Unlikely Aid

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Unlikely Aid


Target creature gets +2/+0 and gains indestructible until end of turn. (Damage and effects that say "destroy" don't destroy it.)

TypicalTimmy on Gideon and Rakdos

1 year ago

I couldn't help myself. The artwork from Unlikely Aid was just too perfect to pass up.

Gideon and Rakdos

TheOfficialCreator on Card Analysis #1 - Dreadhorde …

2 years ago

Gleeock Agreed! I love afflict, I've been thinking of ways to incorporate it into a future plane for my custom sets.

And if you could link the deck so I could take a gander? I'd love to see it. I run Dreadhorde Invasion as a way to get chump blockers in my Toluz deck or as a token generator for a custom commander I had, but I've never really seen it used to its full potential.

And no, shadow63, I didn't forget Unlikely Aid or Rakdos. But the effort that actually defeated Bolas was after that failed stab that Rakdos set up. I guess I did forget Niv-Mizzet Reborn since he stabbed Bolas with Hazoret's spear, distracting him from the God-Eternals for a second, but again that's not really what finished him. A LOT of people on Ravnica contributed to Bolas's downfall, so I chose to focus on the most directly important :P

dnthymamai on X gon' give it to ya' [Xantcha EDH]

2 years ago

Great Deck! First time I see something this interesting on a Xantcha deck.

Can I ask you please why do you choose to return Xantcha under your control when you are trying to save her? (with the black instants) Here, you may also add Malakir Rebirth  Flip which is a bit cheaper than Abnormal Endurance to cast.

If you want her to remain under the opponents' control may I suggest some other options for your black instants: Armor of Shadows ,Boon of Erebos, Without Weakness and Unlikely Aid

Sorry If I am not seeing the trick where you want her under your control.

Nice deck!

icabero0225 on Grixis Aggro

2 years ago

Thank you wallisface for your comment. I definitely think that your killspells are much stronger and will probably end up upgrading to those.

As for the Malakir Cullblade, Savage Gorger, and Eternal Thirst I quite like those cards and I am hoping that the blue cards will be able to counter any removals though I definitely agree that they are risky. I think Unlikely Aid also helps as it can make them indestructible.

I'll try playing without Typhoid Rats or Sanitarium Skeleton usually those are just stall cards anyways but they might not be very good as you said.

Appreciate the comment!

jamochawoke on

2 years ago

What an absolute horror of a deck!

Wondering why no Damnation or Damn though?

There's lots of ways to protect your commander from them too with Equipment or Black cards like Darksteel Plate, Azra Smokeshaper, Daring Fiendbonder, Gift of Doom, Oblivion's Hunger, Professor's Warning, Renegade's Getaway, Rush of Vitality, Unlikely Aid, and Without Weakness.

DanMcSharp on Vampir-Clan Schwarz

4 years ago

I find Child of Night to be very underwhelming. If you insist on playing something at 2 mana to have a better curve, you might as well play some Agonizing Remorse instead.

I'm not sure why you run 2 Diamond Knight when you could just go up to 4 Savage Gorger, feels that would make more sense in your vampire deck.

You could consider playing a single copy of Sanctum of Stone Fangs just to get more triggers on your Savage Gorger and Bloodthirsty Aerialist, sometimes it could even be the extra damage needed to trigger Knight of the Ebon Legion too.

I don't think Heraldic Banner helps you much compared to just running 2 more Thirsting Bloodlord instead since you're not really ramping into anything that cost 5+ anyway, and you already have a lot of 3 drops.

A card like Underworld Dreams would usually work better in a more controlling deck, unless you make use of the devotion to hit harder with Gray Merchant of Asphodel or something like that. I would remove those 2 and play 1 more Erebos's Intervention and Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord instead. Those cards are too useful to be singletons.

Dark Remedy is very weak overall. If you want a combat trick to use on a creature you should look into Unlikely Aid, Alchemist's Gift or even just let it die and use Village Rites on it.

I always find it pretty courageous when I see people run so few lands, I would need a really good reason to go under 22 lands in general. Speaking of lands, you might as well add a few Castle Locthwain in there.

Hopefully these suggestions are useful. Cheers!

Titus7007 on Abzan Murder M21

4 years ago

MrBoombastic Thanks! i have to agree with your observations. Mythos of Brokkos has been on the bubble for me a long with Unlikely Aid. I could see shifting to more white since I need it early for Mythos of Nethroi so I think I'll make the change to Elspeth Conquers Death which is certainly a card I love.

The only thing about Extinction Event is that my creatures wont actually "die" so it won't trigger Liliana, Dreadhorde General and Garruk, Cursed Huntsman's abilities. Otherwise I would be running it. I do very much love Leyline Prowler but I'll tinker and playtest with Paradise Druid and see if I like her better.

Thanks for trying it out! and Thanks for the feedback!

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