The Queen's Egg

Commander / EDH Mortlocke

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Judge Promo Sliver Legion —July 3, 2019

Sliver Legion Judge Promo

Wizards really knows how to tug on a Sliver's purse strings, am I right? Any of you going to try and pick this up? I know I've got to have it.

The_Raven_Guy says... #1

Speaking of the new spoilers, what are your general thoughts on The First Sliver ? I know it will propably not replace the deck as the commander but people are talking about some Food Chain lists for The First Sliver . Would love to hear your thoughts.

June 3, 2019 7:31 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #2

Hey The_Raven_Guy, What're my thoughts on The First Sliver ? Well, it's an amazing addition to Slivers as a tribe, and adds a whole new dimension of deck construction by giving a viable cEDH Sliver commander. Specifically, this would be an excellent alternative food chain commander outside of Prossh, Skyraider of Kher and General Tazri . One particular list I'm a fan of is ShaperSavant's Food Chain Sliver cEDH build. I don't think it will ever overshadow Prossh , but it definitely outshines General Tazri as you aren't dependent on an outlet ( Kalastria Healer , Hagra Diabolist , or Halimar Excavator ) to win the game. With First you simply cast your whole deck and win with something...almost anything really. It offers more variety with your wincon selection.

Outside of cEDH, First is just plain fun. With a Sliver tribal deck (such as mine) you can simply flood the board with permanents, and turn a relatively bare battlefield on turn 5 to something that looks like you're on turn 9 or 10. In this deck, First took the slot of Dormant Sliver - who in my opinion is woefully underrated. Going from to isn't quite the best feeling...but in the long run I think is worth the sacrifice.

June 8, 2019 9:31 a.m.

The_Raven_Guy says... #3

Another quick question, what’s you take on Intruder Alarm ? See that you donðt love but i personally use it my list as a good accelerant once you get out a Crystalline Sliver and (now) Cloudshredder Sliver and one or two other slivers to basically tutor all the sliver and ccast them.


June 9, 2019 1:06 p.m.

degli says... #4

Hey LVL_666, what do u think about Smothering Tithe ? I love it in most of my decks that play White and in a pentacolor deck it could be a nice mana tool

June 11, 2019 9:15 a.m.

dhoby87 says... #5

Hey ya LVL_666 any thoughts on my deck list?

Slivering Hive

June 11, 2019 9:06 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #6

Sorry for taking a little while to respond all, i'll knock out all your questions in one post:

  • The_Raven_Guy "what’s your take on Intruder Alarm ?" - good question. My opinion on IA is that it's an excellent card, but with a massive drawback - your opponents can take advantage of it as well. That means you can only play that card when you know your are going to go off, you don't have the luxury of playing it at an earlier point and use it as a means of improving your board state. I prefer to be more shrewd in my dealings with my opponents, and I don't like to play cards that anyone could potentially take advantage of. IA is a good card, and definitely worth inclusion in any combo deck that can take advantage of it - but it doesn't afford you much flexibility in it's use.

  • degli, "what do u think about Smothering Tithe ?" - definitely an interesting card, and an excellent mana ramp source for mono-white, and decks that don't have access to mana dorks or green. Within the context of this deck, I wouldn't see much use for Smothering Tithe as it would be disadvantageous to be dependent on opponents to generate me mana - I want my mana at a moment's notice, and under my terms. Again, Smothering Tithe is a great card - but more useful in something that has more stax effects - with cards like Propaganda and No Mercy alongside it.

  • dhoby87, "Any thoughts on my deck list?" Give me a little bit of time and i'll leave you a well thought out post on your deck page. For now, i'll toss ya a +1 as a start.

June 12, 2019 8:49 p.m.

Daevied says... #7

Hi, i recently found your deck and i find it amazing the work you have put into it, am going to use it as a proyect for my next slivers deck. What would be the cards in the list that could be exchanged depending on my meta?

Btw, you can combo Hibernation Sliver , Lavabelly Sliver , and Morophon, the Boundless with any lifelink sliver .p

June 18, 2019 10:54 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #8

Hey Daevied, thanks for the compliment and i'm honored that you would use my deck as a basis for your own. I can't wait to see how your preferences and style will guide you toward your ideal vision of the Hive.

What would be the cards in the list that could be exchanged depending on my meta? - Daevied

Tough question. As for the cards that I would recommend are meta-flexible, well...i'll give a few ideas I guess.

  • Quick Sliver - Quick is meant to give you additional flexibility when you are playing at a table with alot of interaction. A player with an itch tap finger can be extremely annoying...especially when they see you in the lead, and leave up some of their mana before your turn begins. If you don't have that problem, then you could slot this one out. OR, if you have more than one annoying player you could slot this in for Root Sliver .
  • Sliver Overlord - If you have a meta that is cEDH - only, then well...this Sliver as a commander simply won't be able to compete in first place on a consistent basis. My deck as it is built can hang with some of those decks, but it was never intended to run ahead of the pack in that kind of meta. If you want to make a truly "Sliver themed" cEDH deck, then you need to pilot The First Sliver + Food Chain or maybe Sliver Queen Combo.
  • Lands - The most expensive part of this deck are the lands. Honestly, you don't need to have Original Duals and Fetches to have a consistent manabase. If you have a slightly more relaxed meta, you could opt for the Mirage Fetchlands. As for duals, you could snatch up the recently reprinted Shocklands. Utility lands like Gaea's Cradle can be swapped out basics (trust me, it's good to have them - especially when someone in your meta decides to run Blood Moon in a 5 color deck...jerk)

Btw, you can combo Hibernation Sliver , Lavabelly Sliver , and Morophon, the Boundless with any lifelink sliver .p - Daevied

I saw a different use for Lavabelly Sliver in the form of Sliver Queen + Lavabelly Sliver + Basal Sliver - Infinite ETBs = Infinite "Drain for 1" effects. Morophon 's aesthetic just didn't vibe with me, and I won't include it in any of my builds - but I do see the combo potential. Honestly, First Sliver's Chosen caught my eye, and i've been curious as to what I could do with it. Any thoughts? Oh, and thanks for commenting on my page, and thanks again for the compliments. Good luck in your build!

Chitinous Approval Ensues

June 19, 2019 3:09 p.m.

degli says... #9

Hi LVL_666, I'd like to test your list ( I think it's one of the best sliver build i've ever seen) but i need to make some budget related swaps. I think I will have to cut:

What alternatives do you suggest? I would also like to insert:

What do you think about these?

June 30, 2019 4:04 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #10

Hey degli,

Sorry for taking a bit to respond. Thanks for the words of praise, this deck is my favorite and i'm glad other folks have a positive opinion of the build. In terms of budget, I can definitely understand that some cards seem just pointlessly expensive. Here are some suggestions i'd offer for each of the previously mentioned cards:

Onward to the alternatives:

I think you have some great card choices there. Leave a link to your deck so I can give it some Chitinous Blessings. Thanks for commenting on the page!

June 30, 2019 9:47 p.m. Edited.

Mortlocke says... #11

Hey degli,

I should've price checked Mox Opal - that was a goof on my part. Just uh...ignore that suggestion.

June 30, 2019 9:53 p.m.

Nephs says... #12

LVL_666, degli a good alternative to Mana Drain imo, even though it's 5cmc, is Spell Swindle . Gives you mana, like Plasm Capture , but lets you choose when to use it.

July 1, 2019 1:50 a.m.

Nephs says... #13

Forgot to mention! I have recently replaced Sliver Overlord with The First Sliver as an alternative commander, and personally am loving it. It might not be quite as competitive, because you can't toolbox your way to victory, but it's just a lot more fun to me. My deck, I play a lot of Slivers, it's quite a bit less competitive than LVL_666's is, because my playgroup isn't as cutthroat(except for one of us who just gets ganged up on just about every game lol).

July 1, 2019 1:53 a.m.

degli says... #14

LVL_666, Nephs Thanks a lot for the suggestions! Actually I own a Mox Opal but do you think the list includes enough artifacts to justify the inclusion of this card?

LVL_666, as soon as I'll have some time to write down a list I will post it to you for your blessing ;D

Up to now I'm looking for some slots to run Teferi's Protection and maybe a Ravages of War (my meta is very rampy so I like to run Armageddon and Ravages of War where I can) but I'm not sure on what to cut for them

July 2, 2019 11:05 a.m.