Jhoira, Ageless Innovator
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Jhoira, Ageless Innovator

Legendary Creature — Human Artificer

: Put two ingenuity counters on Jhoira, Ageless Innovator, then you may put an artifact card with converted mana cost/mana value X or less from your hand onto the battlefield, where X is the number of ingenuity counters on Jhoira.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Aetherwing, Golden-Scale Flagship
Disruptor Wanderglyph
Battlewing Mystic
Stormkeld Prowler
Goldfury Strider
Salvaged Manaworker

DeathBySprnkles on Can I use jhoira, ageless …

4 months ago

If I use Jhoira, Ageless Innovator’s ability, would I be able to put an artifact land like Silverbluff Bridge out on the field? I have a feeling the answer is no because the artifact lands don’t have mana values.

CopperheadCA on Jhoira, Weatherlight Legends

1 year ago

Playtested 3 games against my deck. Glad to see you included my commander Minn, Wily Illusionist. Found everything very expensive. I would suggest adding some lower cost legendaries. All these 4/5/6 drops you have could be switched over for 2 drops, can play twice as many in one turn to activate your commanders effect more often.

Some quick suggestions from a quick MTG search:

Additionally, I'd suggest some cards that react more to all the card draw (even if they aren't legendaries):

Gilver on Tetsuo Rageblade

2 years ago

haydensmith423 Looks nice!

I would cut Bloodthirster. It doesn't untap Tetsuo and is a wasted slot for 6 mana imo. You already have enough extra combat cards. Jin-Gitaxias, Progress Tyrant is also too expensive, yes the payoff is great but you would be better off to run something like Propaganda for more protection from go-wide decks, after all, you are not running lots of creatures and are going to be open for attackers. I am also not sure about Kaldra Compleat, sounds good on paper but has an high equipment cost and 7 CMC. You could slot in Blackblade Reforged, which can make him real strong.

Chandra's Ignition is a must-have card, can finish off opponnents when tetsuo has infect or you can end up gaining lots of life if he has lifelink.

Also have a look at Kediss, Emberclaw Familiar. Why not hurt the whole table if you are at it?

Another crucial card you are missing in this deck is Hammer of Nazahn. Not only does tetsuo gain indestructibe, but you ignore equipment costs. It is a huuuge advantage.

You can also go infinite with Sword of Hearth and Home if you have Akki Battle Squad out, it is a great equipment and one of the cheaper "Sword of X and Y" cards.

Inevitable Betrayal is also one of those suspend casts which you can cast for "free". It is a fun card so definitely include it if you find the space. Imagine stealing a Blightsteel Colossus from someone or an Eldrazi.

I am also not sure if Sword of Truth and Justice is a good idea to run in this deck. The card gives you protection from red, which makes it unable to be equiped with cards like Embercleave. The payoff is decent, can make tetsuo pretty beefy in the long run.

Finally, Jhoira, Ageless Innovator and Pact Weapon are nice to haves in this deck. Cheat out equipment and cheat death. Also maybe cut Solemn Simulacrum and slot in Sword of the Animist. You are playing an equipment deck so why not go for an equipment for ramp instead.

You can check out my list if you feel like it, would appreciate your opinion! I went for cheap equipments and try to win through commander damage and/or infect. Not really that much different from your list. If you have questions, feel free to hit me up :D.


FatFreddiesCat on When can I use card:Errant, …

2 years ago

I have a deck based around Commander Jhoira, Ageless Innovator. When I put an artifact card into play using her ability, can Errant, Street Artist copy that play, since the card was not "cast", but "put from hand onto the battlefield"?

TypicalTimmy on Machine Learning

2 years ago

We have codeblocks you can use to make the theme even more on point. I'll show you what to copy and paste, in the codeblock itself.


[[Tawnos, Urza's Apprentice]]




%%notes: big mana

update_strategy:(tutor_for:([[Wand of Wonder]])); %%copy X times for huge value

-->if_FALSE, try:([[Gonti's Aether Heart]]) %%copy X times for huge value

-->if_FALSE, try:([[Lux Cannon]] or [[Grimoire of the Dead]])

-->if_FALSE, try:([[Prototype Portal]]) w/ ([[Rug of Smothering]]/[[Sharding Sphinx]]) %%copy X times for huge value


begin_lategame; %%notes: big mana control instants

update_strategy:((DRAW/GO), gameactions_all(instant_speed)); %%notes: intimidation/surprise factor, big mana w/ hasty commander

if(power_level=decrease): ([[Jhoira, Ageless Innovator]], zone(Command Zone));



Just copy the entire thing and pop it into your description. Then you can delete my comment so it isn't posted twice on your deck <3

FatFreddiesCat on Can card:chain stasis and Jhoira, …

2 years ago

If I have Jhoira, Ageless Innovator tapped on the field, I know that I can untap her with Chain Stasis. While Chain Stasis is resolving, can I tap Jhoira, Ageless Innovator and then pay the 2U to untap her again? Basically, how does the stack work here?