

This is a deck I've been working on for quite some time. It was created a few years ago when I wanted to play red aggro, but without going full burn. I wanted to roll over people with creatures instead. This deck is my attempt at that. In that vein, I try and play creatures which hit hard as hard as possible backed up with burn spells to enable them to get in for maximum damage.


Goblin Guide This card is awesome, it's cheap, hasty, and despite the potential downside fits really well here. It is possible that you find multiple lands for your opponent, but if they only flip over non-lands, then you get a bit of knowledge of their deck and next draw, which is cool. Either way, this guy feels awesome here because it can also double as a blocker while you go over the top with burn.

Vexing Devil This big guy is fun! Casting this on turn 1 feels pretty good. Often I find my opponent taking 4 damage, but if they don't, then they probably have some way to deal with it.

Spark Elemental A natural inclusion here, as they fit my theme on top of being fairly efficient. If we can get the opponent to trade off a creature, then even better!

Keldon Marauders These guys are kind of neat and they help us fill out our 2 drop slot with a fairly beefy body and a bit of ping, even if our opponent uses some form of removal on them.

Ball Lightning To be honest, I had wanted to make a super fast deck that included this card! I really like it and it can get quite a bit of damage through if we catch our opponent by surprise!


Lightning Bolt, Lava Spike, Skullcrack, Incinerate , Rift Bolt These are parts of the basic burn shell and they fill the same spots here.

Searing Blaze This is a card that has a lot of potential, but can also be pretty lackluster. This card occupies a few spots in the deck that are in flux. These definitely have to come out against decks with few creatures, as they need a creature to target to even cast it.

I am hoping to make this playable in modern, so I have been working to fit this deck into the meta somehow as a burn variant.

There a quite a few "one-of" cards in the maybe board that I am on the fence about. Let me know if you have suggestions! Some of the cards that I'm debating and trying out are Collective Defiance, Impetuous Devils , and Bedlam Reveler.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

15 - 5 Rares

6 - 3 Uncommons

21 - 7 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.74
Folders Aggro Burn Decks, Decks to Buy
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