Stain the Mind

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Stain the Mind


Convoke (You may tap your creatures as you cast this spell. Each creature you tap while casting this spell pays for or one mana of that creature's colour.)

Name a nonland card. Search target player's graveyard, hand and library for any number of cards with that name and exile them. Then that player shuffles their library.

Basshunter on Slime Caves Minibiome from Starbound

1 year ago

Stain the Mind, Extirpate and so on....could this work to mate extreme strong dittos`?!?1?

StoryArcher on This (mono-black) deck is SO …

3 years ago

This deck is so much freaking fun to play, especially if you like old-school 'fair' type decks. Just love how interactive it is.

I haven't played much since the pandemic hit (do people actually still play Modern?), so I haven't had a chance to really review the newer sets - can anyone offer suggestions on how the deck can be improved, particularly with regards to the side-board? It's balanced pretty well right now with a smooth-as-silk mana curve.

Keeping in mind the amount of life-gain in this deck, some of the cards I've been tinkering with (to replace Tymaret, Chosen from Death) are a one-of Killing Wave, Collective Brutality, Essence Harvest, Stain the Mind, Dismember and Torment of Hailfire. Creature-wise I'm also thinking a one-of Mogis's Marauder as a sort of timely finisher or a Nightmare Shepherd.

Would Gatekeeper of Malakir be an improvement on Geralf's Messenger here? I feel like between the hand destruction, all the deathtouch and the set of Murderous Rider I don't actually need that much more creature removal, especially if my opponent gets to choose who goes.

I played around with tossing in a couple of Bojuka Bog or Leechridden Swamp but it seems like any lands coming in tapped (especially early) messed with my flow. Thoughts on that?

Regarding sideboard, do I need a better means of dealing with Artifacts or Land? If so, what would you suggest?

Merchant, Messenger, Murderer

Modern StoryArcher


Argy on BLACKED: Pioneer Edition

5 years ago

In my opinion Agonizing Remorse is better than Collective Brutality

I like Lost Legacy better than Stain the Mind - it comes down earlier if your Opponent keeps killing your Creatures.

You don't have that many spells to disrupt your Opponent. Murderous Rider is fairly important in the current meta.

You might also,consider what I call the counterspell, Supernatural Stamina

Deck is fun to play, and has a good curve.

Deruvid on "So what was your deck again?"

6 years ago

Surely Stain the Mind would be a better fit than trying to splash red just for Thought Hemorrhage.

JoshFox on

6 years ago

Sideboard Note: if you are going to play Stain the Mind you have to know what sweepers each deck is playing otherwise you are throwing away game 2.

ZorrosRage on

6 years ago

you def have to be careful when to flip i wouldn't recommend flipping it just because you can. As for running so many land i completely agree. Most builds run 18 land so i would not run more than 1 land that produces colorless.

How has Stain the Mind been working for you?

MagicianMike on The Black Company Elves

6 years ago

Dropping Lead for anything is a really bad idea. I'm testing now playing even 4 Leads and card advantage it generates is amazing. Sometimes it's easier to build up after mass removal with Lead than Company. 3 are the absolute minimum, and to prove that you can look up decklists that acquire top eights recently. Dismember is a really bad card in elves, every list just plays 2-3 Abrupt Decay. Dismember is super weak against burn, and if you want it for the Shadow matchup, decay is better because it can't be countered by Stubborn Denial. Versus creature decks, you either don't need removal or you don't want to lose life. Decay also hits various enchantments. The only one weakness of Decay is that it can't target Celestial Colonnade nor Inkmoth Nexus. If you are not meme player You should consider trying 4th Lead instead of Throne of the God-Pharaoh. Inquisition of Kozilek is just bad, you either want to remove only noncratures (Duress for mass removal), or anything (Thoughtseize for Thought-Knot Seer, Primeval Titan etc). If you don't enjoy playng Stain the Mind, there is a trend to play 2x (Thoughtseize and 1 Duress. I'm testing the Stains and they are doing pretty well for me. There is also no need to drop 4th Nettle Sentinel, this are not GW combo elves, you need critical mass, and every elf more makes you Lead the Stampede better. Some people try to play 4x Elves of Deep Shadow, so you can try it buy yourself. The one thing I have learned for playing elves that, there is no room for playing joke cards in main. You just can't be free in your deckbuilding because of the restriction of how Lead and Company works. I hope, I have helped you in some way. Keep Elfing :)

SynergyBuild on The Black Company Elves

6 years ago

I would drop a Stain the Mind for a Duress or Inquisition of Kozilek, if you don't want the seize. I'd also drop up a single Lead the Stampede main and sideboard, and move the last Nettle Sentinel mainboard, leaving you two spots in the side board. Autumn's Veil and Dismember, or just two Dismembers can be put in their place!

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