Candelabra of Tawnos

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Candelabra of Tawnos


, : Untap X target lands.

wallisface on Do I Need Eight Loci …

1 year ago

Looking at the actual Locus decks, you need stuff like Crop Rotation, Once Upon a Time, Candelabra of Tawnos and Expedition Map to make it work. I’d suggest that if you’re unable to commit to the shell Locus needs to actually do something meaningful, to either switch to Tron lands or ditch this fast-mana plan.

Jett2112 on

1 year ago

How do you untap Candelabra of Tawnos? Being a mono artifact it taps when used so unless there is a way to untap it then you wont go infinite, right? I play Candelabra of Tawnos in combination with Bubbling Muck in my mono black storm deck Doom Zenith to generate big mana but I cant see how you have enough islands or untappers to make it useful here. Maybe take out the candelabra tide combo and replace it with low or no cost draw spells like Thought Scour or Consider. that would help you hit land drops with the low land count and also you could put them in the "anything" spots in the doomsday piles in case somebody beats your Gush or Gitaxian Probe or Predict in a counterspell stack.

Decrepit_Angel on [Primer] Colored Mana is for the Weak

2 years ago

Profet93 Thanks for the recommendations.

I have messed around with Mystic Forge and it's associated combo a bit but I ended up cutting Sensei's Divining Top as I felt that it was unnecessary more often than not and not having ways to shuffle consistently made it way worse if I didn't have a way to go infinite with it. I mighy try Mystic Forge again but I felt that it was too slow in my testing. cEDH nowadays has the "turn 3 rule" where you need to be threatening a win or overwhelming advantage by turn 3 consistently by turn 3 if you want to be relevant. From my testing, cutting a lot of the random value pieces for extra ramp has allowed for a lot more turn 2 or 3 Eldrazi Titans and a lot more success against cEDH decks.

Manascape Refractor has been very good in testing. Mishra's Workshop is my personal favorite but it also copies Inventors' Fair pretty frequently. Ancient Tomb or City of Traitors makes it into a Worn Powerstone (which I already run). Bazaar of Baghdad and Eye of Ugin are useful as well, especially when I have access to Unwinding Clock and can repeatedly activate a random tech land every turn. At one point, this deck ran Candelabra of Tawnos as a way to repeatedly use tech lands but I would argue that Manascape Refractor is a much better way to accomplish that. High Market, Homeward Path, etc. are also surprisingly useful. On that topic, using it as a High Market with access to infinite mana through Rings of Brighthearth + Voltaic Key + Chromatic Orrery (also gives infinite untaps of all artifacts) allowed me to win once as I didn't have access to a different way to sacrifice and recast Kozilek, Butcher of Truth.

I had no idea that Soul-Guide Lantern even existed. I'm not sure if I would call it a strict upgrade to Relic of Progenitus but it is definitely good. I might swap out Tormod's Crypt for it so that all of my graveyard hate can be cycled if it isn't relevant.

Regarding the Metalworker combo, a lot of the primer is outdated. I tried updating it a few times but I ended up changing out 20ish cards so I figured I would wait until I had a pretty stable list to update it. The Metalworker combo is absolutely a backup option though. Typically by the time I would go for that combo, I would have access to casting Kozilek. As for Field of the Dead, I am not a fan of tap lands and roughly 1 out of every 20 games with this deck would even go long enough to get to 7 lands for it's ability to be relevant. I think Field of the Dead would be good in a casual meta but I try to play this at cEDH tables as this deck is ridiculously unfair to play at casual tables.

Reliquary Tower is a good budget option but it might as well be a Wastes with the way the deck runs most games. I typically mulligan for some form of acceleration and try to immediately get to 10 mana which usually empties my hand. Kozilek will get me a new hand, but very rarely will I pass with more than 7 cards in hand, and if I do, I haven't had the scenario yet where I had to ditch anything useful.

The main form of drawing power in the deck is my commander. Mikokoro, Center of the Sea, War Room, Ugin, the Ineffable, sacrificing Mind Stone, Hedron Archive, or Dreamstone Hedron are the only other ones I have for card advantage. This deck is basically an all or nothing deck intent on playing really early Eldrazi Titans, going infinite, or playing stax to slow everyone else down (usually some combination of the 3). As colorless does not have access to particularly great interaction, I have tuned the deck to be about as fast as physically possible. Most games I am able to cast Kozilek, Butcher of Truth on turn 3 or earlier (admittedly almost always at least 1 mulligan for fast mana). Although some times people will have answers, that early in the game is enough to cause problems for most decks. The plan from there is to either just kill my oponents or do as you said where I cast Kozilek, draw some cards, ramp some more, and repeat. Although the situation will occasionally show up where the game goes long, this deck absolutely shines when it is doing terrifying things really early.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

Ender666666 on Ctrl-G | Fear the Forest

2 years ago

I realized that Magus of the Candelabra is crazy-good with Ashaya, and functionally better than the Candelabra of Tawnos that was in here... So I made that swap.

Profet93 on Your Favorite Plays

2 years ago


My favorite play is between one of the following...

  1. Casting Worst Fears, then mindslaver, then Emrakrul. The dude just scooped. It felt so good to control my opponents, quite literally. I attempted to end his misery prior to his scoop by tutoring for, playing and activating necropotence.
  2. Having Coffers, Thespians Stage, Vesuva, and Mirage mirror (Aka, 4x coffers) along with urborg and deserted temple. I cast Rings of Brighthearth to bait out their removal (rings is infinite black mana with my setup) so I could go non-infinite (more fun for me). After they countered rings, I cast Candelabra of Tawnos, untapping all the previous lands and casting an obscenely large torment of hailfire for the win. It felt really, really good!

StopShot on Proxies, yay or nay?

2 years ago

I've spent thousands into my EDH deck. My deck runs OG dual lands, 9 fetchlands, Lion's Eye Diamond, Wheel of Fortune, and I even own masterpiece cards in my deck as well. My opinion, if you can make your deck better with proxies then I encourage you 100% to use proxies. I love my fancy and rare cards, but they mean nothing if I can't enjoy them in a game of inequality. Maybe I like showing off these cards, but that only comes second to playing the game win or lose and to me the game is boring if winning is too easy for me. I want to build my deck to be stronger, not to win games and the difference between that is I can not build a stronger deck if everyone else is using a sub $100 deck. Seriously, I want you to proxy that disgusting infinite combo deck or that solitaire prison-control lockdown deck. Please do so, I won't even complain if you beat me with it. When I'm playing against decks at their best I can make my deck better and that's the real thrill of the game. Please proxy disgusting power decks. Heck I don't even care if you have the money to buy the deck, but you'd rather proxy it instead. I want to fight power no matter what form it comes in. Personally, I hate it when people bemoan things like, "it sure must be nice having a lot of money lying around to buy those cards." If that's how you feel please use proxies. I want to beat you with skill, not money damnit. (Also I want to state I got most of my cards when they were much cheaper and I totally agree newer players lack these opportunities.)

As for myself I do use proxies, but only when the card has yet to come in the mail or the card has been spoiled in an unreleased set and I want to gauge its use, because I'm too impatient to wait. There are only two cards I can't afford that I'd want to put in my deck and I own their convincing Chinese knock-off proxies, but I've never fit them in my deck due to the current negative views towards proxies; those cards being Candelabra of Tawnos and The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale. I'd only want to run the Candelabra of Tawnos, because it makes a recurable Night's Whisper with Underworld Connections and its not like I would use it for any other busted means. The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale because its just such a good hoser on go-wide decks. I run a healthy amount of boardwipes anyway, but this cards would provide excellent insurance. My deck's power level is already incredibly high though, so allowing proxies would still benefit my opponents more than myself and I really wish that's the way it could be. I hate limiting myself and I don't want others to limit themselves either. My views on that won't change even if I do end up acquiring both the Candelabra of Tawnos and the The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale. I just want to play games at my power level.

rshistorysmuf on Proxies, yay or nay?

2 years ago

As someone has previously mentioned. Unless I can trade up, and up, and up, I would like to have a Mishra's Workshop around 2K but there are reprints in Vintage Masters and Master edition IV (haven't seen them), Candelabra of Tawnos - 900 reprinted Vintage masters (have not seen it), Underground Sea 400 reprint, Volcanic Island 400, Plateau 150, Gaea's Cradle around 500.

It's a shame but when you see IHYD playing such uber stuff, you wish why can't I play these in commander. Do we go and buy knock off versions?

SynergyBuild on Legacy Enchantress, "Enchantress's Wish" Primer

3 years ago

With Modern Horizons, I'm intrigued by the idea of the old Candelabra of Tawnos builds using Urza's Saga , as well as Sythis, Harvest's Hand , as a one or two of. The issue with Sythis is obvious, it's lack of shroud, but it triggers other enchantress effects, gives mana on Sanctum, gains life, and has a sadly better body than an Argothian Enchantress , as rare as that is useful.

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