Serendib Sorcerer

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Serendib Sorcerer

Creature — Human Wizard

: Target creature other than Serendib Sorcerer becomes 0/2 until end of turn.

CAS 3 / 0
Shadowmage Infiltrator feature for Arcane Doom

StopShot on What are the best defensive …

3 years ago

Recently I've been interested in putting creatures in my EDH decks that are solely dedicated to playing defense, blocking big creatures in combat. On gatherer its easy to type up "Defender" to find a large selection of creatures that do just that, but not every highly defensive creature has that keyword and I wanted to make a post sharing creature cards with great defensive capabilities in any color. (Preferably with cheap CMC's.)

Some great defensive creatures I've found are:

Beloved Chaplain , Commander Eesha , Crypt Sliver , Darksteel Myr , Dawn Elemental , Deepwood Ghoul , Degavolver , Dragon's Eye Savants , Dream Fighter , Everdawn Champion , Giant Ox , Mischievous Poltergeist , Mistmeadow Skulk , Mother of Runes , Phantom Nantuko , Predator Ooze , Seraph of the Sword , Serendib Sorcerer , Serene Master , Sorceress Queen .

Does anyone know some others I could add to this list?

I_TappedWrong on Mrs. steal yo gurl

4 years ago

made a few tweeks... Humble Defector seems like it could be some pretty nasty card draw. also added Serendib Sorcerer havent tested it out but it seems like a decent way to steel a big creature. Fabricate added as well

Phroggy1 on Mono-Blue Burn + Your Stuff is Mine

4 years ago

Peer Pressure seems pretty situational at best and pretty bad at worst. Umbral Mantle is a strict upgrade to help with your twiddle combo. unless you play against a lot of mono red Blue Elemental Blast is terrible, red being the worst color in the format that ele blast will whiff a lot i would run something more like these as budget replacements Overwhelming Denial or Narset's Reversal Foil Tale's End Spell Pierce <--- all decent budget counters, narset's reversal and tale's end have a lot of extra uses. Serendib Sorcerer seems ok, but not sure it fits with the rest of your theme. Chromeshell Crab seems a bit overcosted here for this effect and anyone that play against this deck will know in no time what that morph is as you only have 2 morph creatures in the deck and you would likely never play the alchemist face down.

K1ngMars on Adeliz Arcane adaptation

5 years ago

Where the hell are Naban, Dean of Iteration and Panharmonicon ?

Alongside Arcane Adaptation , I'd suggest also Xenograft for the same effect.

Lullmage Mentor is a must in a wizard deck, alongside Voidmage Prodigy for control purposes.

Izzet Chronarch , Salvager of Secrets and Archaeomancer rebuy your spells! Twice, with Panharmonicon and Naban !

Barrin, Master Wizard loves tokens, as you can sacrifice them to him and remove threats! Galecaster Colossus is maybe the strongest Wizard in tribal commander decks.

Beguiler of Wills loves of you have a high creature count.

Descendant of Soramaro almost lets you stack your deck on need.

Rayne, Academy Chancellor draws lots of cards.

Serendib Sorcerer saves you from tight spots and it's politic.

bj_bancroft on Substitute for Heidar (Budget Deck)

5 years ago

I am in the process of building a new mono-blue Commander deck (Given to Fly). The goal of the deck is to bounce creatures (primarily my opponents' creatures, but I can also bounce my own if it's beneficial), draw a bunch of cards, and win by a combination of slowly draining opponents with cards like Ebony Owl Netsuke and swinging against defenseless opponents with cards like Sturmgeist . I had initially intended for Heidar, Rimewind Master to be in the deck because of the cheap activated cost to bounce creatures, but as it turns out, snow-covered basic lands are expensive as hell and I don't have any. What would you recommend to replace him? I was thinking maybe something like Dominating Licid or Serendib Sorcerer , but maybe you all have better ideas. Thank you!!

WhichKing on Breya Thief

6 years ago

I think you're going to have to take a direction with the deck. It seems that your deck is being pulled in too many different directions. Big finishers (with your commander being one), discard enablers, discard payoffs... the balance depends on how you want to take your deck.

If you want to stick with Crosis, I'd recommend building a control-ish deck with him at the top end (or close to it) of your mana curve. Take out your specters and dragons. Run more low-to-the-ground utility drops like Baleful Strix, Serendib Sorcerer, Liliana's Specter, Nin, the Pain Artist, Nivix Guildmage, Notion Thief etc. Run cards that force discarding like Necrogen Mists, Creeping Dread, Painful Quandary etc. Go heavy on removal and draw spells. Alongside your commander, you can have some big spells as a way to end the game when they go long, like Torment of Hailfire, Exsanguinate, deathcloud. Unless the vast majority of your cards are CMC 4 or below, the deck will be very clunky imo.

iBleedPunk on Evra, Halcyon Witness turn 2 …

6 years ago

I can see it now, a player taps out to activate Evra's ability, opponent responds with Humble or activates Serendib Sorcerer ability lol

Scion_of_Darkness on Perdition of Grixis

6 years ago

I see. Serendib Sorcerer for the same effect might be useful to you.

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