Pain's Reward

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Pain's Reward


Each player may bid life. You start the bidding with a bid of any number. In turn order, each player may top the high bid. The bidding ends if the high bid stands. The high bidder loses life equal to the high bid and draws four cards.

tom.maxwellmans on Queza Grand Smotherer - On a Budget

2 months ago

If you are looking at getting a "good rate" of turning resources into cards you may want to start looking at ways of turning life into cards, since you have a lot of incidental life gain.

Enchantments like:

Greed Necrodominance Unfulfilled Desires Phyrexian Etchings Yawgmoth's Bargain Nihilistic Glee Lunar Convocation

Are repeatable ways to turn life into cards.

Cards like:

Cut of the Profits Eldritch Pact Peer into the Abyss Sanguimancy Pain's Reward

Will give you a big hit of cards for life.

NTakamura on Political burn/life loss deck help

6 months ago

I want build a deck around cards like Tyrant's Choice Pain's Reward Mob Verdict Choice of Damnations and Prisoner's Dilemma. Where player are given choice and can result in some life lost or damage. Are there more cards that give player choices and life loss can sometime be a result? I have not pick up am sticking with so suggestion anything that comes to mind.

Journeytodiscoverychannel on The Big Eleventy-One

1 year ago

Tainted Sigil and Children of Korlis make great with Pain's Reward If you have Rhox Faithmender out you could easily get to 111 life by just bidding the difference, between current life and 111, then gain double the amount you bid and draw 4 cards too.

amarthaler on EDH Rakdos Group Slug

2 years ago


Out: Drain Life and Fireball

In: Cut / Ribbons and Pain's Reward

Drain Life wasn't really doing much for me and, although Fireball is very nostalgic for me and the art is wonderful, wasn't strong enough. Cut/Ribbons will be nice removal for low CMC and later hit the table with life loss. Pain's Reward just looks super fun!

ThisIsMyAccount on 101% Mono Black Burn

2 years ago

Pain's Reward deck? lol

For real though, I think Cast Down not hitting legendary creatures is sort of a big deal because of Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer and Omnath, Locus of Creation seeing so much play. Maybe Bloodchief's Thirst, Murderous Rider, Profane Command, or Dismember fit the budget?

Then, I would say you want a more creature focused deck if you're playing Zulaport Cutthroat or to just drop that card for more spells like Smallpox or something. I think playing more creatures along with Warlock Class could be fun, though. You could throw in Ruthless Ripper, Vicious Conquistador, Spawn of Mayhem, and maybe even Reaper's Talisman to just be really aggro with the creatures.

Finally, I think Soot Imp and/or Killing Wave could work for the sideboard.

legendofa on Deck idea with Coveted Jewel

2 years ago

I don't know if this is quite what you're looking for, but there are cards like Illicit Auction, Custody Battle, Pain's Reward, and if you really want a minigame, Goblin Game.

reddeath68 on Everything Has a Price

3 years ago

zapyourtumor Some fantastic suggestions, especially Killing Wave. To go over the list.

Curse of the Cabal Feels to slow and with the prevalence of the cookbook deck, I see this as a blow out against me.

Temporal Extortion I had thought about it, but I was going budget. If I find some spare cash I could certainly see it in the deck.

Killing Wave fantastic and will likely become my go to unless I can get Choice of Damnations for cheap as that hits all permanents instead of just creatures.

Pain's Reward I had thought about it, but it feels like a potential blowout where the opponent could force me to bid too much for needed card draw.

Indulgent Tormentor 5 mana CMC and dies to bolt. That didn't feel right to me. If it was either a bit cheaper or had a higher toughness I would consider it.

Desecration Demon Maybe a possible include if the deck needs more creatures. Against a deck without creatures, or with very few creatures, it could be great. However those types of decks usually run either heavy removal, bounce, or something of the like. Also I kind of want the pressure to be on their life total more than the board state.

As for a legacy deck, my experience in legacy in minimal so I can't comment too much on the meta and whatnot, but it could be fun. Currently I am planning to test a different kind of jank there being Eight-and-a-Half-Tails with a enchantment called Earnest Fellowship to nullify most threats to my creatures and run Rune of Protection: White to protect myself. The deck will run Norn's Annex and Ghostly Prison to deal with creature decks.

zapyourtumor on Everything Has a Price

3 years ago

Curse of the Cabal

Temporal Extortion

Killing Wave

Pain's Reward

Indulgent Tormentor

Desecration Demon

You might want to consider making a legacy version, since it gives you a bunch of interesting options:

Breaking Point

Do or Die

Lava Blister

Blazing Salvo

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