Vexing Devil

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Vexing Devil

Creature — Devil

When this enters, any opponent may have this deal 4 damage to them. If a player does, sacrifice this.

jethstriker on How Good is Tyrannize?

1 month ago

If the goal of the deck is to make the opponent discard, then I suggest you replace the creatures that needs to connect first for more dedicated discard spells. Wrench Mind, Hymn to Tourach, and Mind Twist partnered with The Rack and Shrieking Affliction makes a good base for a discarder deck.

Also, I think its already common knowledge that choice cards are not ideal inclusions. If you really insist on using them, one of the better choice cards I recommend is Vexing Devil. It comes down fast and early enough that the opponent might make the wrong choice due to lack of information.

9-lives on The Party Pyromaniac

6 months ago

Yes, but if you're going for a burn deck, you will want as many burn spells as possible. Vexing Devil does this. And, it is just as useful as Monastery Swiftspear in that if they can remove a Vexing Devil, then they can remove a Monastery Swiftspear. 1 mana for 4 damage is the best burn card available. Also, the Monastery Swiftspear will at most deal 3 damage on turn 2 if you cast it on turn 1. Yes, it gets better as it goes on, but regardless you're going to have to keep her on the field. This is why I find Satyr Firedancer a fidgety card. It has to stay on the field, but it's a 1/1.

And yes! Mutiny is a rarely used card, but it's pretty good on its own. I also love Deflecting Palm as my very favorite card. No one expects it, and it really ruins some people's plans.

9-lives on The Party Pyromaniac

6 months ago

You might want to check out my deck:

Igne Natura Renovatur Integra: The Inferno of Pan

Modern* 9-lives


BTW, I think Vexing Devil is always better than Monastery Swiftspear. That's because if they do have creature removal, they will use it on the swiftspear just as much as the vexing devil. Then, if they don't want a 4/3 in the beginning, they will choose the 4 damage. If you draw this early in the game, just as much as you would draw a monastery swiftspear, then it's worth it.

wallisface on The Party Pyromaniac

7 months ago

Some thoughts:

9-lives on burn deck help to refurbish

11 months ago

Ahh! Thanks, legendofa! You're catering to my tastes even though they may not be the most 'optimal' or 'meta'! Thank you for that! Funny you noticed that they all start with S, haha.

wallisface, that makes sense, but I consider that if Satyr Firedancer isn't killed in the beginning, and stays on the field, I can destroy 6 toughness creatures with just two burn spells. Plus, I can die very quickly to creatures if I don't have it, and it's a card I can deal damage to the player if need be. Monastery Swiftspear is only one mana less, and isn't as good as most people think, contrary to popular wisdom, and requires being drawn in the beginning of the game. I'd rather run 2x Vexing Devil for that purpose, which makes far more sense in her stead. If the player chooses the creature chocie of Vexing Devil because he/she can remove it, there isn't anything lost nor gained if Monastery Swiftspear is in its stead. I would like something good that isn't in my deck, or even new to the archetype. I know there's Searing Blaze and Searing Blood, but they aren't as useful as I'd like them to be. I also don't know which one to choose, either. Landfall isn't the greatest, and neither is dealing 2 damage, especially if I draw it later in the game. I'm trying to cover all of my bases in the early and semi-later game, and that isn't what I'm looking for.

jethstriker on burn deck help to refurbish

11 months ago

"The point of going over 60 is that I can afford to have more space in my deck so long as I keep the number of burn spells a certain ratio."

Do you mean you go above 60 so you can add more burn spells? Adding more burn spells doesn't really help because you are still confined in the rules of the game of 7 starting draw and one card per turn. If you're going to respond with "I have card draws in my deck", I would have to say draw spells normally aren't worth the inclusion in burn. Unless its as big as Wheel of Fortune (not legal in modern) or as efficient as Treasure Cruise (banned in modern), you're better of just top decking an actual burn spell itself than a card draw

Another thing I'd like to point out is if you're using Vexing Devil, you go max out the copies. I remember pro player and burn expert Patrick Sullivan once stated that the decision offered by the Devil only matters in the first couple of turns in the game. Past that it only becomes a liability.

Unrelated to the deck, I remember you two have this kind of conversation before. Walls got a point, why bother ask for advice when you dismiss others that offer actual help.

lespaul977 on Budget Mono Red Embercleave

1 year ago

Balaam__, thanks for checking this out!

I think adding more copies of Vexing Devil could certainly work, but I’m not sure what I’d swap out for them. What kept me from putting in a full set is that I don’t know if it’s necessarily the best turn 1 play. What would you swap out for 2 more copies Vexing Devil?

Agatha12 on Mono Red Rush

1 year ago


I somehow managed to go 2-2 in my local tournament, 1st day playing the deck, I was very impressed with its killing power.

Goblin Guidex4 => Fanatical Firebrandx4 Fanatical is a good cheap option. However, I found that goblin 1 red mana for 2/2 KILLED other opponents. This single card actually led people to discord A LOT of cards. Which helped me. MAY look for a replacement in the future. (Ragavan, Nimble Pilfererx4, If I ever get rich)

Ghitu Lavarunnerx2 => Monastery Swiftspearx2 No explanation was really needed, it was really just a cheaper/crappier version, managed to find 2 more at the store.

Goblin Chainwhirlerx4 => Kumano Faces Kakkazan  Flipx4 Goblin Chain was OKAY, there were 1/2 times where it actually did so much good. BUT, Kumano is cheaper, (does almost the same thing Chronicle 1) and also turns into a 2/2 and gives a creature a counter if you've summoned one on that turn. Which with this deck is likely to happen.

Magma Sprayx4 => Lava Spikex4 I'm not really happy about the limitations of either of these cards, But Lava Spike helped against planeswalkers and also make it easier to kill the opponent.

Its really hard for me to tell if it is a good idea to keep Tormenting Voice/Cathartic Reunion OR The Flame of Keld

I found that the Flame of Keld's draw power was enough to get me through some situations. There were moments where I wish I didn't have either a Tormenting Voice or Cathartic Reunion. This showed some flaws while facing players with counters.

as recommended by Tcbrgr Vexing Devil Or Rift Bolt would be good replacements.

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