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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rules Q&A


Creature — Human Warrior

Squad (As an additional cost to cast this spell, you may pay any number of times. When this creature enters the battlefield, create that many tokens that are copies of it.)

Flying, vigilance

Miracle (You may cast this card for its miracle cost when you draw it if it's the first card you draw this turn.)

wallisface on Will Squad Ever Appear in …

11 months ago

DemonDragonJ doing a gatherer search of squad cards, i’m just seeing these 7:

For all of these, having the squad costs only costing is far too low for Standard, and would make the cards too powerful. Realistically most of these costs would need to have a squad cost of (Arco-Flagellant could be if it didn’t have its endurant ability, but Sicarian Infiltrator might have to even be conceivably depending on the set it was put into).

I think even in Modern some of these might be a little too obnoxious. Most of them aren’t really playable, but Galadhrim Brigade and Sicarian Infiltrator might cause issues and might need their squad costs upped to (though tbh they’d probably be safe).

Gidgetimer on Marneus Calgar

1 year ago

Squad is a single ability that creates tokens equal to the number of times the Squad cost was paid. Since Marneus Calgar says "one or more" he counts a single effect creating multiple tokens as a single event and will draw you one card.

Launch the Fleet gives a triggered ability to each of its targets. This means when you attack you will have 3 separate triggers each making 1 token. Since these are different effects creating the tokens you will get a trigger off of each.

In actuality when you attack with the 3 Zephyrim, you will actually make a token, then draw a card, then make a token, then draw a card, then make a token, then draw a card. There are different triggers that this would matter on like Cathars' Crusade so it is good to know, but it is unlikely to matter for the draw triggers in most cases.

proterran98 on Marneus Calgar

1 year ago

I have Marneus Calgar in play. I cast Zephyrim and squad twice. Do I draw 1 or 2 from marneus?

I attack with with 3 zephyrim that are each Launch the Fleet. Do I draw 1 or 3 from Marneus?

legendofa on Another Elesh Norn question

1 year ago

Zephyrim's tokens would be copied.

As a quick way to tell what does and doesn't work with Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines, look for sentences that start with

"When (cardname) enters the battlefield"

"Whenever a (permanent type) enters the battlefield"

"Whenever another (permanent type) enters the battlefield"

The rest of that sentence (and only that sentence) will be what Elesh Norn copies. With Intrepid Adversary, the key sentence is "When Intrepid Adversary enters the battlefield, you may pay any number of times." With Zephyrim, or other creatures with the Squad ability, the key sentence is part of the reminder text: "When this creature enters the battlefield, create that many tokens that are copies of it."

FatFreddiesCat on Another Elesh Norn question

1 year ago

Thanks. Sorry, but I should have asked this at the same time: Would that be the same result with a card like Zephyrim with Squad?

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