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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Premodern | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Spark Mage
Creature — Dwarf Wizard
Whenever Spark Mage deals combat damage to a player, you may have Spark Mage deal 1 damage to target creature that player controls.

Saljen on
Treasure, Dwarves, and Dragon's; OH MY!
1 week ago
Consider removing City on Fire, Fiery Emancipation, Kyren Negotiations, and Street Urchin for Plundering Barbarian, Spark Mage, Dwarven Scorcher, and Gilded Assault Cart
Saljen on
Treasure, Dwarves, and Dragon's; OH MY!
1 week ago
Consider removing City on Fire, Fiery Emancipation, Kyren Negotiations, and Street Urchin for Plundering Barbarian, Spark Mage, Dwarven Scorcher, and Universal Automaton
NicodaPico on
3 years ago
i love the name first and foremost and i think the deck looks really neat. It's got alot of cool drgaons, lots of neat dwarves, its got a fair amount of ramp between artifacts and treasures, and its got a couple of board wipes. I think 39 lands is too many cause most of your cards are gonna be cheap dwarves and the bigger dragons you're gonna cheat into play anyways. dropping down to even 36 would probably be fine.
red has a big issue with removal when it comes to commander. abrade is a great start, but a well timed Lightning Strike , Lightning Bolt , Blazing Volley can help those dwarves swing in unimpeded. Footfall Crater has actually been a really fun card in my decks that i think you might enjoy, gives haste and trample to your dragons when they come in. Fire Prophecy and Soul Sear , Jaya's Immolating Inferno are also decent kill spells in commander. By Force is great for dealing with alot artifacts.
in terms of dwarves, Torbran, Thane of Red Fell is amazing, and i know you don't like the old frame cards but Dwarven Trader , Dwarven Scorcher , Spark Mage , Dwarven Grunt are some good one drop dwarves to play before magda so you can start making treasures turn two when she comes down.
Tarnoduds on
Depala Dorf's Ahoy
3 years ago
So... Here's a thought for you... Magda, Brazen Outlaw just came out and it should work wonders in this deck, purely for pulling out the best vehicles from this deck and a few good tribal artifacts, like Coat of Arms or Obelisk of Urd .
Also, since you have so many vehicles, and so many of them have crew 2 or less, maybe I'd add a few more 1CMC dwarves of old... They're red and they're normally 1/1, but since your commander is a lord (to make'em 2/2's) and they're most likely always crewing instead of attacking, this should make your deck run a lot faster and smoother. There seems to be a lot of 3+CMC dwarves in here that dont do much other than beeing a Dwarf, so try to bring down your curve so you can get on the board earlier.
I'd recommend you to take a look at Metallic Mimic , Adaptive Automaton (since they're both dwarves, if you want), Bloodfire Dwarf , Dwarven Grunt , Spark Mage , Dwarven Miner and Dwarven Blastminer for a start!
Take a look at my take on a dwarf tribal as well, I'd love the feedback! I'm running it mono red with Magda at the command zone.
AD&D - Artifacts, Dwarves and Dragons
Commander / EDH
Kyle_Winter on
Zagras and the Dethtouch Party
4 years ago
This Commander looks dope! Personally, my favorite part about him is his ability that makes all your other creatures have Deathtouch. My take-away is now, your opponents never get to have creatures or yours get through their defenses unblocked! I looked in to some cards that fit the new 'party' mechanic in Zendikar to help your Commander come out.
Madcookie on Torbran and Inquisitor's Flail - …
5 years ago
Both Inquisitor's Flail and Torbran, Thane of Red Fell are replacement effects that you control so you can order them in whichever way you prefer.
In short the math is the following:
Spark Mage (1damage) + Thorban's effect (+2 damage) = 3 which gets multiplied by 2 from the flail for total 6 damage to opponent.
Subsequently Spark Mage triggers and deals (1damage) + thorban's effect(+2 damage) for a total of 3 damage to opponent's Llanowar Elves . (The flail only affects combat damage and thus has no effect in this interaction)
For extra clearance on replacement effects lets assume you also have Furnace of Rath and Angrath's Marauders on board. There are 2 ways to distribute the face damage to opponent
[(1 normal atk damage) +(2 from Thorban)]x2(from furnace) then again x2(flail) then again from marauders) for a total of (1+2)x2x2x2 or whopping 24 damage.
Technically there is an alternative ordering - [(1 normal atk damage) x2(from furnace) then again x2(flail) then again from marauders)+(2 from Thorban)] which results in 10 damage to opponent, if you choose to apply the Throban's effect last.
Hope this clears it. Cheers!
Agrothorn on Torbran and Inquisitor's Flail - …
5 years ago
I attack with a 1/1 Spark Mage equipped with Inquisitor's Flail . I also control Torbran, Thane of Red Fell , who is not attacking.
Opponent has a tapped Llanowar Elves .
Spark Mage is unblocked and when it deals damage to opponent, I accept to have it's ability to trigger to deal 1 damage to their Llanowar Elves .
Question: How much damage will the Spark Mage deal to A) My opponent B) My opponent's Llanowar Elves .
Please show math
I am hoping I get to chose the order and can say... the sum of 1 (base attack) plus 2 via Torbran, Thane of Red Fell is 3, then it will be doubled by the Inquisitor's Flail for a total of 6 to the opponent.
Then, the Spark Mage ability will trigger for 1 plus the 2 via Torbran, Thane of Red Fell is 3 to the Llanowar Elves .
What I am confused with is the ruling: If another effect modifies how much damage your red source would deal, including preventing some of it, the player being dealt damage or the controller of the permanent being dealt damage chooses an order in which to apply those effects. If all of the damage is prevented, Torbran’s effect no longer applies.
Seems backwards since I am in on the attack and assigning the "normal" damage. Or is it I assign damage, then damage modification occurs and it is up to the defending player to select the order in which those modifications will hit the stack? (or do they not even hit the stack?)
Last_Laugh on
Marchesa, The Black Rose EDH
5 years ago
Clones are an option here too, I typically end up cloning my own stuff in Marchesa. Spark Double can copy Marchesa for double Dethrone. Dack's Duplicate is also really good here. Phyrexian Metamorph / Phantasmal Image are also good options but aren't as budget friendly.
Vindictive Lich is also really good here and gives you a win-con outside of combat.