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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Exile all creatures. Incubate X, where X is the number of creatures exiled this way. (Create an Incubator token with X +1/+ 1 counters on it and ": Transform this artifact." It transforms into a 0/0 Phyrexian artifact creature.)

Apollo_Paladin on BUG - Modular Historic - Arena build

4 months ago

Nice! Refreshing to see an arena deck out there that's not just someone netdecking & trying to pass it off as their own. +1 for originality

Personally, in such a creature-heavy build, I would put in some protection from boardwipes and/or heavy targeted destruction decks. I like Teferi's Protection for this, but Guardian of Faith is another decent choice. If you do add protection stuff, I would focus on "phase-out" protection over blink effects or things like Dawn's Truce, simply because Sunfall and Farewell are still popular threats in many decks and phasing out won't remove the counters you're building on each creature.

Felidar Retreat is another one that might benefit you, since it's passive creature counter generation and can also repopulate your board if you do get wiped. The vigilance also lets you be more aggressive with your attacks since you don't have to worry about giving up blockers.

In any case, nice to see more Arena players using this site. Feel free to add me if you want to playtest or even just discuss deckbuilding (Arena info is on my profile here)


Apollo_Paladin on Spirit Factory

10 months ago

One of the main weaknesses of any creature-based build is going to be Boardwipe effects. And, especially now that there are exile-based boardwipes floating around in the mainstream (your Sunfalls, your Farewells, etc), you can't even always rely on indestructible effects to get around this like one used to when boardwipes were all just "Destroy all".

That doesn't leave you a ton of options to get around this, but one I would look at for sure is a couple copies of Guardian of Faith. Phasing is the only way tokens can leave the battlefield and not just instantly poof, and he even shares Spirit synergy with the rest of your build. This makes him pretty much the only option for a deck like this to bypass a wipe.

Another one that could be fun here is Divine Visitation with all your token-generating effects, as well as Anointed Procession and/or Mondrak, Glory Dominus for some doubling effects.

Anyway +1 for some neat picks; I hope some of this helps, and good luck either way!

Apollo_Paladin on Wild and Unchained

1 year ago

If exile control is proving a consistent issue for you, Teferi's Protection might prove a better option than Unbreakable Formation since it will in fact save you from stuff like Sunfall and Farewell.

I used to run Unbreakable Formation in a number of different creature decks on Arena myself, but I've made the switch over to Teferi's given how common exile control is now. I so rarely actually played Unbreakable Formation on my own turn that its 'upside' of counters and Vigilance wasn't really relevant, usually preferring to just save it as a buffer against a wipe. Plus, Teferi's can even protect far more than just your creatures, leaving far less "outs" for an opponent to get you anyway.

You might also look at Get Lost from the newest Ixalan set as it's pretty clearly the best 2-mana removal of any color currently on Arena. I don't see the Ram Throughs being nearly as effective, so that would be a solid swap if you have a couple Rare wildcards.

In any case, +1 for some creative picks and for seeing another Arena player here on TappedOut. Feel free to add me on Arena if you ever want to test decks and/or discuss builds (Add Me: Apollo_Paladin#83413)

Either way good luck!

Epidilius on The art for sunfall is …

1 year ago

Basically the title. The art for Sunfall is low quality and blurry. Can it be replaced by something better?

Toodz111 on Official missing/incorrect card/token thread

1 year ago


I just made a commander deck with Sun-Blessed Guardian  Flip in it but it seems to have the incorrect card image of Sunfall. The backside and all the other stats seem to be correct though.

Have a wonderful day and thank you for keeping up with this website.

nuperokaso on Orzhov Sacrifice Clerics

1 year ago

Fasrielyn on The King Has Returned.

1 year ago

DareiJuxis, I completely agree about wipes. I was just curious which ones may synergize the best with Brimaz. Thank you for some of those recommendations. I put in Austere Command and Farewell on top of keeping Sunfall. I did think about putting in Basalt Monolith and Rings of Brighthearth to get infinite colorless mana in order to keep up with the amount of incubate tokens that are made.

I did add Greed like you recommended. The reason I kept things like Corrupted Conviction is the sac additional cost to the card in order to sac any phyrexian token I have to help trigger Brimaz. Would you recommend against that? Like an Ashnod's Altar in order to help pay for another to take its place?

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