Combos Browse all Suggest
- Mirrorwing Dragon + Tainted Strike
- Mirrorwing Dragon + Polymorph
- Mirrorwing Dragon + Shadow Rift
- Mirrorwing Dragon + Slip Through Space
- Expedite + Mirrorwing Dragon
- Into the Roil + Mirrorwing Dragon
Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Mirrorwing Dragon
Creature — Dragon
Whenever a player casts an instant or sorcery spell that targets only Mirrorwing Dragon, that player copies that spell for each other creature he or she controls that the spell could target. Each copy targets a different one of those creatures.
Apollo_Paladin on Hell-Queue Magda
2 months ago
Also Mirrorwing Dragon could be a decent replacement for the Wurmcoil Engine you said you're disappointed with. There's not much in the way of control mitigation for dragons or artifacts, but opponents really hate sniping him.
Bonehoard Dracosaur is also GREAT value each turn, and he's cheap enough to cast that you don't have to worry so much about needing to tutor him into play.
Hope some of this helps, Cheers!
Gidgetimer on Mirrorwing dragon copying a spell …
7 months ago
Yes, you will still get the copies. The spell is not targeted by Mirrorwing Dragon's ability and will not therefore fizzle. The ability will require information from the game (the spell's copiable characteristics) and will use last known information since the spell is no longer in the expected zone.
AgileFlame on Mirrorwing dragon copying a spell …
7 months ago
Hi there,
If I cast an int or sorc spell that triggers Mirrorwing Dragon's ability and that spell gets countered before mirrorwing's ability resolves, does it still get copied?
DadHumanPraetor on Feather, the Cruel Striker
1 year ago
So I play stuff like Zada, Hedron Grinder and Mirrorwing Dragon so that when I cast Brute Force or Built to Smash and then cast Gods Willing targeting them, ALL my creatures are unblockable (from the protection) and pumped. I think the equipment and a lot of the creatures you selected are fun value cards, but its gotta be hard to close the game. Making things big, hard to kill, and unblockable...well that can close the game easily. Young Pyromancer and Leonin Lightscribe and probably better than Electrostatic Field and the spell recursion seems to go against the current, since your spells are rarely going to the graveyard. If you want I could upload my feather deck list when I get home later and you could sort of see the direction I decided to take it. Yours seems to want to grind out value, mine is more about killing your opponents
DadHumanPraetor on Feather, the Cruel Striker
1 year ago
Zada, Hedron Grinder Mirrorwing Dragon Balefire Liege and Chandra's Ignition are all awesome in feather. Really fun deck.
freddiefrick on
1 year ago
More dragons (I got distracted and couldn't stop thinking about it):
Akoum Hellkite: free bolts every turn
Themberchaud: board wipe on a stick
Cavern-Hoard Dragon: hard counters that pesky artifact player
Atsushi, the Blazing Sky: great value for 4 mana
Stormbreath Dragon: hasty beater and great dump for mana in the late game
Realm-Scorcher Hellkite: more tools on the battlefield after you cast it
Thundermaw Hellkite: can pave the way for you to kill one or more players on a turn
Mirrorwing Dragon: beater that's hard to remove with spot removal
Terror of Mount Velus: game ender
Hellkite Charger: multiple combat steps
Ryusei, the Falling Star: hold the table's nonflyers hostage. Kind of expensive though
Other potentially useful mono red tools: Treasonous Ogre for excellent mana production, Heartless Hidetsugu to speed up the game, Impact Tremors for free damage with all these creatures, Dictate of the Twin Gods to speed up the game and surprise kill people after blocks are declared.
A hot take: if you wanted, you could swap the commander for Magda, Brazen Outlaw and split the deck into a bit of a Dwarf/Dragon tribal idea. She can tutor for Dragons and helps you create the mana to get them out, more of an engine in the command zone than Drakuseth's removal. Would need to swap some of the Dragons for Dwarves and refactor the theme a little, so it's really a different deck, but figured I'd suggest it.
StratM on Krark, the Flipless
2 years ago
king-saprolingI'm not a huge fan of Zada, Hedron Grinder or Mirrorwing Dragon because if I make tokens of anything it would be Krark, the Thumbless. I get that you can make a ton of tokens with that combo but I want it to be themed heavily on flipping coins.
AndWelcomeToTheJam on Zada Is Storming Away
2 years ago
I am a fellow Zada enjoyer, and I like what you've got going on in your aggressive list! My list is a little more combo-focused, but I have a couple card suggestions that still might translate well to yours.
Mirrorwing Dragon: It's just a second copy of Zada. Not many EDH decks can say they have multiple versions of their general. Opponents will often hate Zada out of the game by repeatedly countering or killing it. While I see you do have cards to counteract this like Red Elemental Blast and Reverberate, having the Dragon available if Zada gets too expensive to recast is awesome, and it also dissuades opponents from trying to use single-target removal on it.
Treasonous Ogre: A slam-dunk mono red accelerator. Zada can make more use of the red mana than most other generals of the same type by cycling through cards so effectively, and going down to a single-digit life total is worth it if you can kill the whole table like Zada can. Will end the game if not dealt with.
Anax, Hardened in the Forge: A newer addition to my list, but has proven itself to be incredibly valuable as a form of boardwipe protection, instantly rebuilding your board. My list does have a higher number of creature cards, so it may not be an auto-include for you, but it still might be worth a test run.
Reality Scramble: An incredibly fun card to effectively convert your tokens into multiple creatures from your deck, potentially all of them with enough tokens in play. Again, may not be an auto-include for your current list since you have a Goblin subtheme. This card also gets much better if you have Mirrorwing Dragon in your list; you would be sacrificing Zada but potentially replacing it with a bigger Zada. I also personally run a couple creature-based infinites involving Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker, so a well-timed Reality Scramble can end the game. Regardless, it's a unique effect that Zada can take advantage of.
If you feel like taking a look at my own brew for Zada and gathering some ideas, see here: Zada, Miracle Worker
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