Postmortem Lunge

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Postmortem Lunge


( can be paid with either or 2 life.)

Return target creature card with converted mana cost X from your graveyard to the battlefield. It gains haste. Exile it at the beginning of the next end step.

JacobAGrossman on Glittering Company

1 year ago

Most definitely! That deck has already made a few major tournament showings again recently. The deck also uses Stoneforge Mystic, to grab Luxior, Giada's Gift, and Viridian Longbow. I'm sure there's a few more key two drops that benefit as well, besides just Devoted Druid and Vizier of Remedies. The deck also happens to run both Extraction Specialist and Postmortem Lunge, so Tyvar, Jubilant Brawler already slots right in! I'm excited to see that deck do as well as it possibly can :D

nbarry223 on Temporary graveyard return?

2 years ago

are standard reanimation effects like Persist / Goryo's Vengeance not what you are after, or do you want something more like Postmortem Lunge where you are interested in the leaving trigger? Persist could be "temporary" with a 1 toughness creature, since it would die to state-based actions.

You could try under advanced to search for keywords, but the above are some of the better options in modern.

Andramalech on Altar of Despair

2 years ago

Balaam__ now THIS is a mill deck! I'm so impressed with this and it's nuts!

The only thing I could recommend to make it even crazier would be to include Altar of the Brood and Heartless Summoning, potentially with a little Myr Retriever feature, but I don't want to stray too far from what you've got happening here. It's incredible!

Admittedly not in traditional mill colors, but solid 8/10 deck with all this wonderful help. Another thought I had was Postmortem Lunge, and it reminded me (kinda) of a deck I've built called MBD Zombie, maybe give it a look?

wallisface on Merry Christmas, Mrs. Emrakul

2 years ago

gameflips Going into red, the strongest thing I can think if is throwing Emrakul out with Through the Breach - though note this will probably mean having to play a full playset of Emrakul, so might break the bank balance. Ilharg, the Raze-Boar is also another option (though you’ll prolly want some way for it to have haste). These options all sound pretty expensive money-wise though.

If you’re sticking with the Elvish Piper strategy, I think Postmortem Lunge becomes a must, so you can do it at instant speed. I can’t think of how red can help with this strategy though… green is the colour if ramp, and green & white both excel at protection. Red doesn’t really have any protection options at all, and all it’s ramp is very bursty/short-lived. I’d say the best reason to add red would be for board-control, to restrict what you’re opponent’s doing. So stuff like Lightning Bolt & Lightning Helix could be worth your time if you were planning on playing the combo more “slowly & reliably”.

wallisface on Merry Christmas, Mrs. Emrakul

2 years ago

From your current list i’d suggest ditching:

  • both Godsire and Meglonoth. They’re not needed now that you have a bunch of ways to spam out Emrakul.

  • all of the Druid of the Anima. You have enough mana dorks and this one is quite slow.

  • i’d go down to 21 lands. Your curve is super low now, and you have a good number of dorks, so this should be an ideal number. From that 21, i’d suggest running some plains so you can cast Vizier. I’d also suggest running a single copy of Gavony Township, to help you if the game goes long.

That gives you 10 free card slots, which i’d suggest adding in the following:

JacobAGrossman on Glittering Company

3 years ago

Absolutely! It actually does exceedingly well. The decks usually function at a tournament level of consistency with 4 CoCos and 4 of another spell, albeit Finale of Devastation , Eldritch Evolution , Postmortem Lunge , or whatever it is. Even though it is riskier to add in 4 more spells with the wishes, it is still so worth it to have them in the deck. The Glittering Wish es are obviously core, and win the game whenever they come around. Sure, a Collected Company could hit a Wish and fizzle, but it could also do the same with any of my remaining lands, or the other 3 CoCos. You gotta spend money if you wanna make money!

Arthurshepard80 on Sedraxis covenant

3 years ago

Saccox DP87 Bello!! riuscire a comunicare senza usare Google translate non mi pare vero! Scambiare pareri così,riesce molto meglio.Comunque Saccox,mi hai fatto pensare anche a Hellspark Elemental e Hell's Thunder Una volta avevo un mazzo elementale con uno splash di nero: Postmortem Lunge

TriusMalarky on What Makes Phyrexian Mana More …

3 years ago

Two-brid mana is inherently balanced. It takes work and building around it to be able to pay instead of , but it also takes work to be able to pay . The two-brid cards available are pretty bad outside of mono color(and even then, it tends to be Spectral Procession in Modern and Beseech the Queen in EDH that are the only ones that see play) for that reason. However, if new cards were printed, there would be no real problem outside of some annoying people complaining about color pie breaks online.

For example, Lightning Bolt but twobrid. Giving ALL colors access to Lightning Strike isn't broken at all. Does it help decks like Tron or Monoblue who typically have problems removing creatures? Yep. But will it break any format? Most definitely not. Well, it will make Modern Burn and Pioneer Red Aggro lists a lot better in this specific case.

Compare this to . You are almost always paying life instead of the mana cost. You will only ever not pay life in very specific situations. In fact, if you pay mana for it when you have enough life, people question you. They wonder what the hell you are doing in your deck. Phyrexian mana is like having a multicolored Simian Spirit Guide in your hand at all times, except it costs 2 life. It's raw, unfettered mana advantage, which quickly and easily turns into advantage in the action economy.

Also, take a look at the banned Phyrexian mana cards. And the playable ones. Gitaxian Probe is Peek , which is basically unplayable. Mental Misstep would be unplayable if it cost instead of . Gut Shot , Postmortem Lunge , Mutagenic Growth , Dismember are all horrible if they didn't have the Phyrexian mana attached. It's the fact that they cost the generic cost only that makes them good. Dismember is a 1-mana spell, that costs a bit more later on if you have mana to spare but not the life. All the 1 mana Phyrexian Mana cards are actually zero mana.

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