The Queen's Egg

Commander / EDH Mortlocke

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Judge Promo Sliver Legion —July 3, 2019

Sliver Legion Judge Promo

Wizards really knows how to tug on a Sliver's purse strings, am I right? Any of you going to try and pick this up? I know I've got to have it.

Mortlocke says... #1

So many replies, so many thoughts! The spoilers have been late have got me so excited! Let me respond to one thing at a time:

  • Odysseus_97, Honestly, Morophon, the Boundless doesn't appeal to me on an aesthetic level. The art is rather "meh", but it's "Spells of the chosen type you cast cost less to cast. This effect reduces only the amount of coloured mana you pay." does have my attention. A cmc of does leave this card strictly in the mid-late game bomb territory. I'm going to be honest, I haven't come to a conclusion on what to do with this. But it's...interesting.

  • _Delta_, I heard about the new slivers from my playgroup and knew that Lavabelly Sliver was an auto include. Why? Simple: It's a new Sliver Queen game ending combo: Sliver Queen + Basal Sliver + Lavabelly Sliver - with all three on the battlefield, all that's required is to activate Sliver Queen 's ability to generate a Sliver Token. That token will have Lavabelly Sliver 's ETB effect - draining 1 point of damage from any target. Sacrifice that token for , to generate...yes you guessed it another Sliver creature token. It's simply rinse, wash, repeat - until all non-slivers (or rival hives) are dead. Now, what do I cut? I think it has to be Blur Sliver or Winged Sliver . The verdict is still out. Blur Sliver has more functionality while Winged offers evasion. I'll experiment between the two. Dregscape Sliver and Tempered Sliver also crossed my radar as well. I feel like Hibernation Sliver does the job of protecting slivers on the battlefield a bit better than Dregscape Sliver . Tempered Sliver belongs in more aggro based decks, but it is a very nice sliver. Now, onto the 800 lbs. elephant in the room - The First Sliver . I have to have it. I haven't figured out exactly what to do with it...but I have to have it. But what to cut? I'm still thinking on that.

  • Vlasiax, Oh my yes - there are great slivers indeed. Refer to my post to _Delta_ regarding what i'm going to do with Lavabelly Sliver and the rest. I'm so hype for this set as well!

  • OP_Sigma, make sure you get your hands on a Basal Sliver and Sliver Queen . Yet another 3 card game ending combo with the best Sliver ever printed.

  • DGenerationX61, I've got two words for ya! I jest. WWF was pretty awesome. But back to the topic at had - I have my hand on F5 refreshing like crazy. I can't wait to see what else Wizards has in store. I was so desperate for new Slivers I started making up my own - you can see my "dream sliver" posted in the comments somewhere lol. I can't wait to tweak this deck with new Slivers.

May 23, 2019 2:18 p.m.

Doombeard1984 says... #2

So, surely with The First Sliver , Hibernation Sliver and Morophon, the Boundless you can infinite cascade your deck? Hell, with Lavabelly Sliver you can even mitigate the life loss from hibernation. The First Sliver is cray cray

May 23, 2019 3 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #3

Hey Doombeard1984,

The combo you previously mentioned of The First Sliver + Hibernation Sliver + Morophon, the Boundless can prove to be quite nasty, the problem is the cost. You won't be able to go ad infinitum, as eventually your life total can and will more than likely catch up with you at 2 life per recast of the First Sliver - and there's also the inherent unpredictability of Cascade to boot. I'd recommend dropping in some topdeck manipulation as a failsafe - Scroll Rack wouldn't be a bad choice. Also, yes - The First Sliver is full blown crazy. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy. For now, however it's going in for Dormant Sliver . Both have a similar role in the deck - gain card advantage, and help me get Slivers on the field. The CMC is a slight cause for concern, going from to - but for Cascade I think it'd be worth it. What're your thoughts on the changes?

May 23, 2019 9:08 p.m.

Nephs says... #4

I absolutely love the changes. I cannot wait to get my hands on The First Sliver and others.

Doombeard1984 , I have a combo similar in my deck. I've got Ghostflame Sliver along with All Is Dust. Unfortunately in all the games I've played, it's never come up so I'm thinking about taking both cards out.

May 23, 2019 9:50 p.m.

Nephs says... #5

Dear. God. Wizards, I love you!

enter image description here

May 23, 2019 10:03 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #6

Nephs, I just found Winged Sliver 's replacement. Oh good gawd Wizards keep em' comin! My body isn't ready, but keep em' comin!!!!

May 23, 2019 10:22 p.m.

Doombeard1984 says... #7

LVL_666, I completely agree, The First Sliver certainly needs to be tested out for sure. I think the changes you suggest make total sense.

With regards to cloudshredder sliver.... Thank you wizards. Shiny new toys for the hive

May 24, 2019 1:19 a.m.

Slayroth says... #8

Anotherone joined the hive in form of Hollowhead Sliver! Looting for the everyone :D

Also a new card you should have in mind: Generous Gift aka white Beast within. Since you play Beast within you may be interested in this one, at the very least to have it in mind for potential manacost balancing :D

May 24, 2019 9:20 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #9

Slayroth, you totally read my hivemind regarding Generous Gift . I already slotted it in for Beast Within . All that's left is to wait for tappedout to add Cloudshredder Sliver to the list of cards that can be added because it's going to be slotted in for Winged Sliver . I'm still mulling over Hollowhead Sliver. What to slot it in for? The faux "loot" ability just seems really handy and at the least worth trying out. Any suggestions?

May 24, 2019 1:04 p.m. Edited.

_Delta_ says... #10

Cloudshredder sliver should be added soon provided they approve my card submission for it LVL_666.

As for Hollowhead Sliver, it's somewhat of a tough call for me to make on what to suggest to cut, but I think it should be Eladamri's Call .

May 24, 2019 4:38 p.m.

Vlasiax says... #11

I think that you can safely cut 1 land since you have 35 + 2x rocks, which is the amount of mana producers that I personally run in my The Ur-Dragon deck with higher curve and avg. CMC at 3.00. Also with the amount of draw/card filtering/tutors you're in good position to see enough lands each game.

Also isn't your manabase perfect enough so you don't actually need to use Chromatic Lantern ? My point is that in Slivers Gemhide Sliver and Manaweft Sliver are already making it's job in 2 copies at 2 CMC.

_Delta_ I actually think that in Tribal deck like this, where creatures also act as a some kind of toolbox (in which Slivers excel at) Eladamri's Call is too good to cut it. I'd personally try to find some room for Worldly Tutor as an easy way to find Sliver Queen or new Lavabelly Sliver before turn we gonna win.

May 24, 2019 5:02 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #12

Hey _Delta_, how do you submit card submissions at tapped out? In regards to Hollowhead Sliver, the verdict is still out. I'm considering swapping a very different card for Eladamri's Call - Worldly Tutor . This also applies to Vlasiax's comment - The First Sliver makes topdeck manipulation (in regards to this deck at least) very relevant. I'm thinking of the scenario where I cast Worldly Tutor , placing Basal Sliver or Lavabelly Sliver on top of the deck, and then I cast The First Sliver which will result in two Cascade triggers off of mana. This could probably be optimized, but that's just a scenario that I thought of.

Vlasiax, I have to keep Chromatic Lantern in the deck. This is a 5 color deck, and there are plenty of scenarios where I just don't get the manafixes in at the right time. I need that card to bail me out of a tight spot. I think my mana is in a good place, and doesn't need any reduction. There have been plenty of games where I was mana screwed out of just one color.

May 24, 2019 8:55 p.m.

_Delta_ says... #13

Hey to add cards LVL_666 first go to the tab called "Cards" at the top of the site, and from here choose the set you're looking to add a card for. Next, Just click on "Add, fix card" and it will ask for a number of things such as first of all the card's name, followed by all the usual stuff such as card type, colours/cmc, keywords, description, and image etc.

I will admit i'm still somewhat new to using it myself, only having added 1 card a little over a month ago for War of the Spark, and so i'm still unsure on a few things it asks within. I might have submitted two submissions previously for this 1 card that I added. I'm uncertain about which is the correct way still to type a card's cmc for instance, should they be typed like [ [ symbol:1 ] ] [ [ symbol:w ] ] [ [ symbol:r ] ] or literally just as 1WR. I suppose perhaps I will figure that one out soon if the card submission doesn't get approved.

May 25, 2019 12:19 a.m.

Slayroth says... #14

Hey just a small fact: in your last post it sounds like you want to cast the first Sliver, then get a Sliver from the top and get anotger cascade trigger (you said 2 triggers for 6 mana). Just to make sure if you really mean it like that, it doenst work like that way. When you play The first sliver and get a Sliver out of the Cascade trigger, that sliver doenst get cascade, because the First sliver is still on the stack and his static ability isnt active yet. That means the "chaining" of slivers only works after The first Sliver compeletly resolves and you cast a new Sliver.

May 25, 2019 3:51 a.m.

Vlasiax says... #15

I have also a question - how's been Sensei's Divining Top performing for you? I think about adding it to my list but I'm not sure if it's worth it or if I know the best ways to use it.

May 25, 2019 5:31 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #16

Slayroth, you're right. I had the wrong idea of how Cascade worked. It's a on cast trigger - and doesn't trigger for any other Sliver until The First Sliver resolves. So no additional Cascade triggers (at least for the first Cascade trigger). But at the very least I can use Worldly Tutor or Enlightened Tutor to get something on the field or less. I must admit, i'm not quite as familiar with Cascade, so i'll have to do a bit of reading up on it's rulings to make sure I don't make any more mistakes. Good catch. Thank you.

Vlasiax, Sensei's Divining Top hasa proven to be an extremely useful resource in games. There have been situations where I needed a specific spell - i.e. a Counterspell , and didn't have one in hand. I did have to re-draw Sensei's, but I got that counterspell and prevented a player from winning the game. There is also the "At the end of Player before me's turn, I Top" scenario - which is another awesome Top use - being able to dig 3 cards deep into your deck and deciding what you draw next turn is a big advantage. I highly recommend this card, especially if you're going to be running The First Sliver .

May 25, 2019 9:23 a.m.

OP_Sigma says... #17

Be sure to check on the new Spiteful Sliver , the bane of Blasphemous Act effects.

I just can't wait to use it.

May 29, 2019 8:23 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #18

OP_Sigma, I was aware of Spiteful Sliver - and was mulling over what it could be combined with. I guess now is a time to have a discussion over it. As a "counter" to Blasphemous Act's okay. When combined Psionic Sliver the damage to itself aspect of it's ability seems like it could be put to some good use...but then there's the issue where most Slivers don't have that much toughness - unless a Sliver Legion (or other lord) is present. Can you think of any combos or synergies with Spiteful Sliver ?

May 29, 2019 3:05 p.m.

OP_Sigma says... #19

Hey LVL_666, it's always a pleasure to discuss sliver strategies with you.

I would intend to use Spiteful Sliver to make my opponents hesitate. Having an army of Stuffy Doll could be disuassive for the aggro player.

My deck will use a bit of recursion so losing a couple of slivers to deal lots of damage seems ok to me.

Blasphemous Act is played a lot in my playgroup so, I'll go in my maybelist for sure.

May 30, 2019 9:18 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #20

OP_Sigma, using an army of Stuffy Doll s sounds like it'd be an extremely awkward blocking situation at the table for your opponents. Especially when combined with Sliver Hivelord . If Blasphemous Act is a staple in your meta, then I think Spiteful Sliver is a must include. My meta tends to run Toxic Deluge and Wrath of God effects. Big beefy creatures do show up as well, so at the very least Spiteful is worth experimenting with. I'm thinking of slotting it in for Homing Sliver . I'd be losing out on a great (usually one time use) ability, but the idea of making an opponent hesitate seems irresistible. I do plan on picking up every Sliver in this set, but when you get your deck going I can't wait to read up on how the changes affect your deck.

May 30, 2019 10:15 a.m.

Nephs says... #21

Well, it looks like we're still guaranteed two more Slivers we haven't seen yet! Lancer Sliver and First Sliver's Chosen. Lancer sounds like a first strike one maybe? Chosen sounds very interesting based on the name though.

They revealed the full list of cards that will be on those full art tip cards, those two names popped up. :)

May 31, 2019 2:22 a.m.

Slayroth says... #22

Sorry for asking a not MH related question while the hype is going on...but there is a card I'm considering for my deck for a long time now, I'd like to heare your opinion on it.

have you ever considered oder tryed out Carpet of Flowers ?

May 31, 2019 8:11 a.m.

Slayroth says... #23

Ohh and the last 3 SLivers are out. Unfortumately nothing special for EDH imho. I personally will try The first SLiver, Spiteful SPliver and the 2 Boros Slivers in my Deck.

May 31, 2019 12:19 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #24

Hey Nephs, just finally got a look at both First Sliver's Chosen and Lancer Sliver. You were spot on with Lancer's ability, but what piqued my interest was Chosen. Exalted among Slivers? With the right build that sounds like it could definitely get out of hand. I'd imagine Brood Sliver and maybe Hive Stirrings could be part of the strategy to quickly increase the amount of Exalted instances on the board. I haven't heard anything about what will be full art though. Do you have a link?

Slayroth, interesting card Carpet of Flowers . I have honestly never heard of it before...but to use it in EDH seems risky - because you have no idea what decks your opponents are bringing to the table. Blue is a popular color though, so there will be at least one player there packing some form of Blue control. I'd recommend combining Carpet of Flowers with something like Stormtide Leviathan or Quicksilver Fountain to really take advantage of it. I think Carpet of Flowers probably belongs in a deck that has Islandwalk and all matters Island as part of it's central theme. There's not enough room in something that is Sliver focused.

May 31, 2019 1:58 p.m.

Nephs says... #25

I can't find a link of it atm, but the full art things will essentially be there for proxies haha. They're not real cards, so can't be used in tournaments... But they do look really nice! They showed off a coupe of them, Mox Tantalite being one of them. The full front of the card is the art, the back says the card name.

May 31, 2019 2:14 p.m.