Task Force

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Task Force

Creature — Human Rebel

Whenever Task Force becomes the target of a spell or ability, it gets +0/+3 until end of turn.

DoIStillLoveIt on Rebel Holler

2 years ago

Have you considered the infinite life combo with Task Force+Outrider en-Kor+ either Animal Boneyard/Condemn/Miren, the Moaning Well/Worthy Cause? I run it in my Lin-Sivvi and it's a nice way to buy yourself time to find the win.

michaelvlevine on White Rebel Motorcycle Club

5 years ago

l7lancer, you can make infinite life by either targeting Task Force with Outrider en-Kor 's ability unlimited times and then sacrificing it to Miren, the Moaning Well , or you can making infinite mana and use Staff of Domination .

Venturub on Holier than thou

6 years ago

One question: did you consider Condemn, Transmutation,Serra Avatar or Vizkopa Guildmage? Or even Task Force, Nomads en-Kor, Diamond Valley and Animal Boneyard? All those cards are worth to be considered for your deck :)

StopShot on Redeem the Alternate Win Conditions

6 years ago

Take any one creature from groups 1 and 2 to achieve a super-massive life-total.

Group 1: Nomads en-Kor, Warrior en-Kor, Shaman en-Kor.

Group 2: Angelic Protector, Daru Spiritualist, Task Force.

Use your commander to sacrifice a creature with infinite toughness to gain infinite life. Then all you have to worry about is commander damage.

maartendq88 on (OLD) Orzhov Life.dec [LEGACY]

7 years ago

Here's my list: life.dec

The original iterations were either Abzan, Bant or GW, if I'm not mistaken. Since it's an archetype that precedes the internet boom for Magic: The Gathering content however, I have a hard time finding any information on it. I'm treating my version as a sort of home brew.

I have lost more games due to bad opening hands than due to an opponent having answers to my combo pieces. This deck just does not mulligan well, and a mulligan to five is hoping that you have at least 2 combo pieces in hand, and that you scry into the third. The combo pieces that we have are incredibly redundant (my version runs no less than four ways of sacrificing in order to gain life, only one of which is an actual spell), and Living Wish and to a lesser extent Recruiter of the Guard allows me to just tutor up whatever I'm missing. In many cases games tend to become a race: against Lands: can you combo off fast enough before The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale becomes an issue? against Burn and Storm: can you combo off fast enough before you're dealt lethal damage* against Elves: can you combo off before they find a way to get Craterhoof Behemoth into play and run you over?

Between Cavern of Souls and Mother of Runes, I find life.dec quite resistant to spot removal and counter magic. Force of Will, Daze, or Chalice of the Void do little in the face of uncounterable cards. Likewise, Daru Spiritualist doesn't care about Punishing Fire, and Task Force scoffs at Lightning Bolt. What I consider more important is how we win the game against opponents who do not scoop as soon as the combo has been assembled and executed. Jace, the Mind Sculptor's ultimate, Painter's Servant + Grindstone are win conditions that do not care about life totals. Against these decks, Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim is absolutely crucial since it is our only way to permanently deal with these cards. However, since I only get to play legacy once every month and since this is my first legacy deck, I haven't had much opportunity to do any thorough testing.

I've been toying with the idea of replacing the Mox Diamonds with Aether Vials because it would allow me to tutor up creatures and play them in the same turn. One or multiple Meddling Mages might also be useful, although I'm not sure whether it's a good idea to sacrifice combo speed for more control, especially not in a meta that consists mainly of decks that aim to kill as quickly as possible.

Flagellum on Doran's Spring: 'Tis the Season of Big Butts

7 years ago

Thank you MagicalHacker!

I perused the list you linked and have found some goodies that were appealing. To keep the curve tight so I'm dropping a critter or two a turn I've opted for the 3 CMC guys listed unless the effect was too good.

Mentor might make his way in. Shirei is interesting but my creatures lack ETB effects.

Possible Includes

Myr Welder: a 1/4 for 3CMC. Offers artifact gy hate and could be quite useful if it stwals the right ability.

Order of Whiteclay: Sun Titan's lil bro. Not as good with vigilance.

Orzhov Advokist: this plays into my anti-power control element. If they keep pumping their best threats then they will stay tapped. Also acts as a deterrent.

Palace Guard: just a decent effect.

Raving Dead: this guy should probably be in the deck. Great with or without evasion. Doran makes him an effective 6/6.

Sanctum Guardian: nice little protection against big splashy spells or critters.

Scholar of Athreos: late game mana sink?

Selvala, Explorer Returned: ramp and card draw on a 2/4. Pretty decent

Standing Troops: bc vigilance with Doran is hilarious

Vampire Envoy: evasive beater with negligent lifegain.

Village Bell-Ringer: gives my guys pseudo vigilance

Yotian Soldier: vigilance beater

Task Force: infinite toughness with Lightning Greaves and another random critter.

Tangle Angler: Priests of Norn v2.0.

Vanilla/Possible Cuts

Yoked Ox

Tasseled Dromedary

Grizzled Leotau

Disowned Ancestor

Kitsune Loreweaver

Loxodon Wayfarer

Ikra Shidiqi, the Usurper

Tower Defense/Bar the Door: cute overrun effects. Could win the game in the right setup. Iffy on cutting.

While Kami of Old Stone and Indomitable Ancients are vanilla, the value they carry outweighs that fact.

Flagellum on MagicalHacker - Doran, the Siege Tower

7 years ago

As far as infinite combos are concerned (yes, I realize the comment was made 2 years ago) Outrider en-Kor or Lightning Greaves with another random critter out + Task Force. An infinitely big butt to swing with. Provides infinite life if you Condemn/Worthy Cause it. Speaking of, seeing as I'm running greaves I might as well add in Task Force.

ive-been-degaussed on Ivory Doom: Ayli and the Clerics of Dominaria

8 years ago

Pinkie_Satanas: Although it's not a cleric and doesn't have the exact same synergies, Task Force is a replacement for Daru Spiritualist to pull off the Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim + Daru Spiritualist + Shaman en-Kor combo. (Don't know if that card's on XMage either, though.)

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