Sonic Assault

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sonic Assault


Tap target creature. Sonic Assault deals 2 damage to that creature's controller.

Jump-start (You may cast this card from your graveyard by discard a card in addition to paying its other costs. Then exile this card.)

Narric on How to kill a resolved …

2 years ago

Silver Bolt, Silent Dart, Springjaw Trap, and Scalding Cauldron are all 1mana artifacts that deal 3damage. Bolt and Cauldron have the lowest total mana requirements.

Hypothesizzle could also work, doubling as some card draw for later game.

Sonic Assault can also tap it down to allow a more aggressive turn if that final chip damage is what you need.

Bolo33 on Please Help - cheap deck …

5 years ago

Standard. Cheap?

That's hard to bear, for most. The thing I do to keep my decks cheap is avoid Shock Lands( Steam Vents and the like) and cards like Fabled Passage . I'm not denying their value, but are they really 10-20 times more valuable (in the game) than a card like Temple of Epiphany ? They both tap, and both give an add on.

Also, Sleeves exist, to protect cards. Cards can be bought cheaper when they are in a less-than-new condition. And foils are also a bit unnecessary, if your goal is to stay cheap.

Now for an actual idea. I was looking at the cards you liked at the top of this post. Pteramander and Crackling Drake are both big on instants, and getting Humongous as a result of them. Enigma Drake has already rotated, it is no longer standard legal. Two other red and blue cards that get Gargantuan as a result of instants/sorceries are Erratic Cyclops and Wee Dragonauts . Cards that help you cast such spells are Goblin Electromancer , and (sorta) Spellkeeper Weird . The instants/sorceries you want to cast with this can be damaging type, card advantage type, orcreature buff/debuff, or even the first two of these combined. (Counterspells are essential, too)

For Damage, Shock , Lava Coil and Electrodominance are good. Card-Drawing, Opt , Winged Words , and Chemister's Insight all draw and give card advantage. Infuriate , Sure Strike , and Sonic Assault both buff/debuff. Ral's Outburst both damages and gives card advantage. For a damaging deck, you may want Electrostatic Field . For a card-drawing deck, The Magic Mirror and Niv-Mizzet, Parun make a great combo. If you want to simply buff your creatures to victory, make sure to keep the pumping creatures.

Counterspells are essential, I find Quench is surprisingly useful. Ionize is great too, and everyone seems to love Mystical Dispute too, although it is pricey. Convolute is a cheaper (monetary-wise) thing to use.

I hope this helped you decide on cards!

thenewlollipopjam on Sevinne, the Chronoclasm Acid Flashback

5 years ago

Sonic Assault , Chandra, Pyromaster , Pariah's Shield are what I would definitely cut. Sonic because it's kinda packing for the format, Pyromaster because her first and second abilities can be done better by other cards. Pariah's Shield because it's high costed and pariah is so much cheaper. I might also switch champions helm for Lightning greaves.

TrueGamerDruid on

5 years ago

After some tests, the deck seems to have a horrible time limping about. There isn't enough going on and not enough answers to situations that arise.

Sonic Assault feels utterly pointless. At first glance it looked good...but when it's turned up in hand/graveyard a few times, I find myself despising it. So it's on the rack.

To replace it, I think I found just the thing: Heir of Falkenrath  Flip. It's on flavor for Vampires, not hard to cast and has a free discard effect for a slightly stronger flier. It tickles me ^-^

The problem now is finding adequate answers to situations. The biggest problem being big creatures I can't swing into in the beginning. I decided on two bigguns: Urge to Feed and Terminate . With Blue quickly fading from the deck, I'm deciding on leaving behind Radical Idea .

Nilantive on The Izzet Guild

6 years ago

Oh....OH. Yes. I knew that. I understood this. Yes. Uhhhhh.

Sonic Assault and Essence Backlash are pretty nice.

ForceGaia on Izzet trigger burn

6 years ago

All are very valid points. So if i lose the Wizard's Lightning and Wizard's Retort I'll have 8 slots to fill.

I have enough draw in Radical Idea and Risk Factor, so rather than Opt I'm thinking Disperse or your Sonic Assault idea. This is mainly because I'm thinking this deck will have issues with stompy. Disperse allows a bounce in their turn, and hold a counter for the recast, while sonic happens twice and allows me to inflict more damage. So ultimately i'm thinking 3xShock, 3xDisperse, 2xEssence Scatter//Negate. Sonic Assault can stay in the SB for now.

Demolish is only there as I forgot Smelt and Shatter existed - its was mainly my brain going "Erm, how do I deal with artifacts?" and not coming up with an optimal solution; but now Disperse can do that, for the amount of artifacts I'll probably see. As much as i'd like to destroy land in a multicoloured driven format, it's ultimately not going to do much, and Alpine Moon will only assist their fixing.

Honestly, i see what you mean about Adeliz, the Cinder Wind - he was mainly in there due to his keywords, the all-wizard-prowess was a bonus. However, I'd probably add another Electrostatic Field instead of another Niv-Mizzet, Parun; the idea of a second had already crossed my mind, but I'm not 100% sold on the idea of having a second one with his mana cost.

Natalbee on Izzet trigger burn

6 years ago

I'm thinking you might need some cheaper spells. If you have no Wizards on the field, all of your spells (save Radical Idea and Lightning Strike) cost 3CMC, which is the same cost as most of your creatures. You could probably include some cheaper cards like Opt and Shock.

I also don't think Wizard's Lightning and Wizard's Retort are necessary. They're cool with Wizards, but if you have a Goblin Electromancer on the field, it turns Lightning Strike and Ionize into better versions of those cards anyways.

If you're looking to destroy lands with Demolish, another option to consider is Alpine Moon. It shuts off utility lands while being low CMC.

I would replace Adeliz, the Cinder Wind with another Niv-Mizzet, Parun. That dude wins games on his own. Wee Dragonauts does a better job of pumping than Adeliz, and the other Wizards you have are fine on their own.

Erratic Cyclops probably won't do much but be a low-power blocker, where Electrostatic Field would be a better option (I think). And Sonic Assault is so annoying I love it.

Anyways, I'm probably wrong. But there you go.

Gawain451 on Wizards of the Coast v3.8

6 years ago

I don't think Unsummon is in standard anymore, is it?

I put in the Unexplained Disappearance and Time of Ice to give me another chance to counter a creature I couldn't counter before.

Sonic Assault is in there to slow attackers and burn them at the same time, what's not to like?

I do see your point about Cancel. I'll trade those for Sinister Sabotage. What was I thinking putting Cancel in instead?

Do you have any other card suggestions?

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