Peacewalker Colossus

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Peacewalker Colossus

Artifact — Vehicle

: Another target Vehicle you control becomes an artifact creature until end of turn.

Crew 4 (Tap any number of other creatures you control with total power 4 or more: This Vehicle becomes an artifact creature until end of turn.)

Niko9 on Need ideas for mishra

1 year ago

Hmm, you could double up Wishclaw Talisman if there is combo win in your deck.

Or maybe use it to make copies of Myr Retriever and Junk Diver that will get sacced to constantly be recurring sac artifacts. I did a 60 card deck once that constantly recurred Aether Spellbomb and when the engine was going, it was brutal : )

Maybe vehicles too, to bypass their crew costs. You could use a copy of Peacewalker Colossus to power the other one. A copy of Smuggler's Buggy might also be fun. Or Necron Monolith which as a 4/4 could tap to crew the original...but that might be too janky maybe.

Snake_Oil on Masako EDH

1 year ago

I wouldn't have ever considered Masako as a vehicles commander -- Excellent work!

Mikaeus and the Dragonscale Genral are particularly inspired choices as well.

I'd maybe only recommend considering Peacewalker Colossus as an alternative means of crewing/more aggro if needed, and maybe Raiders' Karve for ramp, as it's inconsistent -- There's also Unlicensed Hearse and Nautiloid Ship but they're kind of on the expensive side in terms of real world card value.

As I say, just something to think about -- You'll figure out what you need as you play the deck and figure out it's strengths and weaknesses -- Keep up the good work!

Epicurus on Alela's Automotive Museum

2 years ago

All very fine suggestions to consider. I was thinking about Martial Coup, Valiant Endeavor, Slaughter the Strong and Retribution of the Meek. But I do appreciate the value of exiling over destroying in EDH.

Also, some of what I just listed would allow me to keep my own dudes. But once I have Peacewalker Colossus, Shorikai, or a number of other things (Bitterblossom, et al), I wouldn't really need any dudes anymore. In fact, Peacewalker and Parhelion II would take care of all my Vehicle needs by themselves. So maybe even Damnation/Wrath would be solid for the slightly lower costs and wider scope, or even Bontu's Last Reckoning to go as cheap as possible. Either way, I think 7-8 wipes total would be appropriate (or at least a good starting point for playtesting).

Yep. Sounds like a redesign.

SausageDictator on humbus

5 years ago

Dwarfy doink indeed.

I have basically all of these cards save for Peacewalker Colossus . Ask me for some and I'll trade with you.

carpecanum on Depala's Dwarves and Driving v2

5 years ago

My Depala deck is called "Can she see over the dashboard?"

Some cards i like using that may or may not fit your deck include Crackdown , Aerial Modification , Peacewalker Colossus , Citywide Bust and Braid of Fire . Braid of Fire gives Depala tons of free mana to use pulling out artifacts and dwarves.

I started with "dwarves in tanks" and have moved more to "dwarves in airplanes". I would drop a few of the smaller, non-flying vehicles, Jhoira's Familiar and Foundry Inspector . Your artifacts are already pretty cheap. Is the Sun Titan really helping?

Maybe replace Fumigate with March of Souls so you have some creatures to crew vehicles after the boardwipe.

One really amazing card in Hateflayer . You can tap him to crew a vehicle and untap him to rain withering hell on your opponents. If you have 9 mana you can untap him 3 times for the same vehicle if you want. He destroys indestructible creatures.

CaptSillva on Bears in Cars

5 years ago

A little surprised to not see any of these in the deck Consulate Dreadnought, Aethersphere Harvester, and Peacewalker Colossus. Especially the Peacewalker that thing is super good.

I also find it a bit odd that you're running with Grand Arbiter in such an artifact focused deck. I feel like Hanna, Ship's Navigator or Raff Capashen, Ship's Mage would make a bit more sense. You could even make a case for Lavinia of the Tenth since you seem to want to lock down your opponent with this deck and she could do that. Though her ability won't trigger while you have an orb effect out.

Other random cards you could consider art Ojutai's Command, Ensoul Artifact, Narset Transcendent, Wrath of God, Path to Exile, Ghostly Prison, Baird, Steward of Argive, Propaganda, and Windborn Muse.

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