Architects of Will

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Architects of Will

Artifact Creature — Human Wizard

When this enters the battlefield, look at the top three cards of target player's library, then put them back in any order.

Cycling (, Discard this card: Draw a card.)

Andromedus on Progress and Poverty

1 year ago

wallisface Whether this deck ever places in any tournaments remains to be seen, but I'm not about to throw the concept out in favor of making just another scales or taxes deck. If I wanted to do that the copy/paste function would have saved me a lot of time.

I'll answer much of this when I get the description written on how to pilot it. To hit an easy one: Anointed Peacekeeper is a replacement effect, not an ETB trigger, so Hushbringer has no effect on it.

Regarding Hushbringer hitting only three decks in the meta, based off MTG Goldfish data this assertion simply isn't true. In addition to hitting Scam (Dauthi Voidwalker, Seasoned Pyromancer, Grief, Fury), Omnath (Endurance, Omnath, Locus of Creation, Fury, Solitude, Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines), and (both Jeskai and Azorius) Control (Solitude, Wall of Omens, Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines), it also hits Creativity (Archon of Cruelty), Hammertime (Kor Outfitter, Stoneforge Mystic), Temur Rhinos (Fury), Living End (Architects of Will, Grief, Subtlety), Mono-Green Tron (Wurmcoil Engine), Yawgmoth (Young Wolf, Blood Artist, Strangleroot Geist, Endurance, Geralf's Messenger), and Scales (Hangarback Walker, Zabaz, the Glimmerwasp, Arcbound Ravager).

So the decks that Hushbringer doesn't touch are Burn, Murktide, Underworld Breach, and Domain Zoo.

The top 15 decks represent exactly 80% of the meta (per MTG Goldfish), with the four above decks that Hushbringer doesn't touch representing 21.5% of the meta. So assuming Hushbringer has no impact on the missing 20% of the meta not represented by the top 15 decks (definitely untrue, Death and Taxes, Eldrazi Tron, Merfolk and Amulet Titan being four obvious examples that Hushbringer hoses just off the top of my head, but let's pretend) it still prevents something in 58.5% of meta competitive decks.

Granted it's not a great card against all of those decks, but it still disrupts something, while sitting on a 1/2 flying lifelink body.

Regarding those decks that Hushbringer's static ability doesn't impact at all, four quick points:

  1. She can be an excellent chump blocker or damage trader in a deck with 4x Giver of Runes when the opponent lacks trample, plus lifelink is naturally strong vs burn.
  2. Not all +1/+1 counters are created equal, you get a lot more mileage on a lifelink flyer than on most other creatures, especially if you're trading.
  3. Those four decks are generally hosed by other aspects of the deck (by design), i.e. Archon of Emeria hoses Murktide, as does much of the list, frankly. That's not to say it always beats Murktide, but it does hold its ground respectably (at least in my playtesting).
  4. Our sideboard is designed to help us most vs our weaker matchups, and since it's white it's a pretty solid toolkit. I do think the sideboard could probably be further improved.

In general, since we're trying to deny value and slow down the game, we're looking for mana dumps and value engines that help us grind ahead. The +1/+1 counter engines help us do that, and when placed on a lifelink or vigilance creature punch above their weight.

If you think it's a garbage deck concept then that's fair. I've playtested vs a handful of the top competitive archetypes with surprisingly good results, but it may be that despite my best efforts I'm just no good at piloting other decks. In any case I'll entertain feedback that helps it do what it's meant to do better, but I'm not looking to create just another deck that everyone's seen a million times except with a slight two-card tweak just so I can call it innovation. I hope that makes some sense.

When I get a description written up I hope to make things a bit clearer. Undoubtedly the deck isn't for everyone, and may not ever end up on a meta list. That's ok.

IKILLEVERYONE on Favorite non meta creature

4 years ago

How about Esperzoa and Architects of Will controll your opponents every move!!!

Balaam__ on Tour de France

4 years ago

Hm, good points. It’s funny I was just looking at Architects of Will a few minutes ago, and I’m inclined to agree. Since I can use a B to pay for it I think I’ll try to work it in. As for adding Blue to the deck, I’d rather not, just for simplicity’s sake. I’d have to recalibrate the manabase, worry about removing or switching too much other stuff around. I might do some tinkering here, thanks for the suggestions!

Valengeta on Tour de France

4 years ago

Well for starters, assuming you don't have problems with mana fixing because of your mana base, I would drop the landcycling creatures you have plus the Wurm for another copy of Horror of the Broken Lands and 2 copies of the Titanoth so you have a playset of both, and then add Architects of Will as it can be useful after you used Living End to control your enemy's draws for the next 3 turns, giving you a better chance to pull off uncontested attacks. Also, if you can use Blue on your non-budget version, Curator of Mysteries and Striped Riverwinder might also help you achieve victory

wallisface on Encroaching Robots (Insane drawing)

5 years ago

Some thoughts:

  • I think you should always be looking to run the full playset of Arcbound Ravager. I think you should be aiming to run 4 Blinkmoth Nexus as well (if your coloured spells are too numerous to handle that, you’re running too many coloured spells).

  • Chief Engineer is an interesting choice, maybe pair it with ways to cause some nice indirect damage. I’m thinking 2-of Throne of the God-Pharaoh to allow you to tap-down all your creatures and really punish the opponent. Such a playstyle would benefit from some Smuggler's Copter also.

  • Other creatures i think should be heavily considered include Etched Champion, Signal Pest, and Vault Skirge. The Champion offers resilience, where as the other 2 offer decent early damage.

  • I don’t think you should run Architects of Will, it’s too slow and doesn’t do what an affinity deck wants to be doing (winning quickly). I’d also ditch Ensoul Artifact as it’s likely just going to get a killspell in response, losing you 2 cards. It’s also kindof clumsy/slow.

  • Metallic Rebuke and Remand are both sideboard cards at best, you don’t want them at all as part of your game 1 plan.

Ascarmillion on Need help with a deck

5 years ago

Hey guys! i might buy a list of the following cards Thought Scour Growth Spiral Crumbling Necropolis Archaeomancer Architects of Will Augur of Bolas Gurmag Angler Merfolk Branchwalker Sea Gate Oracle

But i would like to know your opinion about the deck before i do buy them. if possible i would like to know which cards would work and which ones would not. Also suggeste me a couple cards to switch for the ones you think won't work :D

Im making a deck consisting around 4 colors thats a bit competitive but is also fun satisfying to play.

Link to the deck :

Thanks a lot!

Darth_Savage on U/W Tempo Featuring Living End

6 years ago

Architects of Will has cycling and a cool effect. I'd add Sram's Expertise since it's another way to cast the free spells and suited to your mana base. Hope this helps, good luck with your deck.

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