
New unbanning of Fastbond is nuts. After several versions, I've settled on this one, but Im always open to adapting it for meta reasons.

I cant decide on if going all-in creatureless is the best route, but I also don't really need to worry about creatures if I can just crop rotate into a Glacial Chasm or gain infinite life, which winds up happening in more games than not.

Anyway, much like a dredge deck mulls until they're holding a Bazaar of Baghdad , having Fastbond is everything. You can’t keep a hand that doesn’t have it, or a way to find it quickly. Luckily, the London Mulligan does a lot of our dirty work for us and Enlightened Tutor doubles our chances of a turn two win.

Into the combos:

Literally all of them involve having Fastbond AND a Crucible of Worlds in play. The variation in play will really just depend on the boardstate.

With Zuran Orb : Infinite life & infinite mana. Sac you lands for 2 life, replay them to lose 1 life, repeat for whatever mana you can produce. Be wary of opposing pithing needles here.

With a Radiant Fountain & a Wasteland / Strip Mine : Infinite mana. No net life gain here, but you still net +1 mana. Neat.

With Horn of Greed : Try to draw your deck without killing yourself. Really you should only have to do this until you hit a Crop Rotation into a Glacial Chasm , which prevents the Fastbond damage because of how it is worded. Alternatively, you could rotate into a Radiant Fountain to offset the life loss, and eventually you'll want to roll into Rath's Edge to pump the mana through and win.

Key lands include: Buried Ruin to grab artifacts from the bin. 1x is good. Phyrexia's Core to prevent decking yourself with Horn of Greed . 1x again. Mishra's Factory is for getting to 3 mana for the artifacts on the turn you win. 1x will do it. Sol lands like City of Traitors and Crystal Vein are good here because they power through sphere effects and help power out our artifacts on the same turn we cast Fastbond . Their "downside" is also perfect for us here because we want to replay them from the yard, so they seem like a good fit. I originally ran 8, but these are getting trimmed with each evolution.

Lastly, I had a full set of Dark Depths and Thespian's Stage in the side in an attempt to transform the strategy in game 2 and to be more of a wildcard in game 3, but I have abandoned this idea. Honestly, having access to this line of play in game 1 is a nice emergency button against decks that we just cant beat. While a 20/20 bad boi isn't a guaranteed win, sometimes its just enough to eek out the W.

As always, I am open to ideas and suggestions. Thanks for reading and let me know what you think!


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Date added 4 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is Vintage legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 4 Mythic Rares

34 - 5 Rares

14 - 1 Uncommons

2 - 5 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.39
Tokens Marit Lage
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