Help a Girl out with Gruul!! PLEASE?!

Standard Jessimus


April 22, 2014

Dropped: 2x Nessian Asp, 1x Archetype of Aggression. 1x Vastwood Hydra

Added: 1x Bow of Nylea, 1x Purphoros, God of the Forge, 1x Nylea, God of the Hunt, 2x Arbor Colossus

To Do: Replace 2x Fall of the Hammer with 2x Flesh / Blood and replace 2x Titan's Strength with 2x Ghor-Clan Rampager

DocUsher says... #1

I would suggest putting Scouring Sands and Gladecover Scout in the sideboard. Drop the 4x Giant Growth for 2 more Titan's Strength . Drop Aspect of Hydra in favor of more burn Lightning Strike or 2 more Magma Jet come to mind. I personally feel like the burn is going to be better suited to what you are going for. Add another Vastwood Hydra and Polukranos, World Eater . Drop Nyxborn Rollicker as well. I also prefer Minotaur Skullcleaver to Kragma Butcher , but that is just me. My recommendation is also to shoot for around 24 lands to make sure you can make this stuff monstrous and have your Mistcutter Hydra come out huge. Solid concept so far.

April 14, 2014 6:28 p.m.

jchudz says... #2

I would recommend dropping Ground Assault and Vastwood Hydra for some Ghor-Clan Rampager to get through for extra damage when you need it.

April 14, 2014 7:34 p.m.

TragicalMirth says... #3

I would take out Fall of the Hammer for Flesh//Blood. Put in 3x or 4x of your lower cost drops, otherwise you will have issues drawing a good starting hand. Nessian Asp and Minotaur Skullcleaver could come out for Arbor Colossus (as long as your mana base can support the 3G) Courser of Kruphix or more Polukranos, World Eater .

If you want to play more ramp, I would play Elvish Mystic and if you would like to play more aggro I would play Legion Loyalist . Either way, you should run some 1 drops since G/R has access to some nice ones and a deck like this really benefits from being able to get a jump start (Turn 3 Xenagos, The Reveler + 3 drop really puts you ahead).

April 14, 2014 8:02 p.m.

Jessimus says... #4

TragicalMirth I prefer Fall of the Hammer because it does the exact same thing as Flesh / Blood but one of the mana is colorless so I have some wiggle room on how to spend the mana, as opposed to being locked in to tapping that. I am not looking to make this more aggro necessarily, I'm shooting for low-mid range and high power. Legion Loyalist is a great card though!

jchudz I like the Vastwood Hydra because with being able to move counters around if it gets taken out means at least it didn't go out in vain and will pump whatever else I have on the battlefield. Although the bloodrush on Ghor-Clan Rampager would be a nice pump spell for cheap I have 4x Titan's Strength with pumps to 3 with a scry and Archetype of Aggression which will give everything trample anyway. I did put it in the maybe-board though as something to think about. Thanks!

DocUsher I am a little worried about mana ramp, and was thinking about adding 2 Sylvan Caryatid . They cost one more than Elvish Mystic but have the advantage of being a 0/3 defender with hexproof and can be tapped for colorless. But I have no idea what I might drop to be able to put it in? . Maybe replace the two Gladecover Scout in the side-board with that so if I end up getting hosed I can trade it out?

April 15, 2014 9:10 a.m.

TragicalMirth says... #5

The flesh/blood has the option of hitting target player, which I think is worth the mana requirement.

April 15, 2014 5:07 p.m.

dragonrider555 says... #6

I would agree with TragicalMirth , the option to go for direct damage would be worth the slight mana constriction, especially since if you're tapping lands in an even way, the second land is most likely going to be a forest each time anyways. Helps you if they have chump blockers and you can't get your trample out.

April 15, 2014 8:54 p.m.

Jessimus says... #7

TragicalMirth dragonrider555 you both make good points about Flesh / Blood , thanks for that, you're totally right, the option to target player is legit and could be a nice finisher if paired with any of the hydras or monstrosities that have high power. I've put this on my list to pick up for the deck when I make my order. Thanks!

April 15, 2014 10:03 p.m.

In my opinion you should drop the Ground Assault and replace it with Clan Defiance but if you are going to do this you need a little more mana ramp so i'd suggest using Karametra's Acolyte instead of Zhur-Taa Druid , also i would suggest dropping the Impetuous Sunchaser because it's little damage plus it basically can't block. If you decide to keep Ground Assault then add Courser of Kruphix for the additional lands it provides you with so that Ground Assault can deal more damage

April 15, 2014 10:35 p.m.

dragonrider555 says... #9

I'd agree with playstationpirate, if you find that you have more ramp than actual lands, then clan defiance is definitely better, but depends on the deck. And no problem Jessimus! +1 from me.

April 16, 2014 12:56 a.m.

Jessimus says... #10

Thanks for the +1 dragonrider555!! Thanks for the recommend on Clan Defiance playstationpirate. I played several hands last night with the deck and if Xenagos, The Reveler was on the battlefield then I had more ramp than actual lands, if he wasn't on the battlefield then I only had ramp from the Zhur-Taa Druid , and only if it was on the battlefield. So it really just depends on how things are going. I played as many rounds with Xenagos as I did without him. I will keep Clan Defiance in mind though for sure! I also like having Impetuous Sunchaser , it has proved useful in the games I have played thus far in that since it always attacks, and flys, it was always dealing damage (1 damage is more than no damage, right?) and my opponent was not willing to waste a burn spell on it. It is my thought that it is enough of a small annoyance that it will be ignored and constantly ding the life score or the opponent WILL use a burn spell on it thus leaving them with one less burn to use on a more important creature. I guess its sort of a diversion tactic.

April 16, 2014 9:03 a.m.

Jessimus says... #11

I think Mogis's Warhound will be a good addition to this deck when JIN drops.

April 16, 2014 9:13 a.m.

I like your thinking with Impetuous Sunchaser , that's definitely something I would not have thought of. My friend runs a minotaur tribal burn deck, so he pretty much just burns everything and keeps drawing more, so in that case I'd swap it out with a sideboard creature, but other than that it's interesting.

April 16, 2014 12:57 p.m.

Jessimus says... #13

thanks dragonrider555! I also think, if all else fails, you can dump a Titan's Strength or Boon Satyr on it and it hits heavy. Its the cheapest drop in the deck so it can come out at turn 2 and attack immediately (and constantly) thus speeding things up a little. It's just useful. And yes, its the one I have in mind that I can drop out to bring in Gladecover Scout , while she doesn't have haste she is a one drop and hexproof and I can pump her up with Titan's Strength or Boon Satyr or move counters from Vastwood Hydra if it dies in combat (or if I sacrifice it for that purpose) and she becomes a real bitch to deal with.

April 16, 2014 2:54 p.m.

Also I'd like to suggest to swap Nessian Asp with Arbor Colossus , but if so you would need mana fixing running two more Temple of Abandon might fix this. Also if you can try to get Stomping Ground . Another thing to point out is that your Mistcutter Hydra should be in sideboard in my opinion.

April 16, 2014 6:21 p.m.

I've always found the Mistcutter Hydra 's haste to be super effective if you have anything to give it trample right away (i.e. have the Archetype of Aggression out already) but you don't have a lot of trample... might be something to look into. and I like what you're doing with pumping the smaller creatures if they let them through, that's one of my favorite things about bloodrush is that it makes them pay for not blocking, and then if they do you can typically kill their blocker if necessary.

April 16, 2014 7:30 p.m.

I'd believe it's finally time to vote on this one +1 ;)

April 16, 2014 11:14 p.m.

Jessimus says... #17

Thanks for the +1 playstationpirate!! I agree that Arbor Colossus would be a great trade out for Nessian Asp . I have some more Gruul lands likeGruul Guildgate and I think another Temple of Abandon so I can fix the mana to play the colossus. He will have to be ordered though as I don't currently have that available to me. dragonrider555 I agree with you on the Mistcutter Hydra , if you play him late game and tap all available lands and hit up Xenagos, The Reveler for his +1 it will come out huge and since it can't be countered and has haste its going to hit hard and big! It can be a game winner.

I am taking the deck to FNM this week in its current form and I'm excited to see how it goes. I am putting in an order this weekend for some of the recommendations like Arbor Colossus Flesh / Blood and Ghor-Clan Rampager .

April 17, 2014 8:45 a.m.

GabsLaguardia says... #18

hey gurl, I realise you're not trying to run colossal gruul, I suppose? In that case, have you considered switching it to a more... mono-green theme? I mean, removing things like Impetuous Sunchaser , Vastwood Hydra and some other things so you can run a cheaper and faster deck. Charging Badger alongside Aspect of Hydra is just great, and you can run things like Fanatic of Xenagos , and Voyaging Satyr instead of Zhur-Taa Druid , Arbor Colossus would be grand too. I've played against lots of decks like this, and they really put me to work. Plus, they're very cheap. Check it out some time! =]

+1 for me

April 18, 2014 2:24 p.m.

babakaneuch says... #19

Armed / Dangerous and Madcap Skills are great for getting your attackers through; both can be game winners. Burning-Tree Emissary is basically a free card and can fix your mana if you're having trouble. Fanatic of Xenagos and Flame-Wreathed Phoenix can be really fun. Mindsparker is good in the sideboard against control.

April 18, 2014 2:43 p.m.

Jessimus says... #20

babakaneuch thanks for the recommends! I have Mindsparker in my sideboard already.

GabsLaguardia I have tinkered with mono green before with Into The Foresssssssst but not with any real mindset to be competitive with it...was just doing it for fun. I do like the idea of playing a mono color deck though, just not with this deck. If anything I intend to ad Arbor Colossus and/or another red monstrosity...if its current state doesn't work out. I'm playing at FNM tonight so we shall see!

BTW, thanks BUNCHES for the +1!!!

April 18, 2014 3:19 p.m.

GabsLaguardia says... #21

Well, it wouldn't be reaaaaally mono... but instead of running mountains, you'd stick with Temple of Abandon and guildgates, 'cause the red would play a smaller part in your deck, but would still be useful for Fanatic of Xenagos , Polis Crusher (a card that I personally think is incredibly underrated) and Ghor-Clan Rampager , which is a must for any Gruul. He'd work pretty well with Aspect of Hydra , Polukranos, World Eater and just any other big monster =]

You're welcome haha

April 18, 2014 5:24 p.m.

Jessimus says... #22

GabsLaguardia oh ok I see what you're saying! That's is an interesting thing to think about! I'll see how it plays out tonight at FNM and I'm sure I'll be posting about it again over the weekend. And I totally agree with you about Polis Crusher it is under rated, I like that card a lot and find him to be useful with destroying an enchantment and being protected from enchantments, and having trample and I have been able to work the mana right to drop him as monstrous right off the bat.

April 18, 2014 5:57 p.m.

GabsLaguardia says... #23

So how was it?

April 21, 2014 8:57 p.m.

Jessimus says... #24

GabsLaguardia it went pretty well. I was only about to stay for 3 rounds but of those I lost the first one (first game I was mana hosed, second game I won, last game was close). Second game I won (won first, lost second,And won third hand) and the third round I lost (mana hosed again first hand and lost by 1 point on the second hand.)

I am for sure replacing Nessian Asp with Arbor Colossus and dropping two Titan's Strength and putting in two Ghor-Clan Rampager .

Thanks for checking in!!

April 21, 2014 10:12 p.m.