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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Floating-Dream Zubera
Creature — Zubera Spirit
When Floating-Dream Zubera is put into a graveyard from play, draw a card for each Zubera put into a graveyard from play this turn.

Licecolony on What is Your Opinion of …
1 year ago
If I can't proxy my King Suleiman and Sliver Overlord and Morophon, the Boundless for my Anti Tribal-Tribal Tribal deck then I wouldn't have and Anti Tribal-Tribal Tribal deck.
Anti Tribal-Tribal Tribal
Truth is, it's a bad deck. It does cool stuff, but it's not cEDH by any means. If playing original dual lands makes it a bit better, it lets me play more cards like Floating-Dream Zubera and Dormant Sliver. I don't see how that could be bad or mean I lack creativity.
Budget does not breed creativity. It makes it difficult to express creativity.
Necrosis24 on Commander without the Legendary Rule
2 years ago
There are probably a bunch that I can’t think of as there has been many times while building decks that I have thought “If only this card was legendary”. Off the top of my head tho:
GrimlockVIII on
Representation: List of Tribal Support in Pauper
3 years ago
@Gattison: Technically, the common Changeling Shapeshifters count as Gods and Demigods, so if you really wanted to for some reason, you could actually get the lifegain bonus from Altar of the Pantheon as long as you have one of those guys out.
Also here's some Zubera support lol:
Ashen-Skin Zubera, Ember-Fist Zubera, Floating-Dream Zubera, and Silent-Chant Zubera
Araumi, Raiser of the Darkened Depths
3 years ago
Thanks Grind ! I absolutely will be adding Monastery Siege to my Maybe Board and Geier Reach Sanitarium straight into the deck.
I previously had Mulldrifter in the deck but cut it for cards like Floating-Dream Zubera & Impaler Shrike , although I believe I do need more card draw in the deck so I'll put that back into my Maybe Board.
Daedalus19876 on
To Drown the World in Death: Araumi EDH [PRIMER]
4 years ago
Crow-Umbra: Broodbirth draws 9 if all the copies hit -- not BAD, but we can draw 9 for 2 mana with Undead Augur/Floating-Dream Zubera. I'm completely spoiled, I don't want to pay 5 mana for the cards XD
The Fell Specter is an interesting idea, I'll think about that! It's a shame that it doesn't say "each player discard"... Still, I've cut the big discard effects here because my playgroup was PISSED about them.
Daedalus19876 on
Araumi's Army of Shadows
4 years ago
Lazotep Plating is a COOL idea, I might have to try that! I also keep intending to find a spot for Dreamscape Artist...
I cut Dire Fleet Ravager just because I wasn't certain if I could push through enough life loss in that single turn to not die on the backswing, but I might have to try him again. How have you found it?
I didn't run Obsessive Stitcher because it conflict with my commander's cost, and I found Tideforce Elemental to be a problem because it required the additional blue for the untap.
I'm running Floating-Dream Zubera and Ashen-Skin Zubera over Yarok's Fenlurker because they give me a stronger ability to combine them. It's pretty easy to do both at the same time! Chronic Flooding is interesting.
Overall, this seems like a great list, I can't wait to see where it goes... :D
Daedalus19876 on
Welcome to Value Town
4 years ago
Nice to see someone else brewing Araumi, I think she's got a lot of potential! Here's my list if you want to compare notes, see if either of us missed anything:
To Drown the World in Death: Araumi EDH [PRIMER]
Commander / EDH*
My list isn't budget, per se, but it easily could be. All of the combos rely on very low-money cards, it's just the tutors and a few things I had sitting around (like Gilded Drake) that make up the bulk of the cost.
(I'd also love a +1 if you like the deck, but that's secondary.)
The biggest things I feel like are missing in your list are Unesh, Criosphinx Sovereign (let's do the Sphinx of Uthuun ETB-FoF 9 times!), Wake the Dead (a wildly under-appreciated card, which goes infinite with a LOT of things), Fatestitcher (get a free untap from GY), Floating-Dream Zubera (draw 9 for 1U)... I hope my list inspires you!
5dollarMTG on
Emerge Eldrazi v1
4 years ago
Hey ConstantVigilance. Cool deck! I've never built around the emerge mechanic before, but it looks like fun. Here are a few initial thoughts.
First, if you want to keep this as budget as possible, I'd recommend sticking to just two colors. Otherwise, all the tap lands can really slow things down. In this case, I that would probably mean dropping black - this would mean giving up Abundant Maw and Mindbender, but that doesn't seem like much of a loss. That would also allow you to run something like Sanctum of Ugin which would help you chain together multiple copies of Elder Deep-Fiend - probably the best thing you can do.
Second, I think you need some interaction early in the game to help you get to your big creatures. If you stick with black, Doom Blade is a super cheap option. If you drop black, you could run a playset of something like Unsummon - which you could also use later in the game to replay your Elder Deep-Fiend. It also wouldn't hurt to have a couple copies of Negate around for early game interaction and late game protection.
Third, for your big creatures, I would try to play a full playset of the very best options - Elder Deep-Fiend, Wretched Gryff, and maybe two copies of Conduit of Ruin. Cards like Vexing Scuttler and It of the Horrid Swarm don't seem nearly as good to me.
Last up: I can see what you're trying to do with the Stichwings, but that's such a high price to pay to get then back! I would probably drop all of them, along with the Bloodbriar, and focus on cards that give you immediate value when they enter or leave the battlefield - Blisterpod, Nest Invader, Foul Emissary, etc. (Or, if you don't care about sticking to eldrazi, you could run card draw pieces like Elvish Visionary, Feral Prowler or Floating-Dream Zubera.) In general, I would try to focus on ramp and card draw, rather than recursion. That's my thought anyway.
Best of luck!