Revoke Existence

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rules Q&A

Revoke Existence


Exile target artifact or enchantment.

TheoryCrafter on Liesa but Angels

4 months ago

If an Orzhov Angel Stompy deck is your objective I concur with multimedia's suggestions about ramp and draw. To add to ramp abilities, may I suggest adding Starnheim Aspirant? It will not only feed into Righteous Valkyrie, but get yer angels on the battlefield sooner. I also concur about the removal of Legion Angel. As a non singleton format, you can't keep extra cards in your sideboard unless they specifically state that you can have any number in your deck.

Speaking of wish cards, some players get salty about wishboards. You may want to find an alternate card for Sparring Regimen to switch in just in the event you have problems with someone and decide it's not worth the arguments. To make wishboard access a tad stronger may I suggest adding Mastermind's Acquisition to your deck? It will allow you to pull another lesson from outside the game or to search your library.

Considering your commander enables casting and, by extension etb triggers, and you have a lot of blink effects, you should consider having Seraph Sanctuary in your deck for the lifegain. And since you have a death trigger in your commander, Teysa Karlov could be a help throwing off counter spells that target triggered abilities.

I also noticed the inexpensive controlling aspects of your deck are largely inexpensive exile cards that benefit the target's controller. I see two options for you. The first is to replace those out. Revoke Existence and Soul Tithe are examples of options if yer interested. In fact, these would make make great additions to what you already have. The second is adding Divine Visitation. If you end up having to use those exile cards on your own stuff then you'll be able the turn them into angels. It also will also allow Halo Fountain to feed into the Enchantment. All of this of course will feed into Seraph Sanctuary.

Speaking of control, I would recommend having Angels that can do that job would help to solidify the tribal aspect of your Angel deck. This would include, but not be limited to Angel of Finality(for decks strong in graveyard interaction) and Metropolis Reformer(Gives you hexproof).Since you already have an angel with landfall in your deck, that would give you the opportunity to add another. Admonition Angel will allow you to exile more creatures.

Speaking of landfall, if you choose to add Divine Visitation, May I suggest adding Emeria Angel? These cards together would feed into Seraph Sanctuary. Also, if you wish to lean a bit more into landfall you should consider more cards you can sacrifice for basic lands. These include, but are not limited to, Esper Panorama, Fabled Passage and Obscura Storefront. These should help with landfall triggers and maybe free up a card somewhere else.

I understand this is a lot. Regardless of which direction you choose to take for this deck you are off to an awesome start. Thank you for reading me out and I hope this helps. Happy Hunting!

TheoryCrafter on Is Enchantment Destruction in Black …

6 months ago

There are cards such as Revoke Existence and Tear Asunder(without the kicker cost its a color shifted functional reprint) that exiles the enchantment for 2 mana. 3 mana to only destroy the enchantment and lose 2 life regardless of whether it leaves the battlefield in the process? On a black spell it sounds like a reasonable power level to me.

TheRoaringRegisaur on Ajani's Pride

8 months ago

Also, since it's a modern deck, I'd add some Soul Sisters (Soul Warden, Soul's Attendant). I also like Lunarch Veteran  Flip, but he's not as good. With all these Clerics/Angles, consider Righteous Valkyrie. Daxos, Blessed by the Sun is another worthy consideration. ... Instead of Revoke Existence, I really like Banishing Slash, even if you don't get the token from it. From the same set, Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire is a great land with good utility. Also, if you wanna drop Scoured Barrens/Blossoming Sands entirely, I'd look at Kabira Crossroads. And although it's not actually out yet, you'll want Essence Channeler from Bloomburrow.

BotaNickill on Timeless CoCo Angels

8 months ago

ApophisWrath, Thanks for checking out the build and for the interest. I have updated the list to reflect my current build on Arena. Looks like I added 2 Revoke Existence to the mainboard to help deal with The One Ring and stuff like that, along with two land destruction lands to help deal with Field of the Dead. Also took out one Skyclave Apparition and put one Ajani, Strength of the Pride in as a potential one sided board wipe. He can also help boost your life total to 27 to trigger the Righteous Valkyrie. As far as the shock counters go, I'm not totally sure what to do about that. I heard of a card the other day that prevents players from getting counters altogether, though I cannot seem to remember the name of the card at the moment. Might not even be on Arena, could be a Modern Card. I'll see if I can dig up the answer. Maybe Solemnity? Good luck with the deck though, I'd love to hear it if you have any Ideas on new cards for mainboard slots. I was thinking about Get Lost, and Final Showdown as potentials.

TheoryCrafter on Angel Idea for a Friend

1 year ago

Have you considered Revoke Existence? It's a great way to get around the indestructible.

Another card you may want to consider is Scroll of Avacyn for some card draw.

Lands you may want to consider for this deck are Kabira Crossroads, Sandstone Bridge and Scavenger Grounds.

Some other graveyard hate you can put into your deck are Calamity's Wake and Tormod's Crypt.

I hope this helps. Happy Hunting!

lhetrick13 on Sorin - Competitive Modern Vampires

2 years ago

Fushiii - Knights, vampires, have good taste my friend and by that I mean you literally play the same tribes I gravitated to. Hence, I really like the deck list. It has a similar feel to one of the two vampire decks I worked on. However, similar to your knight deck, you mention you are interested in shaving this deck down to 60 and the first thing I noticed is that you are running only 20 lands total in a deck of 68 and of those 20, only 6 have the ability to generate [w] mana, of which you have 14 cards that require mana. I have a feeling the 20 lands with a CMC of 2.3 feels tight often in the early game in terms of consistently getting enough mana every game and then I bet you consistently feel like you need mana. Have you considered making the deck mono ?

Almost all the spells you run that require are removal spells for either creatures, artifacts, or enchantments and usually excels in a price. For example, Feed the Swarm might be an replacement for Fracture or Revoke Existence. Phyrexian Arena might be a more consistent draw engine than Revitalize at the expense of losing life instead of gaining are running a lot of ways to gain life so using that as a resource is something you should not shy away from, especially considering your deck is built around removing your opponents board to pump your thirsty vampires!

A card you might consider that does work for my deck is Urge to Feed. At instant speed you can remove a creature on your opponents turn to pump your vampires, tap your vampire legions to pump them further, then swing on your turn. It is a potent card in the right circumstances.

Anyways, fun deck! Interested to see where you take it.

TheoryCrafter on

2 years ago

You have a pretty good start here. Among the monowhite creatures with infect you still need are Lost Leonin and Tine Shrike

One issue with decks relying on poison counters for the victory is cards which can prevent them including, but not limited to, Melira, Sylvok Outcast and Solemnity. These can be dealt with cards including, but not limited to, Invoke the Divine and Revoke Existence. Elish Norn should be enough to keep Melira off the battlefield. Leeches (which would also coordinate alright with Phyrexian Unlife) could do damage to an opponent if they already have poison counters and you're unable to remove those cards.

I'll be adding more later. Happy Hunting!

TheoryCrafter on Dominaria United Spoilers

2 years ago

Here's my take:

Glad to finally see an Alt win Card in a new color scheme. Ajani, Sleeper Agent should be a boon to anyone looking to a Selesnya infect deck. If built right Abzan Infect Storm with Hand of the Praetors could be a possibility.

While Karn, Living Legacy doesn't add anything new to Tron or animate noncreature artifacts, it should be a help in Karn Tribal decks. The first ability can either help cast Karn Liberated sooner or be a support for the constructs made by by Karn, Scion of Urza. Plus it's ult can get around the Karn, the Great Creator/Mycosynth Lattice combo. KLL's power may be in its subtlety, but there's more to it. And I can't figure it out.

I'm liking the enlist mechanic. It should mesh well with exalted and other abilities and mechanics that give creatures a bonus for attacking alone.

The read ahead mechanic on the new sagas is a brilliant idea. You can farm the lore counters with Power Conduit, move them onto non-saga cards like Mind Unbound or speed up other Sagas through Nesting Grounds.

No new slivers or thrulls. Disappointing, but not unexpected.

As happy as I am about Liliana making an appearance, why reprint Liliana of the Veil, but not Arvad the Cursed? I don't know, maybe I'm being ridiculous.

Shivan Devastator is the kind of card I'd like to put in a monored Dragon deck. Now if the price can only come down a lot.

Tear Asunder is a huge upgrade from Revoke Existence.

While playable in 1v1 games, Ramses, Assassin Lord's alternate win ability is meant for multi-player. Unless of course you build a deck where everyone loses and Ramses prevents that.

Overall, we got a good set.

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