Rebel Informer

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rebel Informer

Creature — Human Mercenary Rebel

Rebel Informer can't be the target of white spells or abilities from white sources.

(3): Put target nontoken Rebel on the bottom of its owner's library.

Licecolony on Anti Tribal-Tribal Tribal

2 years ago

OLucas. With a name like Moggcatcher, I can understand xD Are those thrasios techs worth it given how few activated abilities I have? Sliver Overlord, Rebel Informer, Mistform Mutant, and Unnatural Selection.

seshiro_of_the_orochi totally! Good point.

Guibou9 Yay!! I'm so glad you like it c: Work in progress thanks to everyone's input

Licecolony on Anti Tribal-Tribal Tribal

2 years ago

Thanks for all the suggestions!

Futuremonk. Totally, but I find it's best in 1v1 rather than big games.

CoarselyRefined. I'll definitely reconsider Illusionist's Bracers. At the time, I cut it because I felt the equip cost was too expensive. I'll experiment with it though some more!

seshiro_of_the_orochi. Oooh Ashes of the Fallen. Hadn't seen that one. How do you feel that stacks up against Arcane Adaptation?

OLucas. TOTALLY agree Goatnapper I REALLY wanted to fit in, but is just really bad in this deck. I think I'd rather run something like Thrull Champion if it's for the memes. Then again, what would you cut for it? Definitely tempting... I had Mercenary Informer originally alongside Rebel Informer but decided to cut one. Haven't seen the goblin stealing one though! Which is that?

brainface on Karador isn't going to take it anymore

4 years ago

The goal is usually to play some rebel->get Skyshroud Poacher and then engine online.

main current strategies: Vomit dudes into play and Mirror Entity

Big Game Hunter and Rebel Informer or Reito Lantern

Savra, Queen of the Golgari and a sac outlet for jankiest grave pact lock.

Otherwise try to react to the board state by derping whatever janky elf/rebel counters my opponent into play.

king-saproling on Zur's Rebellion ($20 Budget)

5 years ago

This is really impressive! Super unique and interesting deck for such a tight budget. Zur and the enchantments he can grab provide a really nice framework for rebels to thrive in. Great idea!

What do you think of Verity Circle + Blind Obedience? Could even toss in a Rathi Trapper or Errant Doomsayers for an extra draw per round while disrupting opps. Amoeboid Changeling + Rebel Informer is another fun Rebel-themed control engine.

You might like these too: Bound in Silence, Oppression, Kaho, Minamo Historian, Crib Swap (can be recycled with Lin Sivvi!), Nameless Inversion, Curator's Ward, Flickerform, Coalition Flag, Mirrormade. It's a shame Training Grounds is so pricey, but maybe it'll get a reprint someday?

t3hdarkness on Mercenary Rebels

6 years ago

What's your philosophy here? What do you want your deck to do?

Bound in Silence fits better than Pacifism since you can tutor for it. Same thing with Big Game Hunter over one of your kill spells. Pious Warrior and Shield Dancer make pretty good surprise blockers too.

Junktroller, Mistveil Plains, and Reito Lantern add a little redundancy to Lin Sivvi, Defiant Hero, Mercenary Informer, and Rebel Informer.

You've also got pieces to a few combos but they would need a few more parts. Teysa, Orzhov Scion combos with Darkest Hour but it really needs a Blood Artist and Ashnod's Altar to work. Cho-Manno, Revolutionary combos with Pariah and Pariah's Shield. Those two also combo with Stuffy Doll.

One last Card. Conspiracy turns every creature into Rebels or Mercenaries, letting you tutor for any creature in your deck.

Argy on The David Bowie Tribute Deck.

9 years ago

Moonglove Changeling feels very Bowie to me.

Rebel Rebel Informer

I'm not sure if s/he's a Young American but IS a Young Pyromancer. Nice bit of androgyny there, too.

We could be Ajani, Mentor of Heroes, just for one day. Or even a Changeling Hero, if we feel like making some ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-changes.

My last suggestion is Slip Through Space, a tribute to the ultimate astronaut, who was always ahead of the times. Fitting, this is from the latest set.

MollyMab on Vive la révolution!

9 years ago

I dont think Counterbalance is the right shell for this deck. I think you are better off going with a UW counter rebels deck with Sol Lands, Standstill, Force of Will, Daze. Etc

You can use Rebel Informer as a way to bounce rebels and the changeling to change others into Rebels to bounce Emmy, etc. This means you need black but only a minor splash. Allow you to run Vindicate or similar too

You will be weak to Terminus, Pithing Needle, Containment Priest and Grafdiggers Cage. So you might want Meddling Mage as well.
