Caravan Escort

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Caravan Escort

Creature — Human Knight

Level up (: Put a level counter on this. Level up only as a sorcery.) [1/1]

[Level 1-4] [2/2]

[Level 5+] First strike [5/5]

SquirrelPenguin on Ikoria Teaser

4 years ago

Lots of combos are possible with Zirda, the Dawnwaker.

Steel Hellkite or Dragon Engine or Golem Artisan for infinite power.

Voltaic Construct for infinite artifact creature untapping.

Gemstone Array for infinite mana.

Caravan Escort to instantly level up.

Juju Bubble for infinite life.

Samite Sanctuary for indestructible creatures (Does not prevent Murders)

Shield of the Ages to become invincible (Assuming your opponent doesn't win some other way)

And I am sure someone can find a combo with Farmstead Gleaner.

hydrothermia on

6 years ago

Caravan Escort, Dauntless Bodyguard and Student of Warfare are all . There aren't any knights in existence. Some out there, Stromgald Crusader, or Craven Knight and Bloodcrazed Paladin. Haakon, Stromgald Scourge would give an interesting synergy. If you get a few more legendaries, you could always use Arvad the Cursed with Mirror Gallery.

SynergyBuild on Knights of the Round

7 years ago

I'd Drop the 4x Paladin en-Vec and drop 2x Brave the Elements for an addition of 2x Accorder Paladin, 2x Caravan Escort, and 2x War Falcon.

I'd probably drop five plains for a couple Cavern of Souls, a couple Windswept Heath, and one Mistveil Plains.

The flagstones or heaths can search up and shuffle for the Mistveil Plains, and the Cavern is for straight value.

ClockworkSwordfish on White Weenie Warriors (1 CMC EDH)

7 years ago

What a neat concept. I love deckbuilding challenges like this. Just watch out for Void!

I'd strongly recommend you spring for Student of Warfare. Having a one-drop with the potential to be a 4/4 double striker would outshine any of the creatures in the deck currently for sheer size. Caravan Escort isn't nearly as good, but the potential for a 5/5 first striker could still be worth it. You might also like the touch of removal Icatian Javelineers can bring to the table.

I'd also definitely try and grab a copy of Tithe! Nothing quite like getting two lands for one mana. On that topic, though... are you sure you don't have too many lands? When everything is one mana, you're probably running at full capacity once you have, say, two mana. For that reason, I'd at least try and get Secluded Steppe and maybe Drifting Meadow.

Epochalyptik on Say GoodKnight

7 years ago

Brave the Elements is superior to both.

Drop White Knight and Silver Knight for 4 Knight of Meadowgrain.

Drop the Caravan Escorts; they're inefficient and underpowered.

Emeria, The Sky Ruin will probably slow you down too much. Aggressive decks want the game to be over long before hitting eight lands.

Gakros on Orzhov Smallpox

7 years ago

if you wanna go for more T1 plays then you should consider more 1mana creatures.
more Student of Warfare
Caravan Escort
Birds of Paradise
Gravecrawler / Bloodsoaked Champion / Dread Wanderer
War Falcon
to name a few.
that is the aggro-ish midrange way to go.If you are interested in full control yeah Duress effects ARE the way to go for 1.

Just Consider this: you do have a generally strong finisher( Knight of the Reliquary ) but it is a "finisher" either focus on completely stop their actions before that or trade creatures with them that you can summon back.
either Duress their Rest in Peace from hand or go so much aggro that they regret even bringing them to the game.
For me Cryptbreaker + Gravecrawler is the way to punish my opponent when they mullied to 5 to play Rest in Peace agaisnt me.
(of course i always play 4x Ratchet Bomb vs Grave Hate but still i punish them).
Finally at least keep 1 Crib Swap in sb for those Goyf's / Death's Shadow s.
Hope i helped.

Olde_English on Reckoning of Zurgo

8 years ago

When it comes to creatures, I see about 22 that you could do without. Here's my list of the creatures you should oust:Accursed Witch  Flip, Aerial Responder, Anax and Cymede, Aven Skirmisher, Boggart Brute, Caravan Escort, Farbog Revenant, Foundry Champion, Hope of Ghirapur, Kitesail Scout, Lightning Runner, Mystic Familiar, Olivia, Mobilized for War, Relic Seeker, Renegade Wheelsmith, Riot Ringleader, Sabertooth Outrider, Sungrace Pegasus, Suntail Hawk, Sweatworks Brawler, Weldfast Engineer.

Many of these cards don't fit your theme or are weak in general. Right now you have a creature heavy strategy, where your creatures support Zurgo and help make him a more effective attacker. I think removing these creatures would benefit your deck a lot.

Olde_English on Reckoning of Zurgo

8 years ago

When it comes to creatures, I see about 22 that you could do without. Here's my list of the creatures you should oust:Accursed Witch  Flip, Aerial Responder, Anax and Cymede, Aven Skirmisher, Boggart Brute, Caravan Escort, Farbog Revenant, Foundry Champion, Hope of Ghirapur, Kitesail Scout, Lightning Runner, Mystic Familiar, Olivia, Mobilized for War, Relic Seeker, Renegade Wheelsmith, Riot Ringleader, Sabertooth Outrider, Sungrace Pegasus, Suntail Hawk, Sweatworks Brawler, Weldfast Engineer.

Many of these cards don't fit your theme or are weak in general. Right now you have a creature heavy strategy, where your creatures support Zurgo and help make him a more effective attacker. I think removing these creatures would benefit your deck a lot.

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