Glissa's Necronomicon

Commander / EDH* NiTRoBoX


Many changes —July 8, 2017

After playing with this deck, I have tuned it a little more.
Made it more theme focused - Reanimation, and added more utility cards.
Removed cards that felt slow and clumsy

NiTRoBoX says... #1

Thinking of adding: Jarad's Orders, Victimize, Acidic Slime and maybe Necromancer's Stockpile, Decree of Pain and Tooth and Nail.

Not sure at all about the usefulness of Platinum Emperion (mainly because of commander 21 damage lose), so maybe better to change it for Artisan of Kozilek or It That Betrays or Pathrazer of Ulamog.
Planing on reanimating anyway..

November 23, 2015 1:38 p.m.

NiTRoBoX says... #2

Added Grimoire of the Dead! perfect fit for the theme :)

It is a Necronomicon :D

Took out Etched Champion for it, well he is not that useful :/ if he got the metalcraft effect he can block any creature but beyond that attacking with him in commander is useless, unless I equip him but I got only one equipment ( Batterskull )..

Still want to put in Acidic Slime for more artifact \ enchantment removal.. but 5 mana is high :/ and don't know what to take out..

November 26, 2015 12:53 a.m.

DancingC0w says... #3

Really should add Triskelion, since him and Mikaeus, the Unhallowed is infinite just with these two

November 27, 2015 2:21 p.m.

NiTRoBoX says... #4

DancingC0w thanks for the suggestion, it was suggested before but for this I will need to put Tooth and Nail in, otherwise there is a small chance that combo will happen..

Heh plus my friends don't like this deck already :P with infinity combo like this they will hate it..

November 29, 2015 8:18 p.m.

PCCannibal says... #5

If you run Jarad's Orders you can pitch Triskelion and cast mikey. Thats another tutor. You also have enough recursion in addition to your general to make that happen.

December 2, 2015 11:36 a.m.

NiTRoBoX says... #6

PCCannibal agree but as I said for my playgroup I better without it, I've included in the side board :)

Still thinking of a combo: Artisan of Kozilek + Jarad's Orders + Phyrexian Delver - Play Jarad's Orders fetch Phyrexian Delver and put to grave Artisan of Kozilek, next turn play Delver lose 9 life but put 3 creatures in play O_o ..

But 9 life is still quite a lot even for a EDH.. Plust have no idea what to take out for them :/

December 7, 2015 12:52 p.m.

PCCannibal says... #7

That combo doesn't work. Artisan of Kozilek's ability is on CAST not ETB. The Phyrexian Delver wont trigger its ability. You can do it the other way. Pitch delver and cast artisan. Even if they counter artisan you still cast and get its trigger. Cost more mana but it works.

December 7, 2015 1:54 p.m.

NiTRoBoX says... #8

PCCannibal oh yes didn't notice that, well that way you will lose less life but 9 mana is quite a lot, well at least now I'm sure that I won't put in Artisan of Kozilek.

I still want to put in a big CMC creature for reanimation, maybe Pathrazer of Ulamog or maybe there will be interesting eldarazi in the upcoming set.. I just prefer cards with ETB effects.. specially for high CMC.. or maybe It That Betrays

December 7, 2015 2:16 p.m. Edited.

DaftVader says... #9

Having both the Viridian Longbow and the Thornbite Staff out at the same time would be ridiculous. I think at least play one of them though.

December 12, 2015 10:09 a.m.

NiTRoBoX says... #10

DaftVader well, not every Glissa edh deck should have those, they are nice but for maximizing its usefulness I need to have more creature with deathtouch.
I will need to make few test plays, see how it goes maybe I'll put back Viridian Longbow, and take out Tragic Slip.
I like the Viridian Longbow more then Thornbite Staff for its lower mana cost and free tap effect, as I've no shamans with Deathtouch I will need to spend 6 mana to use the Thornbite Staff, 4 equip + 2 for effect.. little too much for removal spell.

That is why having them both on one creature is great use one for dealing dmg the other for untapping and dealing dmg again.

Going to get my hand on Chromatic Lantern and Beast Within. Can be a great addition to the deck though I don't want to make the avg CMC any higher..

December 12, 2015 11:20 p.m.

NiTRoBoX says... #11

So added:
Chromatic Lantern - have quite some lands that give colorless mana so this helps.
Beast Within - wanted more removal.
Victimize - want to try this one out, brings back to creatures should be good.
Rescue from the Underworld - have quite some ETB\LTB effect creatures so its can make some useful combos.
Virtue's Ruin- my friends play W+G and W+R commanders so good card :P

December 17, 2015 11:50 p.m.

Some-Duck says... #12

Kuldotha Forgemaster is nuts, how did you forget about this?! Mimic Vat is nuts. While pricey, Rings of Brighthearth is great with any "tap" artifact ability

December 19, 2015 8:40 a.m.

Some-Duck says... #13

Also, just letting you know "For leave the battlefield triggered abilities (like undying has), the game checks the state of the creature as it last existed on the battlefield. So as they last existed on the battlefield the creatures would have undying, as such any of the 6 creatures that didn't have a +1/+1 counter on it or isn't human will trigger the undying ability and return with a +1/+1 counter to the battlefield." so that means if you wipe the board when glissa is on the field her ability triggers letting you get a tonne of advantage

December 19, 2015 8:44 a.m.

NiTRoBoX says... #14

Some-Duck thank you for your suggestions, and I indeed missed Kuldotha Forgemaster, I only now noticed that it is a creature O_o thought it to be just an artifact.. lol
But I think for it to be useful I should have more artifacts then I have now, I guess a more heavy Glissa oriented version of deck needed for this card.
But I will print a proxy and try it out, thanks.

About the Mimic Vat it is a good card that for sure, I always had doubts about if I should put it or not.. same about Rings of Brighthearth need to see..

Took me sometime to understand your second comment, yeah that can be a good combo, I'm familiar with this rule. :)

December 20, 2015 1:39 a.m.

NiTRoBoX says... #15

doctorhydrogen Prototype Portal is working just fine if you have enough of artifacts, copying lands is great a specially early game but also artifacts like Solemn Simulacrum or Wurmcoil Engine or any other actually will be good too.

Necropotence is great but I would like to have more life gain if I'm going to use it..It will be much better fit for my B\W edh deck. And I agree about Mind's Eye, doesn't work every time and high in CMC. But when it does work and you get it early game it is sweet, but hell many cards like this when they work they are great..

January 3, 2016 4:02 a.m.

wereotter says... #16

Burnished Hart is a great card for mana ramping in a Glissa deck. Additionally there are a lot of other cards that fit in with her well, but depend on the groups you play with. Shimmer Myr is handy since Glissa is usually heavy on artifacts, as well as Phyrexian Revoker to shut down troublesome opposing commanders or creatures.

As far as more situational inclusions, Tormod's Crypt can be infinitely recurred to shut down graveyard strategies, and Jester's Cap is fun to remove the key pieces of an opponent's combo. Lastly, Nemesis Mask is a great piece of equipment for Glissa to keep an opponent's board state empty.

July 21, 2016 3:25 p.m.

NiTRoBoX says... #17

wereotter Thanks for the suggestions, I will think about it!
I've made few changes to the deck after testing, need to test it out though, tried to increase the reanimation effect.
Pathrazer of Ulamog will be replaced with Void Winnower I thunk will be better.
Also thinking of adding: Vigor,Tooth and Nail and Defense of the Heart. But I don't have them nor know what to take out for them. :D

July 28, 2016 4:40 a.m.