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Rules Q&A
Starlit Mantle
Enchantment — Aura
Flash (You may cast this spell at any time you could cast an instant.)
Enchant creature you control
When this enters, enchanted creature gains hexproof until end of turn. (It can't be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control.)
Enchanted creature gets +1/+1.
GrimlockVIII on Grolnok, the Budgetvore
2 years ago
I would try and find more ways to protect Grolnok besides Swiftfoot Boots if you can. The dude's too important for your strategy, amd if he gets blown up, you're set back by quite a lot.
Starlit Mantle and Cradle of Safety are good instant speed hexproof granters.
Vodalian Illusionist and Vanishing are pretty neat for phasing Grolnok out against a board wipe.
Serpent Skin and Jolrael's Favor are good regenerators.
Coward_Token on Innistrad: Crimson Vow
3 years ago
Could have been hybrid really? All colors get simple +1/+1 auras, and blue also uses hexproof as pseudo-counterspells. (And it's a functional reprint of Starlit Mantle.)
Murphy77 on Dimir Milling Rogues
4 years ago
First glance - without playing the deck, Thassa, Deep-Dwelling and Zareth San, the Trickster are great for the long-game but the rest of the deck might not survive into the long game. There is a benefit to playing low cmc cards. Many can be returned and re-played using Lurrus of the Dream-Den. You can sac a 1-drop with Mutual Destruction to kill a big creature, return it to your hand with Blood Beckoning and re-play the original card - all for 3 mana. The advantage of having Slitherwisp in the deck is that you can cast Omen of the Dead, So Tiny, Starlit Mantle, Minion's Return, and others and get life gain/drain, then recast them from the grave with the effect of Lurrus. Sorry, but cards like Lullmage's Domination really do nothing for me - they are just too expensive to cast and clumsy.
abby315 on It's So Shriney!
4 years ago
The 3-ofs is awkward. You should think more about the progression of the first 4 or so turns. What cards do you want to see every time? What cards do you just want to be in the deck to fetch with the 5-c Shrine or find with Calix?
My guess is that you should go up on the following cards to 4x:
Setessan Champion
Sanctum of Fruitful Harvest
Sanctum of Calm Waters
Destiny Spinner
And down on the following cards to 1-2x:
Sanctum of Stone Fangs
Sanctum of Tranquil Light
Starlit Mantle
I also don't think the Triomes are the best manabase. Unless you're planning already for the Shocklands to rotate, you'll want some combination of those and the Triomes/Temples. I doubt you can or should fit Radiant Fountain.
In sum, I think you're approaching this as an even "5c throw in everything" build, but even 5 color decks should have a primary plan and then a 5c finish. I suspect this should be primarily a Bant Enchantments shell that can splash for the RB shrines and the 5c shrine. Because of that and the synergy with Calix and Champion, I'd also recommend swapping Eat to Extinction for Banishing Light.
I hope I've given good reasoning, but looking forward to what you do regardless!
FSims81 on It's So Shriney!
4 years ago
0riginal Oh yeah, this is all jank but like you I love some good jank on the table. I'm the guy at my LCS's who put together and won some games with a Happily Ever After deck.
That said, I think I agree that Setessan Champion is a good fit here. Too much value in terms of pumping and card draw. I don't think I'm going to go with the tutor only because it seems unnecessary. With the card draw I should get from the Champion or Blue Shrine, finding enchantments shouldn't be a problem. Maybe something like Starlit Mantle for protection
Reznorboy on
4 years ago
Invisible Stalker is definitely there. (I personally can't think of many more cheap CMC creatures myself, however, a couple cheap Aura enchantments which give hexproof such as Alpha Authority and Starlit Mantle could be used. Unfortunately it seems like I overestimated how many cheap hexproof creatures exist.
As far as cheap counter spells, I'm moreso talking about the CMC 1 counters, which are not too expensive and definitely exist. Good ones are Stifle, Annul, Dispel, Envelop, Flusterstorm, Spell Pierce, and Swan Song. (You'll definitely want to think about your playgroup for some of those).
Raven's Crime and Life from the Loam together is just a simple combo. Add Lands from grave to hand with Loam, use them to make your opponents discard with retrace. (You can also use Delirium Skeins or Mind Rake, or even Tasigur's Cruelty because of the dredge. Not necessarily a combo so much as cards that just generally synergize.
I hadn't realized that the reason you described was the purpose of using Leyline of Anticipation. If that is why, you might consider cards like Kruphix, God of Horizons.
MrBoombastic on bant enchantments
4 years ago
I'd go for Starlit Mantle, if you feel like you miss a protection effect, as it is also an enchantment.
First thing I'd do though, is to find out what you want the deck to do. Is it aggro/beatdown, more midrangey/grindy, control etc.? Right now the deck is kinda all over the place. Many of the cards seem to be here only because they are strong enchantments, not because they have good synergy with the rest of the deck. An aura deck is heavily based on synergy. Standard lacks cards like
Kiora Bests the Sea God is a very strong card, but it seems way too slow here and lacks synergy.
Colossification is a bad card. Don't play it.
Shark Typhoon is also an awkward fit. From what I've seen, it works best in control or cycling shells. Same goes for Ominous Seas and Omen of the Sea.
Primal Empathy is a cool card. I've wanted to build something with it myself, but I don't know if it's actually playable in constructed. It needs for itself AND a creature to stay in play for a whole turn before it does anything. That's risky.
Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath is also an amazing card, but again doesn't fit the deck. If you want creatures to enchant, you don't want ones that go straight to the yard and will stay there for a while.
Hypnotic Sprite isn't a great creature. Either side is pretty mediocre. Being a fairly cheap flier is okay, but the cost is quite restrictive and I'm sure you can find better. The counter side is too situational and this doesn't look like a deck that wants to keep mana open for a potential counter.
The way I see it, you can go one of two ways:
An aura deck that plays small dudes and quickly beefs them up ala GW Auras. For that to work you need to lower the curve with synergistic creatures like the full 4x Alseid of Life's Bounty, Transcendent Envoy and Spectral Sailor. Sailor is an evasive 1-drop, which makes Staggering Insight A LOT better. Also go way heavier on the cheap auras, 4x All That Glitters etc. You might want to look at the GW Auras deck for inspiration.
Take out the creature + auras package and make a more traditional bant control deck, that plays some big enchantmens like Kiora Bests the Sea God and/or Shark Typhoon as finishers.
Hope that helps.
Good luck brewing.
Samus_Saran on Starlit Mantle
4 years ago
If an Opponent cast some Spell (doesnt matter which, lets say Path to Exile) to target my Creature and I response with Starlit Mantle, isnt to late with Hexproof, because my Opponent has already targeted if he casted that Spell?