Attempt at discerning what I should play after standard rotates, although its hard because I have no idea what Khans of Tarkir holds in store.
The basic strategy of this deck is to remove my opponent's most important cards. Here are the Removal Spells
Thoughtseize: Cheapest way to get rid of my opponent's key cards early on. This card creates a lot of disruption.
Dissolve: Its an answer to anything at the moment of casting. Countermagic is always welcome in a control deck.
Hero's Downfall: Kills anything scary. Brimaz, King of Oreskos, Stormbreath Dragon, and Elspeth, Sun's Champion, just to name a few.
Anger of the Gods: Best sweeper after rotation, in my opinion. Kills all the mana dorks, all the tokens, and all the things that aren't Brimaz or Courser of Kruphix.
Lightning Strike: Cheap removal. Hits Xenagos, the Reveler, and those scary 4-toughness guys if I have a
Chandra, Pyromaster
There are lots of card advantage spells I'm using, all of which are questionable. Here are the Card Draw Spells
Read the Bones
: The loss of life is enough to make a difference in the game, but can dig up to 4 cards, which is awesome. Ensures that I have answers for the turn to follow.
Jace's Ingenuity: I kind of like this card, but I kind of don't. Its an instant, which is great. It refills your hand really nicely. It isn't very color intensive. However, I think 5 mana is a little too much. Maybe its just me.
Steam Augury: I think that in a control vs control matchup, the first person to either resolve an Elspeth, Sun's Champion or this card pretty much wins. 3 pretty good cards, or 2 really relevant cards. That is what this card offers.
I myself believe that I could be running too many 'Walkers and wincons for this deck to be able to function well. Anyway, here are the Other Spells
Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver: Post standard-rotation, this Planeswalker comes down first. It you ignore it, it will take your creatures or destroy your hand. Control decks should be afraid!
Chandra, Pyromaster
: Pseudo card-draw and dork removal. I like this card a lot.
Jace, the Living Guildpact: This is a test, but I think that Jace is a powerful Planeswalker in that he tries to find you answers or bounces stuff. Ultimate is crazy, too.
Liliana Vess: Another test, I enjoy how she can give you answers like Jace, and her +1 is almost relevant.
I appreciate advice. I don't know about this, guys. Will this deck be any good? Will green continue to crush everything? Are my ideas stupid?