Glissa's Necronomicon

Commander / EDH* NiTRoBoX


Changed some cards —June 17, 2015

-1x Swamp = +1x Phyrexian Arena
As I have now Phyrexian Arena and few more ways to get mana\lands I think I will be ok with 38 lands.

-1x Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief = +1x Sidisi, Undead Vizier
I wanted more Deathtouch creatures plus tutoring is always nice.

-1x Golgari Charm = +1x Sudden Spoiling
Not sure about this changes will need to try and see both can be useful so hard to tell..

-1x Perilous Myr = +1x Solemn Simulacrum
I think Solemn is much much better even that it cost more mana.

-1x Wall of Tanglecord = +1x Deadly Recluse
Reach+Deathtouch I like it more.

-1x Gleancrawler = +1x Visara the Dreadful
Visara is flying and killing.. I like it more :3

dantecrimson says... #1

I would absolutely run Thornbite Staff and I would also consider running cards like Silklash Spider instead of arbor colossus and trestle troll, as it will hit all their flyers and still has 7 defense reach. Sign in blood and the like are more short term, throwing in a Phyrexian Arena should be more consistant, and with Glissa I would throw in some fun artifact recursion like Plague Boiler or Mindslaver. Hope these help.

June 8, 2015 3:43 a.m.

NiTRoBoX says... #2

dantecrimson Thanks for your comment, I like Silklash Spider I will get one for sure.

isn't Phyrexian Arena risky? or as you have 30 hp its will be fine as I don't have ways to heal..

I also thought about the next cards though I don't have any of them..

Deadbridge Chant
Deathreap Ritual
Executioner's Capsule
Golgari Charm
Grave Titan
Loxodon Warhammer
Phyrexian Revoker
Ratchet Bomb
Treasured Find
Vampire Nighthawk
Victim of Night
Birthing Pod

June 8, 2015 4:18 a.m.

dantecrimson says... #3

You should be fine with phyrexian arena, the card advantage is worth more then the slow trickle of live, as for your cards all of them look good except for birthing pod. I've always found that card too complicated.

June 9, 2015 3:42 a.m.

NiTRoBoX says... #4

dantecrimson Well I think it could work with artifact creature and Glissa's ability will need to
try and see :) any better suggestions for 1-2 drops?
Phyrexian Arena is quite costly for me atm, but I'll keep it in mind and maybe acquire it next month.

June 9, 2015 3:34 p.m.

dantecrimson says... #5

You could always use Nihil Spellbomb as a substitute for a recurable draw mechanic, plus you get to mess with their graveyard. as for 1-2 drops Shriekmaw is always a fun one, there are also a few reanimation spells if you'd like to go that route like Animate Dead or Dance of the Dead. If you're thinking more artifacts/creatures then Altar of Dementia so you can sac your guys and mill yourself even more, or Copper Gnomes so you can cheat in an artifact from your hand that cant be counterspelled.

June 9, 2015 5:27 p.m.

NiTRoBoX says... #6

dantecrimson thanks for the suggestions,
I will acquire:
Nihil Spellbomb, Shriekmaw, Shriekmaw, Animate Dead, Dance of the Dead.

I'm thinking that I should change the next cards to something else:

Ghoultree maybe for Sorin's Vengeance
Slagwurm Armor for a better equipment. Maybe one with Vigilance.
Eternal Thirst for a better enchantment maybe for Animate Dead or Dance of the Dead.
Copper Myr for a different artifact creature.
Trestle Troll for a different creature.

June 10, 2015 9:14 a.m.

NiTRoBoX says... #7

I've made quite many changes I think its better now would like to get some more comments :)
Thank you dantecrimson you did help me quite a lot :)

June 10, 2015 11:14 a.m.

kkelsey says... #8

The first thing you need to do is consider what exactly you want this deck to do. Right now it looks like some of the cards in here don't mesh with each other, and it doesn't seem like you're taking advantage of Glissa as your general.

What I would do is think about how you want this deck to play. Since it's your first Commander deck, you'll need to understand that cards like Viridian Bow aren't going to cut it in a format where everyone starts at 40 life and creatures are often much bigger than 1 or 2 toughness. With Glissa as my general, I'd think about running a deck that is sort of a toolbox for all kinds of different artifacts that you can sacrifice to do different things, or that have abilities that trigger when they come into play. You'd of course also need to be running a lot of removal to guarantee that people's creatures will be dying en masse. I like your use of Executioner's Capsule and Nevinyrral's Disk, for example, but I don't think Witchbane Orb is the kind of card you'll want to use in a deck like this.

Alternatively, if you're simply looking for a Green/Black deck that runs big creatures and kills with combat damage with removal as support, I'd recommend changing the general. There are quite a few good Green/Black generals out there that work much better with a creature theme than Glissa does. Savra, Queen of the Golgari is a great choice if you plan on sacrificing your creatures a lot (Ghoultree would work well in a deck like that, as would token generators). Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord is also a solid pick.

I agree with the previous commenter that Phyrexian Arena (or a similar card or cards) is a necessity for this deck, no matter what you plan to do. Card advantage is a must for Commander. I'm not sold on Silklash Spider, though; I'd rather just play a creature with flying and have removal to back it up.

June 15, 2015 10:45 p.m.

NiTRoBoX says... #9

kkelsey thank you that is the kind of comments I was hopping to get :)

Thornbite Staff and Viridian Longbow when equipped to a creature with Deathtouch is killing machine
as the 1 point of damage will be counted as Deathtouch damage. That the reason I've put both.
But I guess I need more creatures with Deathtouch for maximizing the use of it..
I didn't know it work that way but I read about in different places and it does.
Quite interesting thing actually so basically if the creature has poison or other type of damage
it will work too..

As for Witchbane Orb that the only way I know to protect my graveyard from being removed, as you stated
right I need to use more of the Glissa's ability so I need my graveyard un-touched.I agree on the part that it is quite hard to tell what is the creatures synergy in my deck, I tried to make
it work even without Glissa as I've read that there is a lot of gravehate in EDH so many
graveyard removal..
If you can please suggest any good artifacts as I don't know many :S those I found I've added..
Like you suggested that have abilities that trigger when they come into play.

I will try to get Phyrexian Arena when I can :/ I agree it will be a good addition. That what lead me to adding Blood Scrivener, Soul of the Harvest, Harvester of Souls basically, although
it might be not enough\or too late as they cost 6 mana.
And I've put a side Silklash Spider for the moment as I've replaced it with other creature.
Again thanks for the comment much appreciate. Thank you for your time :)

June 16, 2015 1:25 a.m. Edited.

NiTRoBoX says... #10

I've divided the deck to two custom categories those I sure want to keep and those I'm not sure. hmm

June 16, 2015 1:41 a.m. Edited.

kkelsey says... #11

You're right about the thornbite staff being good with deathtouch. I still don't like Viridian Longbow because it's too slow. Either way, you'll need more deathtouch creatures in your deck to justify running either of those things.

You have a good point about the Witchbane Orb, I guess; I've just never seen any need to run it even in a deck that does use the graveyard. I suppose it depends on your environment; if every single player is running graveyard hate, then the orb would be good to have. Otherwise you can probably get away with not using it as long as your deck can rebound from being Bojuka Bogged once in a while.

As far as good artifacts to run, I'd do a Gatherer search for artifacts that sacrifice to do something. There are a ton. I would definitely run way less Equipment unless you plan on the deck being more about creatures and less about Glissa's ability (in which case, like I said, you should use a different general).

June 16, 2015 8:27 a.m.