

Running Norin Sisters

Lots of fun synergy here, when some parts of things come together it really goes nuts...

The Soul Sisters: Soul Warden. Soul's Attendant, Suture Priest, key life gain/loss for the priest, also human tribal. Split into 3s to avoid blowouts against Surgical Extraction and similar cards

The Scared:Norin the Wary gets scared of anything, spells, attacking, but always comes back for great triggers. Enables just about everything in the deck

The Beatstick: Champion of the Parish decent at getting buffed and swinging hard. The human tribal sub-theme makes him a huge turn 1 threat

The Horde:Genesis Chamber goes great with Norin, the sisters and everything in this deck in general, be careful because it is symmetrical

The Trogdoresque: Impact Tremors and Purphoros, God of the Forge Burninating damage in off of entering the battlefield triggers. Purphoros is also quite handy at boosting the power of your attackers late game.

The Support Crew: Legion Loyalist so myr tokens on the other side can't block, first strike and trample aren't too bad either. as long as a spell hasn't been played Norin the Wary can help trigger battalion with him. also Mentor of the Meek is decent card draw as weenies will be coming in for a bit. Stave Off is tech for both protection and against opponents creatures which often gets overlooked. Stopping a buff, or making an enchantment fall off can be very useful, especially against infect which is a tough match up where they don't care about life.

The Removal Package: Lightning Bolt and Path to Exile are great removal for modern and a full complement can help stabilize

Still somewhat new to Modern, but posts or ideas would be welcome.


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Revision 14 See all

(4 years ago)

-3 Ajani's Pridemate main
+2 Blood Moon side
-2 Celestial Flare side
-1 Clifftop Retreat main
-3 Disenchant side
-2 Dismember side
-1 Genesis Chamber main
+2 Grafdigger's Cagefoil side
-1 Impact Tremors main
+4 Inspiring Vantage main
+2 Kor Firewalker side
+2 Leyline of Sanctity side
-1 Lightning Bolt main
-2 Mark of Asylum side
-2 Mentor of the Meek main
-2 Mountain main
-2 Pithing Needle side
-2 Plains main
+2 Ranger of Eos main
+2 Rest in Peacefoil side
and 28 other change(s)
Date added 9 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 1 Mythic Rares

28 - 10 Rares

10 - 4 Uncommons

11 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.47
Tokens Human Cleric 1/1 BW, Myr 1/1 C
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