Dark Privilege

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Dark Privilege

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant creature

Enchanted creature gets +1/+1.

Sacrifice a creature: Regenerate enchanted creature.

legendofa on Why is Black Now Allowed …

1 year ago

DemonDragonJ What would you accept as a reason? Why do you think this decision was made? Do you believe this change has made the game worse?

Those questions aren't supposed to be aggressive or hostile; they're genuine questions to be taken at face value. (Taking the elcor approach: neutral, curious.)

It seems like you don't like or want this change. Mechanically, I don't see it as being much different from sacrificing a creature with a downside. Pulling out a Dark Privilege to escape the effects of a harmful Harbinger of Night has been valid for a long time. The flavor's a little.odd, but as long as black is getting the ability to interact with enchantments, it makes sense that it can interact with its own as well.

Also, this has been going on for all of one set. While it is kind of a lot of new cards with this effect, it's taking place in a set with a theme of creating and destroying Auras, and it's not unreasonable to expect the tide to settle down after Wilds of Eldraine.

Gilver on A Miserable Little Pile Of Tokens!

2 years ago


Thank your for your feedback! I am a huge Castlevania fan myself so I HAD TO make this reference, and yes SotN is a masterpiece!

Reconnaissance has served me very well during the games I drew it, the card really does feel like cheating! Dark Privilege is great to protect my Vampire Lords, however, I would rather protect the whole board, I feel like I already have enough protection spells in my deck. It is definitely a nice card and I might slot it in my Meren of Clan Nel Toth Deck, can serve as a sac outlet and protect the commander.

Speaking of decks, I had a look at your Yawgmoth, Thran Physician Deck and tested it out myself, works really well and love the flavor of it!

Lethal Scheme is interesting, spot removal and card draw in one card for potentially only 2 mana. If I ever feel like adding more spot removals, I am definitely gonna consider slotting this card so thanks for showing me. :D

KBK7101 on A Miserable Little Pile Of Tokens!

2 years ago

How can I not upvote this deck with a title like this? Love Symphony of the Night!

I second the addition of Reconnaissance. It's super good. Also, a gem from my Sengir/Kediss partner deck, Dark Privilege is great protection for decks with lots of tokens. Also also, possibly Lethal Scheme for more removal? It's convoke ability is really strong with tokens and you can draw/discard for each creature that convoked it.

Finally, I feel like obligated to say... but enough talk, have at you!

KBK7101 on Sengir and Kediss - Dark Privilege (v1.6)

2 years ago

dlombart - Sadly, I haven't had as much time recently to play as much as I'd like, so the deck has only seen a game or two but it has seen LOTS of solitaire/goldfishing/playtesting. The deck ran extremely well (even in a loss) in the last game it actually saw which is detailed in the Games Played tab in the description. It should be mentioned, however, that my "meta" just consists of the decks I have on here that my brothers and I pit against each other. I think my decks are relatively light on removal when compared most other commander decks these days, so protection for Sengir is probably priority number one when building your own deck. Lightning Greaves and Swiftfoot Boots are the most obvious choices. Blessing of Leeches, Consecrated by Blood, Skeletal Grimace, Soul Channeling and Molting Snakeskin are some more auras similar to Dark Privilege that might be worth checking out.

dlombart on Sengir and Kediss - Dark Privilege (v1.6)

2 years ago

That's always the hardest part: cutting cards :)

How's your experience been, playing Sengir? I'm really leaning into putting in a lot of protection cards (preferably regenerating cards, Dark Privilege what a gem!), because the strategy is pretty straight forward, and having a lot of removal in your commander deck is a thing now :) But, it comes at the cost of cutting cards and losing consistency.

Gadianten on Abdel the Worldgorger

2 years ago

You have tutor spells pretty well covered, but if you wanted to slip in another that can be abused by your commander consider Heliod's Pilgrim as it is able to tutor missing pieces of the combo.

If you do add Pilgrim you might also try Dark Privilege as a sacrifice outlet you can tutor for if you already have the other part of the combo and as a bonus it fits the cultist background flavor well.

multimedia on commander horde

3 years ago

Hey, you're welcome.

Some advice for the first thing to consider changing is adding a few more lands since 32 is low amount. Try adding two utility lands and 1x more Swamp for 35 lands?

  • High Market: sac outlet.
  • Tyrite Sanctum: repeatable way to make Wilhelt bigger by putting +1/+1 counter on him. After it's put a counter on Wilhelt it can be saced later to make Wilthelt indestructible.

To add three more lands consider cutting a few of the lesser nonZombie cards such as Mind Rot, Hideous End and Weave Fate?

Some budget Zombie upgrades to consider:

Some budget nonZombie upgrades to consider:

Undead Augur, Dreadhorde Invasion, Fleshbag Marauder are in the precon.

Death Tyrant has a powerful repeatable effect with Wilhelt and decayed. Any creature you control that attacked and dies while in combat you create a 2/2 Zombie. When decayed Zombies attack they're saced at the end of combat step. At the end of combat step decayed Zombies are still attacking therefore with Tyrant when they're saced you create a 2/2 Zombie for each one.

With Wilhelt and a sac outlet such as Carrion Feeder you attack with your Zombies and then sac them in combat to create 2/2 Zombies and decayed 2/2 Zombies from Wilhelt. On your next turn you attack with all the 2/2 Zombies and decayed Zombies and while in combat sac them again to make 2/2 Zombies and decayed 2/2 Zombies. Death Tyrant lets you repeatedly recycle all attacking decayed Zombies into 2/2 Zombies that don't have decayed. This recycling results in a lot of die triggers which Zombies can take real advantage of with many different die effects.

Hope this helps and if you have any questions about these card suggestions, ask here.

multimedia on Budget Olivia

3 years ago

Hey, this is a really good start for could be less than $50, but you did forget Sol Ring.

Anje Falkenrath is a nice budget legendary Vampire for repeatable loot to help to setup Olivia. Consider more sac outlets? Goblin Bombardment and High Market are excellent and Undercity Informer is fine. Consistently you really want a sac outlet to protect creatures you reanimate with Olivia from being exiled.

Falkenrath Aristocrat is a creature who Olivia can reanimate and since it has flying that helps it to survive combat since it enters attacking. Dark Privilege is a budget old/rarely seen card, but can be powerful when enchanted to Olivia. Repeatable regeneration can protect Olivia from combat damage letting her more freely attack to trigger. The creature Olivia reanimated can be fodder to sac to regenerate her which is helpful when you're reanimating a creature who has an ETB effect such as Vile Entomber. Viscera Seer is a one drop sac outlet that gives you some library manipulation to help draws.

Anje and the sac outlets are support cards and I think you can afford to cut a few high CMC creatures who have redundant effects to add them. You have many ways to tutor directly for a creature of your choice and put it into your graveyard which gives you leeway to play mostly the better creatures here to reanimate.

Some cuts to consider:

Good luck with your deck.

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