Peak Eruption

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Peak Eruption


Destroy target Mountain. Peak Eruption deals 3 damage to that land's controller.

TheoryCrafter on Boros Land Destruction

3 years ago

If you change your mind about Blood Moon you may want to consider Peak Eruption. Happy Hunting!

Eloniel on Asking Help about Theros lore …

6 years ago

The "Island" in Eagle of the Watch i've find a place named "One-Eyed Pass" in described like this: "This outpost has been carefully chosen by the Stratians for a particular reason: the abundance of cyclopes. They funnel their enemies into the pass, using the cyclopes who aggressively defend their territory as a gauntlet of certain death."

I also want to use Unravel the Aether, in the same guide there a place named Pharagax Bridge "The Stratians defend this huge stone bridge with all their might against any who would enter Akros without the king's permission. Some claim that the massive chasm it spans leads to the Underworld, and that foul creatures emerge from its depths."

What do you think about my two hypothesis ?

I also want to show Purphoros's sacred peak thi placed is in the flavor text of Magma Spray and i think this peak is the art of Peak Eruption

I don't know where are located there:

-Mana Confluence

-Astral Cornucopia

-Voyaging Satyr

-Ephara's Radiance Meletis Temple of Ephara ?

-Rollick of Abandon

-Plea for Guidance

I will have at least one location for these gods: Helios, Nylea, Karametra, Iroas, Keranos, Kruphix

I could not find artwork for the cities of Odunos and Asphodel... I will use Black Oak of Odunos but i can't find official artwork for th cities.

It's the same for Phoberos and Oreskos...

Thanks for your help ! =)

I've several other change i want to make/card easier to add, i will list every change for the v2, if you have ideas for other location i'm open to suggestion ^^

aeonstoremyliver on Boom, Pow, Smash!

7 years ago

I've considered Molten Rain, actually! I am also considering Peak Eruption because it has a less intensive CMC and it deals 3 damage.

SuperLicorice, Bonfire and Anger are necessary boar dwipes for the decks that have a ton of dorks like Elves and Affinity, or who can operate on very few lands like Burn, and who can go wide with tokens. That being said I rely on Birds and especially Arbor Elf to ramp. The elf untaps a Forest that I have Utopia Sprawl enchanted to, allowing for a turn two Blood Moon or Stone Rain, which wrecks most decks.

Since I'm not playing Zoo, I'm not going to play their creatures, rather I play very efficient threats that have an immediate impact when they hit the board. Stormbreath Dragon is a 4/4 Flying Haste with protection from , which is very relevant. Inferno Titan serves a form of removal and can close the game quickly. Thragtusk gains life, which is very relevant, has a fantastic body, and gives me a 3/3 when it dies.

goblinguiderevealpls on

7 years ago

Boom/Bust is great in modern LD! Also, Blood Moon + Peak Eruption is a pretty nasty control combo ive been wanting to utilize since theros printed PE haha

Yolo_Von_Bieberswag on Ponza/landlock

7 years ago

Have you considered Peak Eruption? It works really well with Blood Moon

WrathofCod on

7 years ago

@ Kragmork Glad you appreciated my advice and suggestions! However, I do have a few more tiny suggestions to make. After the addition of Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker, the deck seems to be a little bit slower and has a tougher time establishing a board presence on turns 1 and 2. To solve this, I would suggest lowering you curve a little and adding a few different cards. These are mainly budget options, although they might increase you deck's overall cost to around 60$. Anyways, the first suggestion I am going to make is to cut Purphoros, God of the Forge and replace him with Koth of the Hammer. While Purphoros is definitely a great card, once you get him out and reach enough devotion to turn him into a creature, I feel like you have usually won the game and you would much rather be playing another Flamewake Phoenix and Lightning Bolt or a Fanatic of Mogis to deal the last few points of damage. If you still want to have the option of playing Purphoros, you could always move 1-2 copies of him to your sideboard! Koth of the Hammer on the other hand is a staple of mono-red midrange decks and immediately threatens your opponent with a 4/4 elemental as soon as he comes down. His -2 can be a devastating ramp effect late game and his ultimate is amazing for ending stalled games! The next suggestion I would make is to cut 2 Molten Rains and both of your Fanatic of Mogis in exchange for 2 Kiln Fiends and 2 Rift Bolts. Kiln Fiend is a great creature that can trigger ferocious after one instant or sorcery, and Rift Bolt is a great spell that is second only to the original Lightning Bolt (imo). Two more cards that warrant some consideration are Browbeat and Firedrinker Satyr. I don't know what you would cut, but they both seem like they may be good in this deck. You seem to have very little 1-drops, so Firedrinker Satyr would fix this problem and provide you with an efficient 2/1 beater that is ready to attack on turn 2! Browbeat on the other hand is a great form of red card draw that forces your opponent to choose between a rock and a hard place. While the downside is that it does give your opponents a choice, both options are almost always good and it might be worthwhile to see how it compares to Tormenting Voice! Your sideboard is also looking pretty good as well! The only thing I would suggest is cutting 2 Peak Eruptions and a single Dragon's Claw for 1 Stigma Lasher and 2 Flames of the Blood Hands against life game matchups. Other options include more Molten Rains or Sowing Salt for tron, Tormod's Crypt/Relic of Progenitus for reanimator/dredge and Exquisite Firecraft or Vexing Shusher for counter-heavy control matches! Good luck!

Coleyo6 on R/G aggro

8 years ago

Peak Eruption isnt great here, not everyone is running mountains. If budget isnt a concern, consider Goblin Guide and Atarka's Command. Thornweald Archer could also maybe be replaced with more pump spells, such as Mutagenic Growth. also if budget isnt a concern think about fetchlands such as Wooded Foothills, this allows for more graveyard fuel for things such as Become Immense. for a starting budget deck this isnt bad though

DuBie15 on Naya Beat 'n' Burn

8 years ago

I would strongly suggest Pillar of Flame over wild slash. The exile clause can be a big deal against cards like Scavenging Ooze or especially Kitchen Finks. Also in the side board use Molten Rain over Peak Eruption destroying a mountain is not a huge deal in modern, if you want to kill a land it would be something like a tron land or Vault of the Archangel or Gavony Township, something that has impact. A great card to combo with Burning-Tree Emissary is Talara's Battalion. Also Mutagenic Growth is free pump and Temur Battle Rage combos really quite well with Become Immense and can set up for otks.

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