Eager Cadet

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Eager Cadet

Creature — Human Soldier

Gidgetimer on Spectra Ward

5 months ago

I am going to add a scenario 6 and 7 and then answer all of them. I am also going to use an explanation for 3 and 4 that is different from 5-7 despite both reasons being valid explanations just in case there is still contention.

6 Light-Paws, Emperor's Voice on battlefield. Cast Spectra Ward targeting Lightpaws. Fetch Holy Strength and attach it to Lightpaws. What happens?

7 Light-Paws, Emperor's Voice enchanted with Spectra Ward and All That Glitters on battlefield. Cast Spirit Mantle targeting Eager Cadet. Fetch Holy Strength and attach it to Lightpaws. What happens?

  1. Can not cast spell because protection prevents Holy Strength from targeting.

  2. Can not cast spell because protection prevents Aura Finesse from targeting.

  3. Auras are attached at same time, so Spectra Ward's protection doesn't matter. And both auras stay attached.

  4. Auras are attached at same time, so Spectra Ward's protection doesn't matter. And both auras stay attached.

  5. Because the protection from Spectra Ward doesn't remove auras and you are not targeting, you are able to move both auras in that order and both stay attached.

  6. Because the protection from Spectra Ward doesn't remove auras and you are not targeting, you are able to attach Holy Strength and it stay attached.

  7. Because the protection from Spectra Ward doesn't remove auras and you are not targeting, you are able to attach Holy Strength and it stay attached.

legendofa on Spectra Ward

5 months ago

5.Same setup as #3. I have Eager Cadet enchanted with Spectra Ward, Glory Seeker enchanted with Holy Strength, and Bruna, Light of Alabaster. I attack with Bruna, and move only Spectra Ward onto her. Next turn, I attack with her again, and move Holy Strength onto her. What happens?

legendofa on Spectra Ward

5 months ago

How about some specific scenarios? From basic to advanced:

  1. I have Eager Cadet enchanted with Spectra Ward. I cast Holy Strength targeting Eager Cadet. What happens?

  2. I have Eager Cadet enchanted with Spectra Ward and Glory Seeker enchanted with Holy Strength. I cast Aura Finesse to move the Holy Strength to Eager Cadet. What happens?

  3. I have Eager Cadet enchanted with Spectra Ward, Glory Seeker enchanted with Holy Strength, and Bruna, Light of Alabaster. I attack with Bruna, and move Spectra Ward and Holy Strength onto her. What happens?

  4. Opponent casts Warp World. I reveal Eager Cadet, Spectra Ward, and Holy Strength. I put down the Eager Cadet, then put Spectra Ward and Holy Strength on it as Warp World resolves. What happens?

DemonDragonJ on Blocking a Creature with Double …

5 years ago

If a creature with double strike attacks (such as a Hearthfire Hobgoblin ) and a creature with lower power and toughness blocks it (such as an Eager Cadet ) and is destroyed by the first creature's first strike damage, will the attacking creature deal any damage to the defending player after it has dealt its first strike damage?

SynergyBuild on Ancestral Animar

5 years ago

Nah man, just sit there twiddling your thumbs, or go all in, dropping 1/1 after 1/1, knocking players out with the essence of Eager Cadet with all of the speed of maybe 5 Hornet Stings per turn if you cqn get past blockers.

Tyrant-Thanatos on Can 5 creatures be tapped …

5 years ago

Yes. As long as at least one white creature is used, you can cast Venerated Loxodon using entirely creatures. Said White creature doesn't even need to be mono-white. Progenitus would work just the same as an Eager Cadet would.

SynergyBuild on Why Every Commander is Competitive

5 years ago

Yes, the true terms for the control I specified are "Permission" and "Stax", the reason I separate them is because the point of this isn't to delve into the technical theory behind gameplay, instead I want to be able to build a base for any player trying to make a cEDH deck. I can build up a deck with extreme ease if I know three things:

  • The Colors of the deck (The Commander)

  • The Base to use (The Archetype)

  • The Win Condition (The Combo)

I can build up any commander deck using those 3 things in mind, and I built up plenty of examples for them. I went over cEDH staples because I wanted to show the type of cards you should be interested in, though there are tons more than I said.

You mention countermagic in combo decks, but I suggested that if you look at "So, How do I Build Combo?", so I don't think I ever disagreed there. I also wen't over beatdown in stax, it was in the "Pick a Win Condition!" strategy where I mention blood pod being a beatdown strategy. This isn't to say they don't run Karmic Guide/Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker/Felidar Guardian/Birthing Pod combo as a finisher separate to beatdown.

You say you run Eidolon of Blossoms in your Saffi Eriksdotter, which I assume means you can sac Saffi, then the Eidolon to draw a card, but then wouldn't you rather Elvish Visionary? Harmonize is actually a card I greatly suggest against for most people. Green decks are mostly creature-based strategies, and would rather a tutor like Summoner's Pact, Chord of Calling, Green Sun's Zenith, Worldly Tutor, Birthing Pod, or Sylvan Tutor or they would rather a better draw spell like Lead the Stampede. Harmonize rarely is useful in cEDH, it is simply too clunky.

Again, in this list I have made no claims of any card not being cEDH worthy or anything, there is a use for most cards in mtg, not all, Eager Cadet will have to sit this one out, but Eidolon of Blossoms could be in an enchantress deck, and I guess a dredge deck could use the Harmonize to great ability, I never claim a card can't work.

Okay, this next one is the hardest... Edric, Spymaster of Trest and aggro. Yes, it is a deck that wins by dealing combat damage, yes it is a creature based deck that wins... "fast." No, it isn't aggro. Here is my argument, the deck is an extra turns deck, that has a draw engine based on dealing combat damage. This means that it isn't an aggro deck for two reasons, The goal of the normal Edric, Spymaster of Trest deck isn't to win as fast as possible by setting your opponents' life totals to 0, it is a deck based around being able to draw enough cards in a turn to chain effectively infinite turns together, which wins through use of combat damage as a finisher.

I would claim it is a combo deck, no, it doesn't set up a combo like Time Vault + Voltaic Key + Storm Crow to win a game, but it does effectively the same thing, in the same way a storm deck isn't technically a combo deck, nothing it does goes infinite or does something that was an unintended side effect of two or more cards in conjunction, a storm deck simply uses a lot of cards that synergize well, yet they are considered combo because they play the game with a mindset based on winning as fast as possible (while being protected from interaction) without the use of normal creature swings or general burn.

If you were wondering, I will come back to this primer and revamp it, give me a week though, because I have been working on making a primer for all of EDH... and that will take time.

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