Vanguard Suppressor

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Vanguard Suppressor

Creature — Astartes Warrior

Squad (As an additional cost to cast this spell, you may pay any number of times. When this enters the battlefield, create that many tokens that are copies of this.)


Suppressing Fire — Whenever Vanguard Suppressor deals combat damage to a player, draw a card.

Tsukimi on Reskinning WH40K

2 months ago

Listen, I love the squad mechanic but I am not into warhammer. I know I know, I am kind of a stick in the mud but I just can't stand most UB cards. Casting "Ultra Space Marine Honor Guard" just hurts too bad in my fun lil fantasy game SO I am thinking of reskinning the cards to a more mtg flavored background. Now, (aside from Frogs my brain won't let go of the frogs) I am brainstorming a lot of ideas to reskin all of the WarHammer cards with the Squad ability for an upcoming deck.

Cards like Ultramarines Honour Guard, Sicarian Infiltrator, Vanguard Suppressor etc. Somewhat obnoxiously, squad cards have only been printed in UB sets.

So tell me what comes to mind when you think of reskinning these cards or the squad ability to a more mtg focused background? Ikorian Beast Bonders come to mind, maybe some friends from bloomburrow, maybe a kithkin squad from Lorywyn?

Let me know what you think and then when I make the reskin custom cards I'll post them here (:

wallisface on Will Squad Ever Appear in …

1 year ago

DemonDragonJ doing a gatherer search of squad cards, i’m just seeing these 7:

For all of these, having the squad costs only costing is far too low for Standard, and would make the cards too powerful. Realistically most of these costs would need to have a squad cost of (Arco-Flagellant could be if it didn’t have its endurant ability, but Sicarian Infiltrator might have to even be conceivably depending on the set it was put into).

I think even in Modern some of these might be a little too obnoxious. Most of them aren’t really playable, but Galadhrim Brigade and Sicarian Infiltrator might cause issues and might need their squad costs upped to (though tbh they’d probably be safe).

MrHighscore on In the grim darkness of the far future

1 year ago

Updated. Not sure for the better, but for sure plays into the win conditions.

multimedia on Interaction between Animar, Soul of …

2 years ago

Your local table needs to research Magic rules more, there shouldn't be a debate. It's great that you know the rules to defend yourself because you're right.

If you have 6 counters on Animar, Stonecoil Serpent is free to cast as X=6. Declare the amount you want X to be. Animar lowers the amount you pay per counter on it, then you pay the difference if there's any. Your mates are not aware of how powerful Animar can be.

Animar can pay the generic mana cost of an effect that can be included with casting a creature (X, Squad, Kicker, etc.). It can also pay generic mana cost for alternative casting of a creature (Evoke, Mutate, Morph, Dash, Blitz, etc.). If you have 11 counters on Animar then you can cast Vanguard Suppressor + four Squad getting five Suppressors for . Animar with 11 counters pays for cost of Suppressor and cost of four Squad.

CamraMaan on Interaction between Animar, Soul of …

2 years ago

This has become a debate at my local table that needs resolution. I have Animar, Soul of Elements in play with six +1/+1 counters on it, and I wish to cast Stonecoil Serpent for X=6, effectively paid for by Animar, letting me cast it without paying any mana. Two of my mates have argued that I still need to pay "some" mana, being a minimum of one. My argument is that spell cost is announced at whatever I want it to be, cost additions go on, cost reductions come next, then I pay what's left. Since spells can be cast for 0, I'm not required to tap land and put any mana into the spell. But it would be nice to get a more professional explanation for the gents in my circle.

And a similar add-on question... will Animar's cost reductions pay for colorless kicker costs? Or say I have 11 counters on Animar, can I cast Vanguard Suppressor with its squad 2 paid four times by Animar, totaling 11 colorless overall, and then only have to pay one blue to cast the spell?

Cheers, and thanks in advance!

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