Cutthroat Maneuver

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Cutthroat Maneuver


Up to two target creatures each get +1/+1 and gain lifelink until end of turn.

jakeelephant006 on Athreos

6 years ago

In a gist, less removal, more ramp, creatures and lands.

This is a solid deck. It really has some power in some places. The trick is getting it to be cohesive. Right now there doesn't seem to be a real solid theme or focus which makes the deck unwieldy during play. It wouldn't take much to fix this, though. I think it would be a good idea to focus on getting Athreos out and then playing value creatures and forcing opponents to make the decision on whether or not you get to play those creatures an additional time.

Cards to pull: Removal - You have more than enough in here so you can cut some of the less effective (more restrictive) cards like Divine Verdict, Pillar of Light, Ghostly Possession, Reprisal, Murderous Cut, Arrest, Suppression Bonds, Doom Blade or Armament of Nyx. (I put the cards in order of what I would think is best to pull to worst to pull). I would generally stay away from creature based removal here because you want to increase the number of creatures you have in the deck.

Other - These are cards that kinda just take up a slot. They're generally not bad, but they kinda pull this deck in directions that don't help the deck win like it should. These include Raise Dead, Baneful Omen, Edge of the Divinity, Cutthroat Maneuver, Erebos's Titan, Nighthowler, Pontiff of Blight, and Hopeful Eidolon. I hesitate to put the creatures on here cuz I think it would be best to have more creatures than fewer but these ones are good things to cut if you're looking to make more room.

Cards to add: Generally, I'd try to slot in some more ramp cards like Sol Ring, Orazca Relic, Orzhov Signet, Commander's Sphere, Solemn Simulacrum and the like. Also you could do with more card draw. For instance Dusk Legion Zealot, Ambition's Cost, Read the Bones, Hedron Archive, etc. And then put in some more quality creatures. Maybe they should have etb or death effects like Merciless Executioner, Fleshbag Marauder, Demon of Dark Schemes, Elenda, the Dusk Rose, Blood Artist, and more. Or maybe they're just solid creatures like Bontu the Glorified, Cataclysmic Gearhulk, Crested Sunmare, Urgoros, the Empty One, or Vona, Butcher of Magan. Maybe even a couple more board clearers like Crux of Fate, Bontu's Last Reckoning, Fumigate, or Hour of Revelation

Essentially, this deck has the structure to be real strong. It just needs some focus and a few upgrades to really get where it wants to go. Hope this helps.

ginko2580 on Zombies in Sultai

8 years ago

Do you have the same sleeves as me? "mmm Brains"? lol, love them Zombies.

I tried the same route once with the Whip of Erebos but found I hated the "exile it at end step" and thus NEVER used it... especially with Zombies... if nothing else swap it for the Bows's in your sideboard. It also works against your 3x Colossus's, 4x Gravecrawler's, and the 4x Amalgam's...

If it is the Lifelink you want I'd try the route of something like Grotesque Mutation, Butcher's Glee, Cruel Feeding, or Cutthroat Maneuver... all at instant speeds.

Figured i'd mention a couple other thoughts for you....

I'm kinda surprised you have no +1/+1 for Zombies with a Diregraf Captain or Death Baron or Cemetery Reaper's (sideboard thought's)

a Blood Scrivener + Rooftop Storm = Fun With Zombies.

you have the Gravecrawler's .... Grimgrin, Corpse-Born?

and I will always mention these 2 for a Zombie deck without them Geralf's Messenger and Undying Evil, both are fun.

Good luck with the Zombies...

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