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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
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Canadian Highlander | Legal |
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Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
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Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
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Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Rules Q&A
Extinction Event
Choose odd or even. Exile each creature with converted mana cost/mana value of the chosen value. (Zero is even.)

dnthymamai on
Yennett's Odd Army
8 months ago
Thanks a lot TheOfficialCreator for the good suggestions! I had thought of Soothsaying, but was afraid to include it. I thought using it would drain my mana, and it would not impact anything by itself alone. But yeah, maybe one or two mana, and not every turn, because of the other ways to scry, is probably worth it. Also, I LOVE that you suggested Extinction Event !!! DEFINITELY must make room for it! I was playing it on MtgArena in older days, can't believed I missed it! Thank you!!
Profet93 on
Black Sheep of the Sawyer Clan [$30 Voltron]
1 year ago
Syphon Mind - Draw 3, each opponent discards 1
Burnished Hart - Ramp. Fuels defile, blackblade reforged, etc...
Solemn Simulacrum - Unsure of price, but potentially a consideration.
Bubbling Muck - Super ramp
Dark Ritual - Ramp
Deliver Unto Evil - Recursion, especially important for artifacts which are hard to recur
Extinction Event - Sometimes things need to be gone, forever
Feed the Swarm - Few ways to remove enchantments
Hero's Downfall/Murderous Rider - Walker removal
Mutilate - Gets around indestructible too
Oubliette - Commander hate
Nevinyrral's Disk - Artifact + Enchantment removal
Nordlys on
1 year ago
Hi there, I have some suggestions to consider, but overall looks pretty good.
Regarding your curve:
You're running Bontu's Last Reckoning instead of Languish or Extinction Event or Yahenni's Expertise which seems to indicate that you want to keep your max mana curve as low as three. But then you have Never / Return which needs 4 mana, Castle Locthwain which means 4 lands in total (including itself) and Hive of the Eye Tyrant which needs 4 extra lands to activate, meaning you would need 5 total lands (including itself) in order to use it.
So your curve is actually maxed at 5. I know your deck doesn't strictly need the 5 lands to work because most of it is topped at 3, but I'd use Mutavault instead of Hive (and add more Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth to mitigate the colorless mana) in order to drop down that curve a bit and make the most of your man-lands. I don't know about you, but my matches are tight and I often need my lands to transform and attack, so Mutavault performs way better than Hive in my case. Hive is graveyard hate -which is always a good thing- but you've already have 4 copies of Go Blank and 2 Never / Return which seems enough for a mainboard.
Another curve related matter is the fact that if you're running 4-land spells and lands, you could perfectly include some Liliana, Waker of the Dead here. Probably not the full set, but I find her much more useful than Davriel, Rogue Shadowmage
Anyways those are my thoughts. You should play your deck as you prefer because, asides from winning, your deck should feel pleasant to you and that's an important aspect of playing and enjoying the game. Hope it helps.
YamishiTheWickedOne on
1 year ago
Your sideboard also looks about halfway right, there are some things you don't need like Drana and Condemned. I personally would add at least one extra Go Blank. Extinction Event might be a good add, as well as Necromentia. More hearses and maybe drop Invoke Despair to 1, lose Citadel for space.
I hope this helps!
Crow_Umbra on Salty Commanders!
2 years ago
Hi grumbledore, I know you have plenty on your plate from things we've all been reporting to you, but I wanted to bring a few more things to your attention:
Decks with Maybeboards that are from Archidekt seem to have the Maybeboard factored/calculated in as if they were a part of the 99 for that deck.
Aggravated Assault was listed as a Ramp card, and not an Aggro card.
I know you made an update to categorize more cards a couple days ago, but in addition to other Uncategorized I previously mentioned, the following also lack categories:
Baleful Strix - Draw, even if it is a Cantrip effect?
No Mercy Could be Removal and/or Stax.
Wall of Omens & Spirited Companion - Draw
The Pathway lands - Barkchannel Pathway Flip, etc
Extinction Event - Removal
Thalia, Heretic Cathar - Stax
Stonehorn Dignitary - Stax or counter, especially in the context of a Blink or reanimation deck, since it blanks a combat
droslag on
Sultai Big Stuff
2 years ago
Yes I think Extinction Event is the strongest boardwipe in the format considering how well it does against mono green. Exiling is super relevant and if you can exile their stuff and preserve your stuff its a game winner. I bard it in verse gruul boats, mono green and rakdos midrange
droslag on
Sultai Big Stuff
2 years ago
You're probably fine then, how do you usually do against aggro? I think you either main 4 thoughtseize or dont at all, but thats just me, like the 4th in the side seems like a waste. Extinction Event is very strong against mono green and really good vs rakdos. another good side card isUnlicensed Hearse , its good against greasefang and kroxa. you could probably safely swap your soul guide lantern and grafdiggers cage for 2 unlicenced hearse, its just the best grave hate card because it can also become a threat
Have (1) | metalmagic |
Want (2) | Jumping_Jordan , TechNoble |