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Test of Endurance
At the beginning of your upkeep, if you have 50 or more life, you win the game.

TheoryCrafter on
Trump's Wet Dream
3 months ago
Since you have the Huatli, Sun's Heart/Tree of Redemption combo, have you considered any combination of Felidar Guardian, Angel of Destiny and Test of Endurance? It's always good to have an Alt-Win card in your deck in the event you can't defeat your opponents through combat. I hope this helps. Happy Hunting!
Local_Hethen on
Healing Therapy with Mr. Oloro
1 year ago
Azoth2099, I like the Necropotence and Ad Nauseam suggestions. I am not into easy wins with cards like Test of Endurance, and Felidar Sovereign, or similar mechanics.
Azoth2099 on
Healing Therapy with Mr. Oloro
1 year ago
Necropotence & Ad Nauseam love high life totals! Stuff like Approach of the Second Sun & Test of Endurance are interesting too. Cheers!
Gidgetimer on Upkeep triggers.
1 year ago
While the information that legendofa gave is true, it is also incomplete and leads to the wrong answer.
The triggers on both Test of Endurance and Epic Struggle contain intervening "if" clauses. Since you did not have 50 life or 20 creatures respectively at the beginning of the upkeep, the triggers will not trigger. If you did meet the trigger conditions at the beginning of the upkeep your opponents can even deal damage to you or remove a creature to prevent you winning the game, because the clauses are checked again upon resolution and the triggers will be removed and do nothing.
603.4. A triggered ability may read “When/Whenever/At [trigger event], if [condition], [effect].” When the trigger event occurs, the ability checks whether the stated condition is true. The ability triggers only if it is; otherwise it does nothing. If the ability triggers, it checks the stated condition again as it resolves. If the condition isn’t true at that time, the ability is removed from the stack and does nothing. Note that this mirrors the check for legal targets. This rule is referred to as the “intervening ‘if’ clause” rule. (The word “if” has only its normal English meaning anywhere else in the text of a card; this rule only applies to an “if” that immediately follows a trigger condition.)
proterran98 on Upkeep triggers.
1 year ago
I have 19 creatures in play. I have Court of Grace and Epic Struggle in play. It now becomes my turn, can I order the triggers so that I win with epic struggle?
If you have Oloro, Ageless Ascetic in the command zone and have Test of Endurance in play and 48 life can you win with test of endurance?
Gidgetimer on
Tymna / Ikra
1 year ago
First, I keep forgetting to mention that you are at 101 cards, so you will need to cut a card. On to the cards I wanted you to keep in mind...
Necropotence and Sensei's Divining Top interact favorably with Bolas's Citadel
Spike Feeder interacts favorably with Archangel of Thune
If you like Felidar Sovereign you may want to consider Test of Endurance
fluffyeel on
Leeching Cotton: Oloro's Couch
1 year ago
Some thoughts:
- Opposition Agent is a possibly and suitably oppressive card, particularly with tutoring and fetching running rampant. Great fun.
- Raffine's Tower is a fetchable tri-land, which is great early game for color correction.
- Imperial Seal has been reprinted, so it's an extra cheap tutor that might be handy.
- Counterbalance can be delightfully obnoxious, and while it's combo potential with Sensei's Divining Top, you do have Soothsaying as an alternate option. It's countermagic, but it's exceptionally repeatable. Also, in terms of countermagic- and control-like things, I'd say to go for things with benefits, like Commandeer, Desertion
, Vindicate (which I say is a must in those colors), Anguished Unmaking, Cyclonic Rift, Sunder, The Meathook Massacre...
- Dream Trawler might be pricey, but it's also very obnoxious to face. You could also think, in terms of creatures and creature-generation, about Sigil of the Empty Throne, Heliod, the Radiant Dawn Flip, Field of the Dead...
- Felidar Sovereign is another alternate win with fewer life required than the Test of Endurance, though Aetherflux Reservoir can be another fun way to ensure your life shoots sky-high and gives you ammo to destroy things. I'm also partial to Kokusho, the Evening Star in any black deck.
- A fun (but slow) way to swipe creatures is Athreos, Shroud-Veiled. Great fun, and it's fairly hard for opponents to deal with if it's not a creature.
nothingstar on
1 year ago
This is a good start, you have some really nice lifegain synergies going. It doesn't really seem like a card draw deck to me, though. It leans more towards the lifegain world of Aetherflux Reservoir than to the U/B world of card draw. There are a lot of black cards that exchange life for cards; if you want card draw, you should get a Graveborn Muse leave the Reservoir behind.
If you go the true lifegain route, you might add transmute effects for tutors, like Clutch of the Undercity or Dimir House Guard. And another good wincon could be Celestial Convergence + Solemnity. And Test of Endurance. Though those will require more counters/protection than you have right now.
I have learned from experience that strategies that ping your opponents for one or two life every turn get you killed very quickly, because they make you stand out even when you're doing very little. So things like Drana's Emissary are kinda dangerous.
In that same vein, Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose will draw hate. It's Sanguine Bond on a stick, and when people see half of the Sanguine Bond/Exquisite Blood combo, they shoot it immediately.
One final bit of overarching advice -- since this is a 3-color deck, I suggest staying away from cards that require a lot of one kind of mana. Particularly lots of black mana, like Underworld Dreams or Peer into the Abyss, since this deck is heavily U/W right now.
Okay, now some slightly more nitpicky things about card choices:
Since the Mages only seem to fetch mana rocks at this point, might you switch them out with myrs? Like Alloy Myr.
I'd replace Folio of Fancies with Temple Bell, personally, because I like having to spend less mana per draw.
Serra Avatar might be better than Celestial Force. But also I just really like Serra Avatar.
Again, this is quite good, just needs a bit of focusing towards the endgame. All the nitty-gritty of the mana curve and stuff you'll work out in playtesting, and what you have so far is workable.
Have (2) | PrismMTG , metalmagic |
Want (1) | pabloriv |