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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Without Weakness
Target creature you control gains indestructible until end of turn.
Cycling 2

Profet93 on
Tsabo Tavoc Havoc
6 months ago
I started playing around M10, with the Baneslayer Angel being the talk of the town.
Speaking of low creature count, how are the 2 Court cards been playing for you? I take it the goal is to try and defend the monarch?
Same question for An-Zerrin Ruins and Bend or Break. I would love to know your experience with them.
How often do you get 2 for 1ed with Gift of Doom? Have you considered swapping it for something like Battle-Rage Blessing/Rush of Vitality/Without Weakness? Blessing can be done at instant speed and is cheaper to cast. While it isn't an enchantment (to be recurred with chimes) and has anti-synergy with defense grid, it's worth considering.
awesomedude20 on
Shirei's Army of Weaklings
2 years ago
So, Shirei as a deck, has one fatal issue you gotta overcome:
If Shirei dies, so does your entiiiiiiire gameplan, so protecting Shirei is absolutely a must.
I see you're running some indestructible-enabling equipments. Darksteel Plate is... okay, but Shield of Kaldra should probably be scrapped. That's 8 mana you gotta dump into it for it to do its thing.
I would run more cards like Professor's Warning, Without Weakness, or Gift of Doom (which is especially fun since you don't care about saccing creatures, and you'll always play it for its morph cost, which is 3 generic. Not too bad at all.)
These let you survive removal which WILL be pointed at your commander, while also trading the expensive benefit of having continuous indestructible applied to Shirei, for the chance to make your opponents WASTE removal on you.
A Darksteel Plate is great and all, but it gives other players all the time in the world to try and play around it, and THEN blow up Shirei. Reactionary protection lets you waste their resources, which is fun.
Also, this is my own personal view on the game talking, but I think you have WAAAAAAAAAY too many tutors. Your entire sorcery/instant lineup is tutors, and then a few more.
I think you'd be better off replacing almost all of those cards, with cards that you'd be happy to draw anyways, because as soon as every card in your deck is a good draw, you really won't need those tutors.
Ideally you'll want to add more sac outlets, more Shirei protection/ramp, and DEFINITELY some instant-speed removal.
I might add more thoughts later, but uh, laaaast thing.
Marionette Master is INSANE and is capable of dealing like 50~ damage or so to a player in just one turn rotation. So uh, yeah lol.
Also Tree of Perdition is fun.
And Bottle Gnomes best card 10/10
dnthymamai on
X gon' give it to ya' [Xantcha EDH]
2 years ago
Great Deck! First time I see something this interesting on a Xantcha deck.
Can I ask you please why do you choose to return Xantcha under your control when you are trying to save her? (with the black instants) Here, you may also add Malakir Rebirth Flip which is a bit cheaper than Abnormal Endurance to cast.
If you want her to remain under the opponents' control may I suggest some other options for your black instants: Armor of Shadows ,Boon of Erebos, Without Weakness and Unlikely Aid
Sorry If I am not seeing the trick where you want her under your control.
Nice deck!
jamochawoke on
3 years ago
What an absolute horror of a deck!
Wondering why no Damnation or Damn though?
There's lots of ways to protect your commander from them too with Equipment or Black cards like Darksteel Plate, Azra Smokeshaper, Daring Fiendbonder, Gift of Doom, Oblivion's Hunger, Professor's Warning, Renegade's Getaway, Rush of Vitality, Unlikely Aid, and Without Weakness.
DerektheRed on
5 years ago
Seems like a fun idea. If opponents don't play creatures to prevent the win-con, swing for commander damage.
Ninjutsu isn't going to help you much since Etrata triggers on damaging a player, but the return to hand effects are smart. IMO, for this deck to work you need better evasion and better protection. Whispersilk Cloak is a 2-for-1 and should definitely be in your deck.
Evasion: I don't flying is sufficient, you need unblockable. Amphin Pathmage , Artful Dodge , Deepchannel Mentor , Distortion Strike , Glaring Spotlight , Key to the City , etc etc.
Protection: Since Etrata is a potentially fast win condition (from any one opponent's perspective), they'll gun hard for her. Swiftfoot boots is not enough. You have access to cheap 1-shot spells like Unlikely Aid and Without Weakness , or equipment ( Darksteel Plate , Hammer of Nazahn , Shield of Kaldra , etc.)
xhuggels on Could Black Have "Flickering" Effects?
6 years ago
strictly speaking no, however wizards have been printing weird stuff lately. Look at indestructible combat tricks for instance. for a long time Fated Return was the only card in black that did that, and because of that it was incredibly expensive, but look at the nature of the card, graveyard shenanigans and all, it is very black in the nature of how the card works. in kaladesh they printed 2 more, Rush of Vitality and Renegade's Getaway, the latter of the two actually feeling like it should be a white card. In amonket they printed another one, Without Weakness. Exile mechanics in general when it came to black were also targeted towards the graveyard, so something like Vraska's Contempt and all the similar cards that were printed during that time was also a very rare occurrence up till recently.
Im not saying what you OP asked would never ever happen, as i feel like the longer the game goes on the more initial color rules they have to break in order to print new cards. I am saying that it shouldnt ever happen, and if a cheap flicker effect gets printed in black, it would be because WOTC are getting sloppy/lazy with their card design.
CaptainSandbag on
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
6 years ago
I think Without Weakness and Sheltering Light are kind of pointless. You can swap them out with better removal.
Frd123 on
[Primer] Nightmare by Design
6 years ago
What are your take in cards that protect Chainer, similar to Imp's Mischief like Boon of Erebos, Rush of Vitality, Unnatural Endurance or Without Weakness?
I was thinking in using those together with Sidisi, Undead Vizier and Rune-Scarred Demon to protect Chainer at instant speed. But I don't know if it is too much.