Spell Pierce

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Spell Pierce


Counter target noncreature spell unless its controller pays .

capwner on Evoke Flicker

5 days ago

Geist of St. Traft and Steel of the Godhead is gonna be a big +1 from me lol. I have to ask why only 1 Solitude though? Seems like your best card alongside nulldrifter, Solitude really provides the interaction needed to stabilize against many powerful creature strats, and it's pretty oppressive when you can blink repeatedly. I do like the choice of Momentary Blink for the flashback grind value. I think sideboard hate cards like Stony Silence and Rest in Peace could be appropriate opposed to Wispmare, Aether Channeler and the 4 Thassas which I don't really understand, I guess for the scry value? I'm also a fan of specific sideboard counterspells such as Flusterstormfoil, Consign to Memory, Test of Talents or even the humble Spell Pierce. All depends on your meta of course if you're playing kitchen table legacy with your friends these hate cards won't matter as much but if you're going to FNM they will!

NeoLegacy on Dread Naught

1 month ago

Forever evolving... So, decided to drop out the Spell Pierce for good old fashioned Counterspell. And I came across Doorkeeper Thrull and really liked what this guy can do, and give me another cheap flyer. Can it not only help get my Phyrexian Dreadnought and Eater of Days out without negative consequence. But helps keep other players creatures and artifacts from triggering abilities, and all at the same cost of Torpor Orb. Felt this was a win/win.

wallisface on Kamarupa’s Challenge

1 month ago

My thoughts as a rough draft

I feel like Bloodghast plays soo well as a wincon alongside Oboro that it felt like the direction to push in. Everything else is ensuring we get enough time to flood the board and create misery.

Cloudy2024 on The Antiques Roadshow

1 month ago

cool deck, well thought out , why not use newy unband Mox Opal to ramp? also Spell Pierce might be a good sideboard card. overall, i think this deck is heading in the right direction for a winner!

emask on

2 months ago

Big fan of Stubborn Denial, but also the other low costed specific counters like Spell Pierce and Dispel. That one mana can make the difference sometimes!

Balaam__ on BioProfDude

2 months ago

Thanks again for helping out on my first Pioneer deck. I wanted to ask a follow up question:

You had mentioned scrapping Lunarch Veteran  Flip in favor of maxing out Spell Queller and a couple other cards I already had. Looking things over, that makes sense to me but I have a concern. If I cut Lunarch I’ll only have Mausoleum Wanderer and Spell Pierce as one drops—do you think that’s alright? If this was Modern I’d feel leery about so few T1 plays, but I don’t know if that should/would carry over into Pioneer.

wallisface on Using Disrupting Shoal

6 months ago

Looking at this list, i’d suggest anything other than Disrupting Shoal. Cards with pitch costs like this, particularly in control decks, require you to have a bunch of card-advantage engines to offset you otherwise 2-for-1ing yourself. Without stuff like The One Ring or Memory Deluge to guarantee card-advantage over time, this card rusks blowing-you-out and letting the opponent overwhelm you.

More importantly, you’re playing at a pace whereby you’re in no rush to play free-spells or tap-out, so this play pattern seems counterintuitive to what the deck wants to do. Indeed, it seems like the deck is aiming to comfortably counter everything and win at its leisure.. you should be fine holding-off playing your finisher for a turn-or-two while you amass another land to also protect it (if you can’t, this is more indicative that the control deck is lacking the ability to control the game).

Personally i’d still be running Spell Snare or Spell Pierce over Shoal. But then, i’d also be making a bunch of other changes as far as fine-tuning this brew into something more competitive.

wallisface on Using Disrupting Shoal

6 months ago

Icbrgr seeing your brew might be useful here. I’m yet to be convinced this is a useful card, and would sooner just run Spell Snare or Spell Pierce. But without context of the deck you’re trying to fit this in, all these discussions are kindof mute.

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