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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Zodiac Dragon
Creature — Dragon
When Zodiac Dragon is put into your graveyard from the battlefield, you may return it to your hand.

Flooremoji on Weird rulings for individual cards
4 years ago
Zodiac Dragon: "Even though Zodiac Dragon is a Dragon, it doesn’t have flying."
CaptainToll on
In Flames - A Sense of Purphoros
4 years ago
Steven89 thanks a lot for your questions!:)
While Chaos Wand generally has underperformed it is a card I added for fun reasons even if it means hitting duds from now and then.
The ritual part is true for general style of play, but I want this deck to kind of play a little control oriented and therefore I want Purphoros out asap to really play a red way of "draw-go". If you look for my ramp you see, that quite the amount of permanent ramp is there.
On the value of rituals and wheels or permanent ramp and wheels I would say, that it depends on what you want to achieve. Permanent ramp and wheels go nicer for a long game while the rituals with wheels provide some explosiveness at the expanse of cardadvantage (which can be recovered through wheels).
Note if they were not out of budget I'd slam Zodiac Dragon and Wheel of Fortune. Zodiac for its recursion and Wheel because of refueling.
I try to lay low during the early and midgame and proceed to control with what little control red has to offer (I love reds way of control) until we can dish out an absolute alpha strike.
I'll admit: You have discovered the decks weakness. It can't take the whole game in one swoop and red has big troubles maintaining resources for a grind. Not saying it can't, BUT it has its disadvantages. If I were to try and solve this, I would add Bearer of the Heavens with Worldgorger Dragon or Blightsteel Colossus.
Caerwyn on Faelix, Draconic Warmage
5 years ago
I would drop the activated ability - this card is already doing quite a bit and you are running into a space issue. The discard triggered ability is already pretty good, and you already have one built-in enabler. You probably do not need a second one, particularly one that can only be used once per turn (barring untap shenanigans).
Cutting that activated ability is particularly important because you need to make room for the creature to have Flying. As it stands, only three Dragons do not have flying--two of those are also Wurms ( Elder Land Wurm and Henge Guardian ), so the lack of flying makes sense, leaving the third, Zodiac Dragon , a clear outlier.
bryanedds on
Double Dragon
6 years ago
Would be good to add Zodiac Dragon because it matches the thrust of this deck - cast shit over and over until someone kills you or it goes through.
Rabid_Wombat on Ultimate box toppers
6 years ago
DemonDragonJ too powerful for which format? UMA Sealed, Casual or Pauper?
Path to Exile is actually exactly what Pauper needs...Delver and Rainbow Tron Decks are dominating the scene right now and Path would really give the more fun decks (like Acid Trip) a way to step up and be more competitive.
Other cards I think that UMA needs to see reprinted at Common are Oubliette, Lotus Petal and fun cards like Riding the Dilu Horse - this would actually get me buying a booster or two...as it stands I'll stick to one or two singles.
Where Wizards really dropped the ball with UMA was not reprinting: Mox Opal, Imperial Seal, Grim Tutor, Zodiac Dragon, Ugin, the Spirit Dragon, Phyrexian Altar and Back to Basics.
That's what this set really needs to justify the absurd price tag of the booster boxes - a bunch of great cards (which are all overpriced) that players actually want that would also benefit multiple formats.
Spirits on
Kaalia, Mirror Breaker EDH
6 years ago
Tough to tell. A worst case I can see is that he replaces himself in my hand with a CMC < 4 card, So i haven't lost any card advantage. I get what your saying, I've wasted my Kaalia of the Vast swing for a 6/6 Flample at this point. If Kaalia of the Vast gets killed, it hasn't delivered any value. In my build 36 / 63 = 57.1% I'll only get 1 card as well. Using Hypergeometric probability, 24.9% I'll get 2 cards, 10.6% 3 cards, 4.5% 4 cards, 2.9% 5 or more. I can't tell if that is going to be worth the slot he's taking. If he draws me 3 cards (10.6%) I pay 3 life, I'm probably quite happy, because 2 cards are CMC >= 4 and 1 is CMC < 4. Need to see him in action a couple times, but worst-case I do not lose a card in hand advantage, gets me 1 card draw closer to that Iona, Shield of Emeria in my deck, and potentially he filters out some lands I would have top-decked (ew).
Trying to figure out his opportunity cost here, I already have Master of Cruelties and Iona, Shield of Emeria in my build, so those aren't options/opportunities. I can't see any other A/D/D that are on that level, I replaced Archangel Avacyn
Flip with Demonlord Belzenlok, but her CMC5 was challenging too, and it only made creatures indestructible, and on occasion would wipe out my Kaalia of the Vast with her flip ability.
To get a Master of Cruelties or Iona, Shield of Emeria that means I would need a Tutor to hand, Gamble? It is cast/gone and then it also forces a discard, so I go down net 1 card, which might actually be the card I tutored. Also with 0 cards in hand it's just an Entomb. Diabolic Tutor but that is CMC4, but maybe better, in general it is too high a CMC. Cruel Tutor for CMC3 does top of library only, but maybe? Beseech the Queen i've been thinking about for a while, but it is limited by the number of lands I have, so can't pull a Razaketh, the Foulblooded. There are CMC5 tutor with Cycling or Spell Mastery etc, none feel just right. Imperial Recruiter but there's no Power 2 creature that helps me out that much, tutor the Dark Confidant maybe would be his best option, or Grand Abolisher/Mother of Runes?
I've found I'm at critical mass of A/D/D where sometimes (occassionally), I do not have an A/D/D and Kaalia of the Vast sits without anything to resolve. For a while I've been thinking of increasing my A/D/D by another 1.
Some other creatures I'm considering are Angel of Sanctions small and doesn't permanently exile it, Archfiend of Depravity which is situational, Aurelia, the Warleader which doesn't trigger properly with Kaalia of the Vast, Bruna, the Fading Light which doesn't work with Kaalia of the Vast, Disciple of Bolas which is a different way to draw cards, but it requires a creature to sacrifice, Maralen of the Mornsong which by itself is a dead draw and not an A/D/D, only powerful with Stranglehold (High CMC), Silverblade Paladin who I miss, but he was cut to increase my A/D/D odds so Kaalia of the Vast wasn't sitting doing nothing, Steel Hellkite who since being in the deck since inception has done nothing except destroy 1 Mana Crypt and 1 Sol Ring for all his efforts, Zodiac Dragon which I can't afford, but even so, he's not trample or flying, so limited usefulness, if any.
What other opportunities are > Demonlord Belzenlok, that's the key question. Right now have to see how he goes. I'm ok if he pulls me 3 cards to my hand and gives me a 6/6 Flample. Maybe he pulls me a Tutor so I can pull Teferi's Protection and protect my Kaalia of the Vast long enough to play the Razaketh, the Foulblooded he also pulled to my hand? I know that's a best-case type scenario, but it could happen?
Let me know if you get him resolved and if he does work, or if he's just a big flop.
Epidilius on Looking for the Meanest Commander
7 years ago
So, my playgroup is pretty chill about proxies, as long as you follow our unspoken rules. They are:
The card is only expensive because it is from an old set or in standard (looking at you Portal 3 Kingdoms)
The card is expensive and you already own it (and aren't proxying a dozen)
You are playtesting a deck
You ordered the cards online and they haven't arrived yet (or you want to trade and can't find it)
We've all proxied cards before (all of us for playtesting reasons), and we all will in the future. One of us has a proxy Jace, the Mind Sculptor because he has two in decks, and wanted one in a third. One of the group has most of a deck proxied because he is testing it out. I am currently proxying cards in a deck while I wait for my order to arrive. Another guy has a proxied Zodiac Dragon because it's from PTK.
The issue is that one of us has started taking it to extremes. He's out of work right now, and taken that as license to go overboard here. He's doing all the swords, shit like Nether Void, both pricey Jaces, ABUR duals, and its getting on our nerves. We talked to him about it, he says he's just playtesting, so it's all good.
So, I want to beat him at his own game. I am looking to build the meanest, most soul crushing deck possible. I don't want to combo off turn 3 or 4. I want to drag the game out forever. I want to be able to win whenever I want, but choose not to. I want to say "No" to everything. I don't want anyone to have fun. I want us all to be so worn out, that we all agree to stop playing Magic.
Because I'll be "playtesting", price is not a factor.
I was thinking maybe a Mishra, Artificer Prodigy deck, but I would like some opinions on what to play here.