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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Creature — Dwarf

Tap: Whipkeeper deals damage to target creature equal to the damage already dealt to it this turn.

FormOverFunction on Favorite EDH Cards

9 months ago

Just a fun Friday post. What are some of your favorite pet-cards? Not necessarily key pieces or staples, just cards that you at least want to include in whatever deck you’re working on. I’m going to toss a couple out, though I’ll probably remember more later (and I hope you all do too). Whipkeeper is weird, and heavily reliant on circumstances, but when you have it on hand and those circumstances arise it’s really fun! Walking Sponge is another similar critter. That’s red and blue, and now I think I’ll shoot for one of each color. I’ve touted my love for Xenic Poltergeist often enough that you’re probably tired of it, but I’m always happy to draw it. I don’t play a ton of green, but Dense Canopy is something that’s had a special flavor for me. I love the idea of stealing a little of the power from flying, which is a pretty significant strength for a basic evergreen ability. In white I’ll pick Confessor as it’s a neat effect with a solid flavor. Mechanically I’m not a big fan of what lifegain decks have become, because of the sort of game state that you can end up with in a casual format, but I’m not totally negative on them. For an artifact, as a bonus, I’ll say Armageddon Clock because it’s a fun, symmetrical, way to move the game ahead while still giving people an extra out to regulate it some. What are some of your favorite cards, even if they aren’t particularly high-end?

FormOverFunction on Overperforming Cards?

3 years ago

I’ve really enjoyed the trap-door-spider-aspect of Whipkeeper in my torture deck. Being able to double-up on combat damage with a below-the-radar sleeper card like that is a lot of fun. No one pays much attention to it (or recognizes it, honestly) until it swoops at an opportune time...which then, sadly, draws it a lot of hate. Pairs well with Nin, the Pain Artist (unless you’re torturing your own creatures) or any other mana-reliant damage. Also hits the bullseye on theme.

FormOverFunction on Are there any old cards …

3 years ago

I’m sort of surprised Heat Stroke isn’t used more. I know it’s too slow for red burn, but I would assume token decks would get value from it (my goblin deck certainly does). Artificer's Hex is an all-time favorite of mine for my haunted house deck. Equipment cards bug me almost as much as planeswalkers so I love messing with them. It’s strong because it doesn’t outright destroy it, so GY recursion doesn’t save it. It’s weak (but more fair) because the player can still choose to use it if it’s worth the creature dying, which makes the play more engaging. Similar to equipment, other artifacts are so core to Standard EDH Decks(tm) that something like Corrosion can jack up a 4-player game big time. Clearly, I get a great deal of enjoyment out of dragging other players back to 1996 by destroying their insane swords and 1/3 flying first strike 1cmc creatures (or whatever). Giant Oyster is far from flashy, but killing things (even fliers!) with -1 toughness is strong, and especially brutal if they have to watch it happen over five non-untapping turns. (Note: sorry if you’ve looked at my decks before, I’m obviously just scrolling through them at this point) Walking Sponge can sometimes make wild swings in momentum in multiplayer. Hilarious. Homarid Spawning Bed produces so many tokens that I’m certain that if I was better at making functional decks I could misuse that in some sort of sac-outlet jank. How do you get giant creatures into play that are worth sacrificing? Glad you asked! Iceberg is such a crazy amount of ramp for blue I’m astonished that it’s not more popular. My guess would be that it’s practically impossible to find, because blue always wants blue mana rather than colorless and because cool new blue stuff is basically free anyways ;p but I've loved it ever since I found a (one!) copy of it for my Briny Deep deck. Breaking Wave might be something The Cool Kids are still using (sadly I wouldn’t know) but if it isn’t it absolutely should be as it can be bonkers. Paralyze was a lot of fun to use on your own creature that wouldn’t otherwise untap in your untap phase. I hope that still works nowadays. Transmutation had always been fun, and I hope it’s still useful. If you enjoy making deals cast a Callous Oppressor and start the bidding high! Do you like hurling insults down at the two strangers fighting in the ring? Get yourself a Whipkeeper and turn it up to eleven! This is way too long a post, so I’ll stop and see what else comes up in the posts. I’m looking forward to hearing about other people’s favorites!!

Arvail on

9 years ago

Ok. I'm back. I think the first real step is to upgrade your mana base. Try going down to 10 to 15 basics here. The lands you should use depend on your budget. You could use http://manabasecrafter.com/ to get an idea of what lands you could use.

I want to emphasize that your deck is in desperate need of things that generate immediate value. Many of your cards are high costing and take a while to get going. Things like Lurking Predators are just too slow. I know you've got a fight theme going on, so I'll try to not touch it as much as I can. Still, I recommend you axe the following cards:

Ok, so that's a lot of cards to cut. Now what to run instead?

Don't be afraid to ask me why I recommended a card, suggested you take one out, or if you have other questions.