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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Whenever you cast a multicolored spell, Pyroconvergence deals 2 damage to target creature or player.

vbfabled on Favorite Flavor Text?

8 years ago

What's your favorite card flavor text? For comedy, lore, or whatever other reason.

Mine is Pyroconvergence: "The Izzet are an equation that turns lunacy into explosions." -Leonos, Azorius Arbiter

I love that one because it simultaneously summarizes the Azorius and the Izzet in one card, as well as being funny.

Ammo37 on Return to Ravnica Commander Deck

9 years ago


Borborygmos Enraged: Turn lategame lands into advantage

Chaos Imps: Huge Flier

Chromatic Lantern: Best Mana Fixing

Death's Presence: Capitalize on Big Creatures

Explosive Impact: Removal

Giant Growth: Combat Trick

Glaring Spotlight: Lethal Swing

Hellkite Tyrant: Big Flier

Madcap Skills: Powerful Evasion (note, does not make a creature unblockable with Alpha Authority)

Maze Behemoth: Gives Commander Trample

Mizzium Mortars: Board Clear

Molten Primordial: Removes big blockers, gives additional attackers, and can act as removal

Rogue's Passage: Gives creatures unblockable, like your commander that has to keep attacking

Skarrg Goliath: Combat trick that kills defenders and players

Sylvan Primordial: Ramp and Enchantment/artifact/planeswalker/land removal.

Thespian's Stage: With being limited to RTR lands, why not get out of set lands?

Utvara Hellkite: Wins games on its own

Viashino Shanktail: Firststrike Combat trick (also called SHANK tail)

Weapon Surge: Combat trick/mass combat trick, turn trades into chumps

Worldspine Wurm: 15/15 that spawns 5/5's

Wrecking Ogre: Combat Trick Doublestrike


Bomber Corps: Doesn't do much, the battalion isn't reliable, and ping isn't useful

Experiment One: your deck doesn't spam creatures with ascending power/toughness.

Foundry Street Denizen: Doesn't do much of anything, wasted slot

Spire Tracer: 1/1 faux flier doesn't help

Skinbrand Goblin: small combat trick, weak creature

Gatecreeper Vine: defender in an aggressive deck that searches out a single card in deck

Skullcrack: a useless card, even for an aggressive deck, burn is used for creature removal

4x Mountain: Too many lands

5x Forest: Ditto

Mending Touch: Regen isn't worth a card

Pyroconvergence: too expensive, Shocking on multi-color doesn't help much

Skylasher: counters a single faerie a turn, doesn't do much else

Tablet of the Guilds: lifegain doesn't matter, wasted slot

Gruul Charm: doesn't do anything


Hellraiser Goblin: Gives all creatures haste

Illusionist's Bracers: 12 damage with Ruric Thar, the Unbowed, instead of 6

Racecourse Fury: gives any creature haste

Seek the Horizon: Ramp

Street Spasm: boardclear

Tower Defense: anti-fliers if you are concerned about that

Zhur-Taa Ancient: ramp for all, also really cheap big guy

Minelia5 on Official Spoiler Thread: Oath Of …

9 years ago

what the $#$% is this crap card: pyromancer's assault. Why, It's terrible! It's worse than Pyroconvergence!

Edit: Also, the burn spell sucks. It makes me upset. D:

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