Faerie Dust is a Hard Drug v2.0

Modern TheGodofNight


UpsetYoMama says... #1

I'm playing Faeries as one of my decks right now. This looks pretty good, a few thoughts.

I'm actually running a higher percentage of basics. This is in part due to the fact that Blood Moon is prevalent and it's easier to get hated out otherwise. If they drop BM turn three and you've got only nonbasics it's almost guaranteed GG.

I don't like River of Tears because of its variance, but maybe that's just me. I'm actually running a few copies of Drowned Catacomb.

I kind of like Go for the Throat over Victim of Night, but I guess that's a call on how much affinity is in your meta. There's really only one guy who plays it consistently in mine. I run Hurkyl's Recall in the side to deal with him. It also helps with Tron and Lantern Control, although that's a fringe deck.

I'm running two Tectonic Edge because of the high prevalence of man lands right now.

June 30, 2015 11:39 p.m.

I think that Tron, both Gruul and Mono , could give you some issues. I'd look into some more land destruction ala Ghost Quarter and/or Tectonic Edge.

You may find that Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth will work better than Sunken Ruins. I'd also make a point to include at least one basic Swamp. Are you not running fetches and shocks because of the life loss from Bitterblossom? A play set of Polluted Delta could help with Blood Moon issues, regardless.

July 29, 2015 10:56 p.m.

ragincajun129 says... #3

I'm not sure 1 Cavern of Souls is enough to really matter.

September 15, 2015 9:52 p.m.

TheGodofNight says... #4

A ragincajun129

While I agree, the cost of Cavern of Souls is putting a damper on me getting a second or third one. I'm hoping that the cost will drop another $10 or so, and then I will pick up another copy or two.

September 15, 2015 11:21 p.m.

miampizza says... #5

Crap that's a solid deck.

September 19, 2015 12:53 p.m.

SenGeorge says... #6

It just needs 56 more Bitterblossoms!

September 23, 2015 2:13 p.m.

TheGodofNight says... #7

@ SenGeorge

If only, lol.

September 23, 2015 2:24 p.m.

SenGeorge says... #8

It is possible if you use Faerie Dust! :D

September 23, 2015 3:12 p.m.

Fleetwood-Mat says... #9

Hey check out my version: Fleet's Faeries, if you want some ideas on how you can make this more competitive. I find AEther Vial is perfect for it, and you might also consider a full playset of Scion of Oona as well as a playset of Phantasmal Image.

October 28, 2015 3:21 p.m.

Maringam says... #10

I've organized your desc w/ Accordions here:

1x Cavern of Souls - Naming "Faeries", good luck countering any of my faerie spells now.

4x Creeping Tar Pit - Sure it comes in tapped, but it is a 3/2 unblockable creature, so it can chump when I need it, or get in damage when I want to go in for the kill.

4x Darkslick Shores - An alternative to Watery Grave, I usually can get these down early enough to make them come in untapped, and they give me great mana fixing.

2x Island - The most powerful card ever printed.

4x Secluded Glen - Comes in untapped if I control a faerie, mostly likely, I have a faerie or Bitterblossom in hand, and yes, Bitterblossom works for this.

3x Mutavault - More manland action, and it gets bigger, or it helps enable other faeries. Either way, a win-win for me.

4x River of Tears - The least popular of my land choices. I personally think this is a beautiful card, and it has a lot of potential. On my turn, it gives me black mana for the spells I need it for, and on my opponent's turn, it's blue mana when I need to counter stuff.

1x Sunken Ruins - Specific land fixing when I need it. Honestly, this is one of the few cards I'm not thrilled with. It works, but sometimes it doesn't. That is an issue.

1x Tectonic Edge - Destroy those pesky manlands my opponent is using, or to get rid of their mana fixing.


4x Spellstutter Sprite - A flash-able counterspell that gives me a flying beater or blocker, depending on my needs.

3x Mistbind Clique - The faerie that cause gives me tricks and shenanigans. Lots of fun to bounce something to get a 4/4, only to remove it, get back the original faerie, and their trigger.

2x Scion of Oona - This makes my faerie token swarm more lethal and that much harder to deal with. Love this card.

2x Vendilion Clique - A 3/1 flyer with flash that also works like a thoughtseize too. I only see value here. It combos well with Mistbind Clique too.


1x Batterskull - A one of, not some much as a win con, but a recurring nuisance for my opponent, that also helps address the life loss of Bitterblossom.

4x Bitterblossom - The back bone of the deck. Landing one of these makes losing almost impossible. Landing multiples is just overkill.

1x Condescend - Counter and scry, yes please.

4x Cryptic Command - Counter and Draw. Counter and Bounce. Bounce and Draw. Just everything I need when I need it.

2x Disfigure - Early board threats are worm food.

1x Dismember - (Imagine this in Samuel L. Jackson's voice) "Regenerate this muthaf**ker!"

3x Inquisition of Kozilek - Removes low CMC threats.

2x Liliana of the Veil - Discard and creature removal. In the rare cases she lives long enough, complete board state manipulation.

2x Mana Leak - Counter, classic counter.

2x Remand - Counter and draw, what's not to love.

2x Thoughtseize - My only regret is that I don't have the original artwork for this card to suit the faerie theme. Hand disruption, what more does it need to do?

1x Victim of Night - Cheap removal suite to get rid of pesky things I wasn't able to counter. I know I could use Go for the Throat, but I have played affinity, and I know how annoying it can be if left unchecked, so no quarter for Affinity decks.

November 22, 2015 8:27 a.m.

Maringam says... #11

Srry for screwed up images... And Lack of code. DAMMIT.

November 22, 2015 8:35 a.m. Edited.

TheGodofNight says... #12

@ Maringam

Wow, thanks so much. That was very awesome of you! I will try to get that add to the description.

November 22, 2015 1:46 p.m.

What do you think about th Faeries list from GP Pittsburgh? I saw that it cut Scions for Snapcasters, which seems interesting.

November 24, 2015 2:04 p.m.

TheGodofNight says... #14


I haven't had a chance to take a look at the list yet. Too much going on to prep for the holiday. I'll take a look at it and I'll let you know what I think about it. Thanks for the head's up.

November 24, 2015 4:58 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #15

I'm surprised you aren't happy with Sunken Ruins. In my experience filter lands have been awesome.

How has River of Tears performed?

December 1, 2015 2:57 p.m.

TheGodofNight says... #16


Don't get me wrong, Sunken Ruins is a great card, but I've always been felt it to be a little lackluster at times. Truthfully, River of Tears has been amazing. My only serious concern with the deck is the lack of basic lands, but despite that, I've still managed to deal with anyone casting BloodMoon. I might try upping my count of Sunken Ruins and toying with the land base, but so far, I really have enjoyed how the deck has performed.

December 1, 2015 3:15 p.m.

CheeseBro says... #17

December 6, 2015 7:53 p.m.

TheGodofNight says... #18


Check the sideboard.

December 6, 2015 7:59 p.m.

CheeseBro says... #19

mainboard it

December 6, 2015 8:04 p.m.

@CheeseBro: Sower is bad MB.

December 6, 2015 8:05 p.m.

CheeseBro says... #21


December 6, 2015 8:06 p.m.

NuBByThuMB says... #22

This is an interesting build. Have you considered Sword of Feast and Famine over Batterskull? It comes down on turn five and gets you WAY more tempo. Your land package seems a bit iffy to me. Where are your Polluted Deltas and Watery Graves? Yes, I know the deck already does enough damage to itself via Thoughtseize and Bitterblossom, but ignoring better mana fixing simply isn't an option in modern. Sunken Ruins is kind of a joke, and there are some who swear by River of Tears but I've tried it, and it doesn't really get me going. Not sure if Cavern of Souls is super necessary in a format where Control is kind of in the back seat. And if you're worried about control decks, you should probably play more than one. Tasigur, the Golden Fang is pretty good, but have you considered Snapcaster Mage? Utility on that guy is WAY better. Have a look at my build and tell me what you think! Here's the link, because apparently trying to give you a clickable one based on deck name brings you to some casual build instead of my modern one. http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/04-08-15-faerie-mischief/

December 10, 2015 11:09 a.m.

jritrievi says... #23

Fairie Conclave?

December 11, 2015 9:42 p.m.

@NuBByThuMB: Just stepping in for the deck's owner here. Faeries doesn't actually need fetches or shocks at all. A fetch-shock manabase is more consistent, but the lifeloss is relevant, and the Faeries player base is split about 50/50 on the manabase issue. However, the thing that most players do agree on is 1-2 Sunken Ruins. I'm not sure why you dislike the card, because it's very good in this deck.

December 11, 2015 11:41 p.m.

TheGodofNight says... #25


Sower of Temptation would be a fantastic MB card if it had flash, as such, it is more of a sideboard card since it is more situational as it currently stands.


Programmer_112 hit the nail on the head. Fetches and shocks add to an already dangerously low life total with this deck. The mana base I am currently using has been very successful so far. If I notice a change in performance, I may try the shocks and fetches. As for Tasigur vs Snapcaster, well, I have played with Snapcaster in here before, but Tasigur gives me better results for my meta.

Thanks for all of the great suggestions and ideas so far.

December 12, 2015 12:14 p.m.

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