little rough but possible due to it's being a later game play, might add another.Update I added the other gearhulks and took out the Thought-Knot Seer. The wastes was messing up the flow and it's ability is not the groundbreaking to include another mana base just to cast this 1 card.


Hieroglyphic Illumination - great card that can be cycled early or used late game, 2 is plenty.


Hold out long enough to finish with a combination gearhulks and Remorseless Punishment, our only wincons in this deck.This deck is all about response, whether it is in the form of countering, removal, or hand disruption however the biggest challenge is knowing just when and what spells should be cast.

    **Possible Additions**

These are cards that just didn't make the cut, yet still are worth considering.

Reality Smasher - this would curve nicely into the gearhulk and fits in with the discard theme, sort of, yet having multiple waste requiring creatures tends to get tricky.

Gonti, Lord of Luxury - another great card yet didn't really fit well in the overall scheme of things plus the made it not a tough addition.

Whispers of Emrakul - there is a couple of T2 discard spells so more scrutiny goes into deciding the perfect choice. (Transgress the Mind and Lay Bare the Heart are some more). I never really can fire off the delirium to turn this into a Hymn to Tourach as well as the randomness of the card. However I have considered this randomness as a strong contender due to the possibility to have them discard land, the most import thing to play.

Suggestions and ideas welcome !


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 1 Mythic Rares

23 - 5 Rares

14 - 6 Uncommons

5 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.86
Tokens Clue
Folders discard
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