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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
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Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
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Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Moonring Mirror
Whenever you draw a card, remove the top card of your library from the game face down.
At the beginning of your upkeep, you may remove your hand from the game face down. If you do, put into your hand all other cards you own removed from the game with Moonring Mirror.

Idoneity on The Pragmatist's Pet
3 years ago
As more cards are added to the game of Magic, each bearing the modern design philosophy that urge them to be relevant in near to all formats, there comes the time for a player to edit their decks.
I shall confess that I primarily dwell in the realm of Commander, but this is an argument that can be made for all methods of casting spellls. (Mostly Commander)
Within each set is a card that is fated to find a home in a specific archetype, yet this entails that another piece of the machine is removed. I have a mono-black discard deck built around Chainer , but they have since printed Tinybones , Tergrid Flip, and Tourach . Each of these are more potent in the command zone, but Chainer is closer to my twisted heart and nocent at shackling my foes.
I have a Naya-lands list around Hazezon Tamar , but they have put forth into the world, Zacama and Obuun , but Hazezon offers nostalgia and tokens.
This especially pertains to the list below the commander, such as Murderous Rider over Hero's Downfall , Fierce Guardianship over Counterspell , Usher of the Fallen over Savannah Lions , and the list goes on for eternity. I enjoy adding asinine old artifacts to lists (see: Temporal Aperture and Phyrexian Portal ), yet felt as if I had no choice but to cut Moonring Mirror for Sevylun .
My query of this thread is when do players feel obliged to cut cards from lists despite any strong emotions towards maintaining their inclusion? When can the poignant piece of cardboard at last meet anguish? When does power eclipse pet?
Note: This is not a question of whether it is correct or not to snuff the asinine spell. Optimization is a separate topic than what is meant to be discussed here.
Idoneity on
Illuna, Apex of Blue Shenanigans and Stompy Boys
4 years ago
I completely understand style over synergy. In each of my decks, I have a single, immutable slot betaken to a selcouth or wacky card.
You may have noticed in my Illuna list that there is a single Temporal Aperture, which has been surprisingly good on occasion, despite being against most of the deck's entire strategy. (It gave me a Jin-Gitaxias once.) I also have a Moonring Mirror in Kumena, a Stillmoon Cavalier in Tymna and Sidar
, a Cao Cao in Chainer
, and more that needn't be mentioned.
Having Questing Beast as a pet card holds far more power than others, so follow what you enjoy.
yorgi_north on
Tatyova, bent-on-value
6 years ago
First, I would add 8 lands, then remove Khalni Heart Expedition, Otherworld Atlas, Graceful Adept, Progenitor Mimic, and Moonring Mirror.
Monomanamaniac on Question about resolving effects of …
7 years ago
If I have a Moonring Mirror in play and I let it build up for a couple turns, then I cast Bottled Cloister. On my opponent's turn I exile my hand. On my turn I resolve both artifacts in order of the mirror on top of the bottle. Can I exile my non-existent hand to get all the cards removed by the mirror, and then put the cards exiled by the bottle into my hand?
MagicalHacker on Mono red card advantage
7 years ago
Since I didn't get a direct answer, I am just going to infer that you want cards that cost at most 5 mana and cards that cost at most 8 dollars (you mentioned Staff of Nin and Mind's Eye which almost make it but don't).
Not knowing the rest of the deck and if you have lots of creatures in it (where Skullclamp and friends would be fantastic), here is a list I found of cards that should help after looking through MagicalHacker - List of All Draw Cards (Steady), my resource of all available efficient cards that let you repeatedly gain card advantage:
- Sunset Pyramid
- Bottled Cloister
- Oracle's Vault
- Seer's Sundial
- Tapestry of the Ages
- Thran Tome
- Illuminated Folio
- Moonring Mirror
- Treasure Map Flip
Take a look at that previously linked list to see exactly what can and can't work for you, and I'm sure that you'll find more than enough cards to do what you want. :)
MagicalHacker on
8 years ago
Lol by types of hugs, I just meant like different types of ways to group hug, like making everyone draw cards, or giving everyone tokens, etc.
And by unfocused, I just mean that there's not really a clear synergy or a way for you to use the group hugging to your benefit. For example, if you want to group hug by way of giving opponents creatures and buffing up creatures, then you can capitalize on that by playing a lot of pillow fort (the type that protects you without protecting your opponents).
I think that example makes sense, but since your commander cares about drawing cards and helping more lands enter, maybe capitalizing on when opponents/you draw cards and when lands enter would be the best direction. So I was thinking like Consecrated Sphinx, Mind's Eye, and Psychic Possession to get an advantage from helping everyone draw cards, Lifegift and Shattered Angel to get an advantage from helping everyone draw extra cards, and Ankh of Mishra, Tectonic Instability, and Zo-Zu the Punisher to punish opponents for getting extra lands even though I wouldn't run punishing cards in a deck like this.
I do notice a few cards related to triggering when you draw cards, and I think those are fantastic. Three other ones are Horizon Chimera, Moonring Mirror, and Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind.
If you want to abuse those cards, I could suggest a subtheme of wheels, but those arent really group hug cards.
In conclusion, my suggestions regarding focusing the deck are to cut any group hug card that doesn't help your opponents draw cards or get more lands out and add cards that give you advantages when they do that. If you have more room, maybe add more cards that help opponents get more lands out or draw more cards.
Rhadamanthus on Can I bounce Moonring Mirror …
8 years ago
The reason the trigger can still retrieve the exiled cards in this situation is because it's an ability of the specific Moonring Mirror that put them there. When a card uses its own name in the text of an ability, it means "this object, right here". If the game needs to know something about an object that has gone missing from the zone it was expected to be in, it will use the last-known-information for the object. In your example, the game knows that the cards in exile and the resolving triggered ability are both associated with the same Moonring Mirror.
Aethos on Can I bounce Moonring Mirror …
8 years ago
That would be nice :D
What I was worried about, is that after Boomerang resolves, the cards exiled by Moonring Mirror wouldn't be retrievable for the triggered ability. I don't quite understand the rules pertaining the tether between exiled cards and their reference.