Myr Welder

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Myr Welder

Artifact Creature — Myr

Imprint — {{T}}: Exile target artifact card from a graveyard.

Myr Welder has all activated abilities of all cards exiled with it.

glhfJKiHax on I caught Osgir digging in my recycling again

2 years ago

Bolt is def something I could remove.

Myr Welder comes highly recommended and does really bonkers stuff with Staff of Domination. Ideally with myr I have the staff in the grave and any of my numerous rocks which will allow me infinite staff activations and allow me to cast an infinitely large Walking Ballista

Idoneity on I caught Osgir digging in my recycling again

2 years ago

Given your access to White, Lightning Bolt seems a little unnecessary for removal.

Though I have not tested it in my artifact list, Myr Welder seems rather slow, yet there are likely combos in place that I am neglecting to see.

koylucumert on Multiple instances of imprint on …

2 years ago

I want to build a Mairsil, the Pretender commander deck, and while I was tinkering, I thought of something. there are multiple artifacts that have an activated ability that imprints something to it, and many that have an activated ability using the imprinted card. so if mairsil has a caged card of both categories, can it use the other imprinted cards? examples:

1) if I have Mimic Vat and Death-Mask Duplicant, can I exile a creature for 1 mana to imprint to mairsil, and then create a copy of it with mimic vat?

2) if I have Isochron Scepter and Panoptic Mirror, can I exile something and cast it for 2?

3) if I have Myr Welder and Prototype Portal, can I tap mairsil to exile an artifact from my graveyard and then create a copy of it?

The99 on A Better Oswald Fiddlebender

2 years ago


I'm alternating cards in and out to find the best play lines for my play style and what suits Oswald... I find that Staff of Domination is seldom often the utility I use to close out the game, as with Rings/Bracers my natural tendency is to lean towards Lesser/Mimic. However, with Mesmeric Orb and Myr Welder I can very easily lean "weld" a win with: e.g. Illusionist's Bracers + WWW6 (9cmc) -> Oswald 1cmc -> Magewright's Stone + Mesmeric Orb -> Oswald 2cmc -> Basalt Monolith + Anything (normally Sculpting Steel on Basalt or Trini if needed) -> Basalt/Mesmeric Library -> Cast Sevinne's Reclamation -> Myr Welder + Thousand-Year Elixir -> Imprint Staff of Domination -> Untap Welder -> Imprint any Mana positive rock (Sol Ring, Mana Vault, etc.) -> Untap and produce infinite generic with Myr Welder's Staff/Rock -> Imprint Walking Ballista / Arcum's Astrolabe + Blasting Station (or any other various combinations of things, pending deck). With this play line, I can very aggressively steal a game. Note: Basalt Monolith will ultimately be used to pay the cost of Sevinne's Flashback. Furthermore, Sculpting Steel can copy any rock to help further reduce the burden of mana. This breathes new life into staff and also allows us to play with a finisher that works as recursion (Myr Welder can very easily become Basalt Monolith in a pinch). I hope this answers your question.

Drakorya on Is Urza's Blueprints a Good …

4 years ago

I feel like there's probably two types of deck that Urza's Blueprints could be good in: big mana decks that lack alot of good card draw (like mono-green Azusa, Lost but Seeking ), or decks that look to use/abuse activated abilities of artifacts with cards like Rings of Brighthearth and Voltaic Key .

I think the card could really shine if you can take advantage of not having to pay mana into it's activation cost, by either untapping it repeatedly or copying the ability. But it would lead to alot of feel-bad moments when you devote 12 mana into it just for it to eat a removal spell. You could try to cheat on the costs with cards like Mairsil, the Pretender or Myr Welder .

BMHKain on

5 years ago

@Yesterday: Huh. Well, another idea for a cut I guess; & yes, I did reconsider Mirror of Fate & it's back onto the deck. I suppose Myr Welder does deserve a cut, huh... Plotting to set a Doomsday package; w/ the Obligitory Laboratory Maniac , but I'll decide myself on this; sometimes Just Decking out is a better risk than... well, you know. I'd add Door to Nothingness , but that's maybe too much. Regardless, The Myr gets kicked.

Yesterday on

5 years ago

Oh. One minor thing about Myr Welder and linked abilities. Maybe you know this already.

When a card refers to 'the exiled card' or something similar, it usually is part of an ability linked with that one. So if you have a Legacy Weapon exiled under your Myr Welder and resolve the WUBRG ability, though the targeted permanent is exiled with the Welder, the Welder's second ability won't grant it the activated abilities of the newly exiled permanent because it wasn't exiled with the Welder's linked first ability. Similarly, if you have a Bag of Holding exiled with the Welder, using the self-sacrifice ability granted from the bag won't actually return any cards to your hand, because none of the cards exiled with the Welder have been exiled with the bag's linked triggered ability.

I found this very disappointing when I first found out.

Yesterday on

5 years ago

I'm afraid there's nothing that causes only your opponents' ETBs not to trigger. At least that I know of. If you wanted, you could use some effects like Roon or Eerie Interlude that exile your Hushwing Gryff until end of turn. There are somewhat fewer of these effects for non-creatures though.

Recurring from exile isn't super common. I'm not sure I have much to help you with there, sorry. I can suggest a few cards that otherwise fit the theme and are decent value.

The new Apostle of Purifying Light is kinda basically a better Withered Wretch.

Myr Welder plays with exile a bit and can help recur some abilities from your graveyard while exiling them. It can also grab pieces that help it combo from opponents' graveyards if the stars align. There's also Mairsil, the Pretender .

It's not exile-related, but Phyrexian Dreadnought is one of the best classic examples of amazing value except for ETB.

I don't... know exacty what you're planning on doing with Mirror of Fate, but you might want to consider Doomsday too.

A few other cards that do things with exile include Mana Severance for thinning out your deck, and Yawgmoth's Will and Magus of the Will because I am seeing a decent bit of graveyard recursion in here too. You probably already know Necropotence exists. Bag of Holding just loots and plays with exile... sort of, but you can put the cards you discard under it even if Necropotence is on the battlefield. Worldgorger Dragon is... a card. But I'm probably just delving into territory you already know about from searches now.

Also, it doesn't really do anything especially for the deck, and it's silver-bordered but I feel obliged to mention AWOL .

I love the idea for the deck. How has it been performing for you?

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